Ideal for large low power (nanoWatt) and connectivity applications that benefit from the availability of four serial ports: double synchronous serial ports (I² C™ and SPI™ ) and double asynchronous (LIN capable) serial ports. Large amounts of RAM memory for buffering and FLASH program memory make it ideal for instrumentation panels, TCP/IP enabled embedded applications as well as metering and industrial control and monitoring applications. While operating up to 40 MHz, it is also backward software and hardware compatible with the PIC18F8720.
标签: connectivity applications availabilit nanoWatt
上传时间: 2016-02-04
G729编码和解码的Matlab源程序 调用方法: 1.需要编码时,在 Matlab命令行下输入"G729code(speech)"(请务必保证 speech是已经存在在 Matlab工作区的一个行向量,其中是语音数据),然后你会在你的文件夹下看到一个"coding.bit"的文件。 2.需要解码时,把"coding.bit"的文件复制到"G729 decoder"的目录下,在Matlab命令行下输入"G729decodermain",然后你会在文件夹下看到"syn_speech.wav",那就是重构语音。 enjoy it!
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Generalized Mel frequency cepstral coefficients for large-vocabulary Speaker-Independent Continuous-Speech Recognition 关于MFCC算法的很好的英语文章
标签: Speaker-Independent large-vocabulary coefficients Generalized
上传时间: 2014-01-23
现在somethingSelected的值绑定到了DataGrid的选定状态上了。选中某行somethingSelected的值会变为true,然后所有标签里有enabled="{somethingSelected}"的标签都会被激活,所有标签里有enabled="{!somethingSelected}"的按钮都会被禁用。 Bingding标签的source不一定必须是变量。它可以是一个表达式
标签: somethingSelected DataGrid true 状态
上传时间: 2013-12-21
AutoSummary uses Natural Language Processing to generate a contextually-relevant synopsis of plain text. It uses statistical and rule-based methods for part-of-speech tagging, word sense disambiguation, sentence deconstruction and semantic analysis.
标签: contextually-relevant AutoSummary Processing Language
上传时间: 2014-01-08
JRemoteControl is a simple Java™ driven bluetooth remote control.It allows you to initiate virtually any task on your PC from a J2ME enabled device.
标签: JRemoteControl bluetooth initiate control
上传时间: 2016-04-22
BT JAVA LIBRARY,BTLib package is a J2ME Bluetooth library usefull when developing applications for Java, Bluetooth enabled mobile devices.
标签: applications developing Bluetooth LIBRARY
上传时间: 2016-04-22
This example provides a description of how to use a DMA channel to transfer a word data buffer from memory (Flash) to memory (RAM). The dedicated DMA channel is configured to transfer once a time a 32 word data buffer stored as constant in the Flash memory to another buffer in the RAM memory. The received data are stored in the DST_Buffer. The DMA channel transfer complete interrupt is enabled to generate an interrupt at the end of the buffer transfer. As soon as the transfer is completed an interrupt is generated and in the DMA channel interrupt routine the transfer complete interrupt pending bit is cleared. The data counter is stored before and after the transfer to show that all data has been transfered. TransferStatus gives the data transfer status where it is PASSED if transmitted and received data are the same otherwise it is FAILED
标签: description provides transfer example
上传时间: 2016-04-24
NAME: u2440mon.c DESC: u2440mon entry point,menu,download HISTORY: Mar.25.2002:purnnamu: S3C2400X profile.c is ported for S3C2410X. Mar.27.2002:purnnamu: DMA is enabled. Apr.01.2002:purnnamu: isDownloadReady flag is added. Apr.10.2002:purnnamu: - Selecting menu is available in the waiting loop. So, isDownloadReady flag gets not needed - UART ch.1 can be selected for the console. Aug.20.2002:purnnamu: revision number change 0.2 -> R1.1 Sep.03.2002:purnnamu: To remove the power noise in the USB signal, the unused CLKOUT0,1 is disabled.
标签: 2440 mon download purnnamu
上传时间: 2016-05-12
DM6446的codec engine 应用端算法源码,包括video,audio,speech等开发实例。
上传时间: 2014-01-17