这是初学者学习汇编语言的必备编译链接工具! 先要设置一下环境变量,下载此压缩包后,解压缩到一个路径,然后将此路径添加到系统变量的path下,然后在命令行键入masm进行编译,键入link进行链接
上传时间: 2014-01-11
GPS 接收程序 DEMO。 HsGpsDll Library 1.1 A GPS Control/Component for C/C++ HsGpsDll is a Windows Dynamic Link Library which provides access to any NMEA-183 compliant GPS receiver via a serial communications port. HsGpsDll is designed for use from Visual C, Visual Basic or other languages, capable of calling DLL functions. HsGpsDll allows a user application to read from a GPS device the current GPS position fix, velocity over ground (speed in kilometers per hour), plus number of of sattelites in view, current altitude (against mean sea level) and UTC date and time
标签: HsGpsDll GPS Component Control
上传时间: 2014-07-17
开源备份软件源码 AMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a backup system that allows the administrator to set up a single master backup server to back up multiple hosts over network to tape drives/changers or disks or optical media. Amanda uses native dump and/or GNU tar facilities and can back up a large number of workstations running multiple versions of Unix. Amanda uses Samba, Cygwin or a native Windows client to back up Microsoft Windows desktops and servers
标签: Automatic Advanced Maryland Archiver
上传时间: 2017-01-13
CAN1.c and CAN2.c are a simple example of configuring a CAN network to transmit and receive data on a CAN network, and how to move information to and from CAN RAM message objects. Each C8051F040-TB CAN node is configured to send a message when it s P3.7 button is depressed/released, with a 0x11 to indicate the button is pushed, and 0x00 when released. Each node also has a message object configured to receive messages. The C8051 tests the received data and will turn on/off the target board s LED. When one target is loaded with CAN2.c and the other is loaded with CAN1.c, one target board s push-button will control the other target board s LED, establishing a simple control link via the CAN bus and can be observed directly on the target boards.
标签: CAN configuring and transmit
上传时间: 2013-12-11
这是一个考试系统,主要实现的题目有单项选择题,多项选择题和判断题。 1.对于每个题都是每次运行本软件的时候自动从题库中随机抽取。 2.在data文件夹下有一个配制文件: a.它可以修改每个类型的题目的数量。 b.它可以修改第个题目的分值。 c.它可以修改考试的限定时间。 3.在交卷后就可以查看,本次考试的得分。并根据本次考试满分的60%做为标准,来判断你是否通过这次考试。 4.后台是一个Access数据库,就可以加入新的题目。并不需要修改原程序。 判断题的表是judge,单选是single,多选是moresingle表, 5.在Access中可以添加新的考试人员。只要添加student表中的信息就可以了。 6.在每次交卷后的成绩,会重新保存到数据库中。 7.每次交卷后,都可以把这次所做的题目导出,包括答案和学生所做的答案,以及这次考试的得分。 8.在没有交卷前,做完的题目可以再次进行修改。 9.显示现在时间 吉林农业科技学院 06计算机科学与技术一班 幽居古藤
上传时间: 2014-08-06
1、 有n个学生,每个学生有m门成绩,每个学生的m门成绩用一单链表实现,n个学生所对应n个单链表的头指针用一指针数组统一存放。 1) 建立该存贮结构。 2) 查找第i个学生的某门课成绩。 链表中结点结构: struct node {char *nam;/*nam为课程名*/ float sco;/*sco为该门课程的成绩*/ struct node *link;/*link为指向下一课程结点的指针*/
上传时间: 2013-12-14
Mapack可用来做矩阵运算 Mapack is a .NET class library for basic linear algebra computations. It supports the following matrix operations and properties: Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Determinant, Norm1, Norm2, Frobenius Norm, Infinity Norm, Rank, Condition, Trace, Cholesky, LU, QR, Single Value decomposition, Least Squares solver, Eigenproblem solver, Equation System solver. The algorithms were adapted from Mapack for COM, Lapack and the Java Matrix Package.
标签: Mapack computations supports algebra
上传时间: 2017-01-26
粒子效果演示(附代码) 利用C++所提供的一些标准容器很容易实现粒子效果. 简单的说就是,将粒子数据写在一个类里面,有一个粒子源,不停地生成粒子,然后放入一个stl::list中(push_back()方法), 然后在一个循环中遍例粒子链表,并渲染粒子,粒子的参数并不断更新,如果粒子的ALPHA值小于0,即不可见了,即代表粒子已经死亡, 即从list中删去(erase()方法), 销毁死去的粒子很重要, 如果搞忘了这一步, 你的内存很快就会被吃掉干净了. 第一个版本是用交错平面画的粒子. 第二个版本是用Point Spirit(点精灵)画的粒子, 可以看看效果上面的区别 SPACE - 暂停粒子源发射粒子 LINK中忘记去掉cg.lib cgGL.lib 了, 此程序不需要CG, 如果要编译请去掉.
上传时间: 2013-12-15
this procedure is simulated document management system disk space management, Disk Management, directory management (single-level directory) of a simulation program, as well as university computer courses on operating system design a case, we only reference
标签: management Management procedure simulated
上传时间: 2017-02-05
Description: Microsoft?Windows?HTTP Services (WinHTTP) provides developers with a server-supported, high-level interface to the HTTP/1.1 Internet protocol. WinHTTP is designed to be used primarily in server-based scenarios by server applications that communicate with HTTP servers. WinHTTP is also designed for use in system services and HTTP-based client applications. WinHTTP is more secure and robust than WinInet. However, single-user applications that need FTP or gopher functionality, cookie persistence, caching, automatic credential dialog handling, Internet Explorer compatibility, or downlevel platform support should still consider using WinInet.
标签: server-supported Description developers Microsoft
上传时间: 2017-02-07