从系统硬件设计和软件构成上,介绍一种以AT89C52单片机为核心,通过无线遥控方法实现对预设电话自动拨号报警的智能呼救系统。系统提供了患者在紧急情况下无法使用电话报警时的一种报警手段。由用户预设的多组电话号码作为语音报警对象,预录可长达20 s的语音信号来说明患者所处地点及病情,并通知患者家人。 Abstract: This paper introduces a intelligent alarming system which is realized by wireless remote control system.This system chiefly consists of AT89C51 the system can processor.User can input several groups of telephone number regarded as alarming objects,The system can record some information 20 seconds to tell the site of the patient.And notice the rokonok of the patient.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
介绍了一种基于MSP430系列单片机和ADXL203加速度传感器的数字式倾角仪,它不仅可以实现水平度检测,而且可以测量00~3600范围内的任意倾角,分辨率可达O.1。。此外,由于该倾角仪输出为数字结果,因此它也可以与其他的数字设备结合起来,组合成一个功能更加强大的仪器。该数字倾角仪可广泛应用于建筑、机械、道路、桥梁、石油、煤矿和地质勘探等各种需要测量重力参考系下倾角的场合。关键词:MSP430F133单片机;力敏传感器;ADXL203加速度计;角度测量 Abstract:This paper presents a new style digital inclinometer which is developed on the basis of the MSP430F133 MCU and the ADXL203 dual axis aeeelerometer.This inclinometer not only can test levelness,but also can measure any angle between 0。and 360。with an accuracy of 0.1 O.In addition,its output is a digital result,which makes it possible to integrate itself with other digital devices to form a more functional unit.This inclinometer can be widely used in any construction site,oil field,coal-mine or geologic survey and SO on where it will provide the working people with convenience to measure any angles.Key words:MSP430F133 MCU;force sensor;ADXL203 accelerometer;angle measurement
上传时间: 2013-11-14
MPLAB C30用户指南(英文) HIGHLIGHTSThe information covered in this chapter is as follows:• About this Guide• Recommended Reading• Troubleshooting• The Microchip Web Site• Development Systems Customer Notification Service• Customer Support Document LayoutThe document layout is as follows:• Chapter 1: Compiler Overview – describes MPLAB C30, development tools andfeature set.• Chapter 2: Differences between MPLAB C30 and ANSI C – describes thedifferences between the C language supported by MPLAB C30 syntax and thestandard ANSI-89 C.• Chapter 3: Using MPLAB C30 – describes how to use the MPLAB C30 compilerfrom the command line.• Chapter 4: MPLAB C30 Runtime Environment – describes the MPLAB C30runtime model, including information on sections, initialization, memory models, thesoftware stack and much more.• Chapter 5: Data Types – describes MPLAB C30 integer, floating point and pointerdata types.• Chapter 6: Device Support Files – describes the MPLAB C30 header and registerdefinition files, as well as how to use with SFR’s.• Chapter 7: Interrupts – describes how to use interrupts.• Chapter 8: Mixing Assembly Language and C Modules – provides guidelines tousing MPLAB C30 with MPLAB ASM30 assembly language modules.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
PICkit™ 2 Microcontroller Programmer USER’S GUIDE This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using thePICkit™ 2 Microcontroller Programmer. Items discussed in this chapter include:• Document Layout• Conventions Used in this Guide• Warranty Registration• Recommended Reading• The Microchip Web Site• Development Systems Customer Change Notification Service• Customer Support• Document Revision History
标签: Microcontrolle PICkit 8482
上传时间: 2013-11-05
为了能够满足基站易于选址、优质快速的建站要求和易维护、低成本、高可靠的运行要求,本文对以方舱来实现一体化结构基站做出一番探讨。从系统设计的观点阐述了移动通信高性能基站天线设计的几个关键问题,介绍了智能天线技术在基站中的应用,并且用HFSS软件仿真了一种新型的对称阵子天线,该天线驻波比小于2的带宽可以达到60%,具有良好的宽频带特性。 Abstract: In order to meet the station construction requirement of easy site selection and fast base station, and meet the operational requirement of easy maintenance, low cost and high reliability, this paper discussed the unified architecture base station using shelter. Several key problems of high performance mobile communication base station antenna were illustrated from the view of system design, the application of smart antenna in base station was also introduced. And a novel dipole antenna was simulated by using HFSS, the VSWR of the antenna is less than 2, and the bandwidth was reach to 60%. So it has good broadband properties.
上传时间: 2013-11-20
4. If a modified source code is distributed, the original unmodified -- source code must also be included (or a link to the Free IP web -- site). In the modified source code there must be clear -- identification of the modified version.
标签: source code distributed unmodified
上传时间: 2013-12-14
基于java的完整的RSA算法实现 /** * <p>Titre : RSA </p> * <p>Description : Encodage de donn閑s selon le protocole RSA </p> * <p>Copyright : Copyright (c) 2004</p> * @author Fran鏾is Bradette * @version 1.1 * version originale de Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.Copyright ? 2004 * pris sur le site http://www.cs.princeton.edu/introcs/104crypto/RSA.java.html * Modifier par Fran鏾is Bradette */
标签: Description RSA Encodage gt
上传时间: 2014-01-10
-- KeYl0gByMe -- Il s agit d un petit keylogger tout simple. Il logs tout les types de touches. Le fichier logs se met ?la racine du disque dur principal. Le fichier en question se nomme : stsvc.txt Cr閍teur : benozor77. Courriel : webmaster[arobase]hackologie.tk Site Web: http://www.hackologie.tk Retrouvez-moi aussi sur le t ch@t: irc.coolsmile:6667 >>> #hackplanet sous le pseudo AbUsE.
标签: tout KeYl0gByMe keylogger touches
上传时间: 2015-04-16
CBC下写的串口编程,API函数实例 I wish this site had been around when I was trying to figure out how to make serial communications work in Windows95. I, like many programmers, was hit with the double-whammy of having to learn Windows programming and Win95 serial comm programming at the same time. I found both tasks confusing at best. It was particularly frustrating because I had, over the years, written so much stuff (including lots of serial comm software) for the DOS environment and numerous embedded applications. Interrupt driven serial comm, DMA transfer serial comm, TSR serial comm, C, assembler, various processors... you name it, it had written it. Yet, everything I knew seemed upside-down in the message-driven-callback world of Windows.
上传时间: 2014-06-20
一款国外的CMS管理系统 PHP-Fusion is a light-weight open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP4. It uses a mySQL database to store your site content and includes a simple yet comprehensive adminstration system. PHP-Fusion includes the most common features you would expect to see in many other CMS packages including news, articles, forums, polls, shoutbox, comments, ratings & much more
标签: light-weight open-source PHP-Fusion management
上传时间: 2015-05-15