上传时间: 2013-11-05
上传时间: 2013-10-15
One of the most important issues affecting the implementation of microcontroller software deals with the data-decision algorithm. Data-decision refers to decoding the DIO-pin from the CC400/CC900. Two main principles exist for decoding Manchester-coded data: Data decision based on timing the period between transitions, and data decision based on oversampling.
标签: microcontroller implementation important affecting
上传时间: 2013-12-18
bayeserr - Computes the Bayesian risk for optimal classifier. % bayescln - Classifier based on Bayes decision rule for Gaussians. % bayesnd - Discrim. function, dichotomy, max aposteriori probability. % bhattach - Bhattacharya s upper limit of mean class. error. % pbayescln - Plots discriminat function of Bayes classifier.
标签: Classifier classifier bayeserr Computes
上传时间: 2015-06-14
matlab数据挖掘算法。实用cart决策树进行分类,可识别多类。decision tree algorithm, classification.
上传时间: 2014-12-06
1.这个计算器可用在离散数学的数理逻辑中,纯属工具,随意传播,由java语言实现,解压即可运行,需要按照java环境。可以去这里下载运行环境:http://www.skycn.com/soft/3116.html 2.这个计算器可以计算逻辑表达式的值、对应的真值表、主析取范式、主合取范式。 3.输入表达式时可以在表达式栏中输入,也可用相应的按钮输入,变元只能是PQRST。由于等价连接词无法识别,所以用等号代替,这也是一个无奈的选择。 4.计算前请选择变元个数(默认为3元)并对变元赋值。变元个数最高为5,基本能满足日常的计算。 5.计算器有自动检查表达式是否正确的功能,如果判断功能有误,麻烦您告诉我您的表达式。
上传时间: 2013-12-13
cache4j是一个有简单API与实现快速的Java对象缓存。它的特性包括:在内存中进行缓存,设计用于多线程环境,两种实现:同步与阻塞,多种缓存清除策略:LFU, LRU, FIFO,可使用强引用(strong reference)与软引用(soft reference)存储对象。
上传时间: 2014-02-17
The source code for this package is located in src/gov/nist/sip/proxy. The proxy is a pure JAIN-SIP application: it does not need proprietary nist-sip classes in addition of those defined in JAIN-SIP 1.1, you can substitute the NIST-SIP stack by another JAIN-SIP-1.1 compliant stack and it should interoperate. he proxy can act as presence server and be able to process NOTIFY and SUBSCRIBE requests. If this parameter is disabled, the proxy will simply forward those kind of requests following the appropriate routing decision.
标签: proxy The JAIN-SIP package
上传时间: 2015-11-30
上海数字留言簿系统2.1版 软件语言: 简体中文 授权方式: 免费版 文件大小: 211K 系统平台: ASP+ACCESS 整理日期: 2007-8-21 系统简介: 上海数字留言本v2.1,继承了上海数字产品所具有优美的风格,简洁的程序化模式,更适合企业/个人网站修改成为自已的专业留言本系统。系统全部实现在自主管理,安全上采用md5 32位不可逆加密,全部防sql注入! 官方网址:http://www.168ee.com.cn/soft 演示网址:http://www.80088.cn/guestbook 下载网址:http://down.168ee.com/guestbook.rar
上传时间: 2015-12-11
ITU-T G.729语音压缩算法。 description: Fixed-point description of commendation G.729 with ANNEX B Coding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP) with Voice Activity Decision(VAD), Discontinuous Transmission(DTX), and Comfort Noise Generation(CNG).
标签: description commendation Fixed-point 729
上传时间: 2014-11-23