项目描述: EMC is software that implements real-time control of equipment such as machine tools, robots, and coordinate measuring machines. It runs in real-time under Linux with the NMT rtlinux patch, and in nonrealtime under Solaris, and WindowsNT. EMC 是一个设备的实时控制软件,可以控制机器工具,机器人,协调式的测量机器。它可以实时在带有NMT补丁的Linux下运行,可以在Solaris, 和WindowsNT下可非实时运行。
标签: implements equipment real-time software
上传时间: 2016-12-28
Unix Unleashed, Third Edition is written with the power user and system administrator in mind. This book will help the reader understand the nuances of the major Unix variants including SVR4, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, BSD, IRIX, SunOS, and Linux. It will help the reader decide which Unix shell works best for their particular situation. Other topics such as Kernel Configuration, Networking, User Administration, and File Management are covered extensively for the administrator who wants a variety of options to choose from for best performance. The book also provides in-depth coverage of configuring and optimizing mail, DNS, HTTP and other services many companies deploy across their intranet and on the Internet
标签: administrator Unleashed Edition written
上传时间: 2017-01-13
这本白皮书介绍了QT C++工具包。QT支持多种平台图形界面程序开发,有“一次编 写,处处编译”的说法。使用单一的源代码树和简单的重编译,能够在Windows95~XP , Mac OS X,Linux, Solaris,HP-UX,和其他使用X11的Unix版本下编制程序。QT应用 程序还可以编译成可在嵌入型环境中运行。QT采用统一的被称为“对象与槽”的机制进行 对象间通信。QT拥有对许多编程领域的完美支持:如2D/3D图形,国际化,XML等。 QT应用程序还可以用QT Dsigner进行可视化设计.
上传时间: 2014-11-03
体系机构仿真,simplescalar的多处理器版本,现在好像在simplescalar上没有下载了 作者是加拿大Queen大学的Manjikian 环境: Architecture SPARC Operating System Solaris 2 Compiler gcc
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Joomla!是一套获得过多个奖项的内容管理系统(Content Management System, CMS)。Joomla!采用PHP+MySQL数据库开发,可运行在Linux、Windows、MacOSX、Solaris等各种平台上。Joomla!除了具有新闻/文章管理,文档/图片管理,网站布局设置,模板/主题管理等一些基本功能之外。还可通过其提供的上千个插件进行功能扩展包括:电子商务与购物车引擎,论坛与聊天软件,**历,博客软件,目录分类管理,广告管理系统,电子报,数据收集与报表工具,期刊订阅服务等。
标签: Joomla Management Content System
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This book presents an established methodology for transitioning the people, processes, and technologies in IT environments to the Solaris(TM) Operating System.
标签: transitioning established methodology processes
上传时间: 2017-06-07
To help you in writing an LL grammar, we have developed a tool to analyze a grammar and determine if it is LL(1). A jar file containing the class files can be downloaded here. Place this jar file in your class path before running the analyzer. LLAnalyze requires JDK 1.2. In the CSUGLAB, use g:\jdk1.2.2\bin\java (NT) or /usr/local/jdk1.2.1 (Solaris). You can also look at the source code for LLAnalyze. JLex is required to build it.
标签: grammar developed determine analyze
上传时间: 2013-12-24
InstantP2P InstantP2Pshi 是一个建立在jxta之上的peer-to-peer即时消息服务。它在功能上包括一对一的即时消息,群体聊天,文件共享等功能。它可以工作在Linux, Solaris,Win32等多种平台之上。
标签: InstantP2Pshi peer-to-peer InstantP2P Linux
上传时间: 2017-07-10
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function : 根据输入的长整型变量得到对应时间字符串 格式0: YYYYMMDDHHMISS 格式1: HH:MI:SS MM/DD 格式2: YYYYMMDD 格式3: MMDDHHMISS Return : 成功: 0, 失败: <0 Platform : Solaris / Windows
上传时间: 2013-12-29
PGP SDK 包括大范围的标准加密、数字签名和编解码技术,以及各种网络安全协议执行程序。PGP SDK为开发人员提供同其他PGP产品核心相同的核加密功能。 PGP SDK技术说明:PGP SDK是我们的加密和密钥管理库的C接口,支持以下平台: · Windows 98, Millennium (ME), NT, 2000, and XP · Mac OS X · Linux x86 with 2.0.x kernel or later · Sun Solaris SPARC 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7, or 2.8
上传时间: 2014-12-08