This a source insight software in Linux. It s is similar to the source insight software for windows.
标签: software insight source similar
上传时间: 2016-05-09
TMS320C6x外设支持库参考(C62x Software Related)
标签: Software Related 320C C62x
上传时间: 2016-05-09
This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-writing style (in fact Arun has error in his log-likelihood decoder).
标签: LDPC introduction simulation software
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Software analysis report, contains has the rich analysis and the instruction booklet!
标签: analysis instruction the Software
上传时间: 2016-05-11
软件工程思想。。。 关于software engineering的好书
标签: engineering software 软件工程
上传时间: 2014-11-23
Koders makes it easy for software developers to find existing source code that solves many common development problems with our vast index of working source code from a variety of open source projects.
标签: developers existing software Koders
上传时间: 2016-05-13
Koders makes it easy for software developers to find existing source code that solves many common development problems with our vast index of working source code from a variety of open source projects.
标签: developers existing software Koders
上传时间: 2014-12-01
Koders makes it easy for software developers to find existing source code that solves many common development problems with our vast index of working source code from a variety of open source projects.
标签: developers existing software Koders
上传时间: 2014-01-11
Kalman filter toolbox written by Kevin Murphy, 1998. See for details. Installation ------------ 1. Install KPMtools from 3. Assuming you installed all these files in your matlab directory, In Matlab type addpath matlab/KPMtools addpath matlab/Kalman Demos ----- See tracking_demo.m for a demo of 2D tracking. See learning_demo.m for a demo of parameter estimation using EM. 较早版本的kalman滤波matlab源码,适合研读。
标签: Software toolbox murphyk written
上传时间: 2016-05-13
Abstract:It惴 described systematically the architecture and function of the software of Railway Auto-ticketing System as well as its charac— ter~tic and demand。Analysized the 8oftware middleware and messaged oriented middleware(MOM),discussed the feasibility of the app~cation 0f JWMQ in the Railway Auto-ticketing System.
标签: systematically architecture described the
上传时间: 2016-05-14