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  • The Engineering Vibration Toolbox is a set of educational programs written in Octave by Joseph C.

    The Engineering Vibration Toolbox is a set of educational programs written in Octave by Joseph C. Slater. Also included are a number of help files, demonstration examples, and data files containing raw experimental data. The codes include single degree of freedom response, response spectrum, finite elements, numerical integration, and phase plane analysis.

    标签: C. Engineering educational Vibration

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • 1设计题目及要求 一、程序设计题目:学生成绩管理程序设计 二、 程序设计功能及要求: 1.显示学生各门成绩,总分,和平均分. 2.按总分由高到的进行排列. 3.要求输入一个学号.要求能找出一

    1设计题目及要求 一、程序设计题目:学生成绩管理程序设计 二、 程序设计功能及要求: 1.显示学生各门成绩,总分,和平均分. 2.按总分由高到的进行排列. 3.要求输入一个学号.要求能找出一个学生的.姓名.各门功课的成绩. 3 算法分析 1. 学生成绩管理软件的数据结构 2. 排序 3. 查找 4. 其它 4 主要流程图 1写程序结构及各模块(输入,显示等等)结构图 本程序用了c++语言里面的思想,比如用了cin 和 cout 函数.分了俩个类.一个是File类.一个是Link类. File类里面主要的是用于保存和导入数据. Link类主要是用于链表的操作…. 本程序分为几个文件编写有.file.cpp文件和file.h文件 Link.cpp文件和Link.h文件 manager..cpp文件和manager.h文件. 本程序的主体结构是链表.用链表操作.实现动态创建和销毁. 主函数main().是在Manger.cpp 里面.是程序的入口处 File.cpp 和 link.cpp 是存放file类.和 link类的源函数变量代码. File.h 和Link.h 是存放file 类 和link 类的声明

    标签: 程序设计 程序 设计功能

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • The MAX504/MAX515 are low-power, voltage-output, 10-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) specifi

    The MAX504/MAX515 are low-power, voltage-output, 10-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) specified for single +5V power-supply operation.用于DA转换芯片选型

    标签: digital-to-analog voltage-output converters MAX

    上传时间: 2015-11-26


  • /// ////单端输入

    /// ////单端输入,定时启动,由T2定时,选择AIN0.3为ADC0转化通道//////////////// //////single.c/////////////////////////////////// #include "lcd.h"//笔者所写的LCD显示头文件,具体见LCD章节 /*若读者没有条件使用"lcd.h"的各显示和键盘函数,则可在lcd.h文件中如下定义:

    标签: 单端 输入

    上传时间: 2015-11-26


  • Make and answer phone calls Detect tone and pulse digit from the phone line Capture Caller ID

    Make and answer phone calls Detect tone and pulse digit from the phone line Capture Caller ID Support blind transfer, single-step transfer/conference, consultation transfer/conference, hold, unhold. Control of the local phone handset, microphone and speaker of the modem Send and receive faxes Play and record on the phone line or sound card Play music in background mode Silence detection VU Meter Wave sound editor that allows your end-users to edit their own sound files. Voice recognition and voice synthesis. Full control over the serial port device ZModem file transfer utility File compression and encryption utility

    标签: phone and Capture Detect

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a communications architecture that gives a personal computer (PC) th

    Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a communications architecture that gives a personal computer (PC) the ability to interconnect a variety of devices using a simple four- wire cable. The USB is actually a two-wire serial communication link that runs at either 1.5 or 12 megabits per second (mbs). USB protocols can configure devices at startup or when they are plugged in at run time. These devices are broken into various device classes. Each device class defines the common behavior and protocols for devices that serve similar functions. Some examples of USB device classes are shown in the following table

    标签: communications architecture Universal computer

    上传时间: 2015-12-08


  • An AHB system is made of masters slaves and interconnections. A general approach to include all poss

    An AHB system is made of masters slaves and interconnections. A general approach to include all possible "muxed" implementation of multi layered AHB systems and arbitrated AHB ones can be thought as an acyclic graph where every source node is a master, every destination node is a slave and every internal node is an arbiter there must be one and only one arc exiting a master and one or more entering a slave (single slave verus multi-slave or arbitrated slave) an arbiter can have as many input and output connections as needed. A bridge is a special node that collapses one or more slave nodes and a master node in a new "complex" node.

    标签: interconnections approach general include

    上传时间: 2015-12-12


  • MPEG TS Utils application provides the user with a visual representation of the multiplexed stream s

    MPEG TS Utils application provides the user with a visual representation of the multiplexed stream structure of MPEG-2 Transport Streams (ISO/IEC 13818-1). The application allows the user to investigate the basic transport stream packets with their fields. The application also allows the user to manipulate with transport streams by filtering specified PIDs and exporting to file, demultiplexing to PES and ES streams, converting multi-program TS to single-program TS.

    标签: representation application multiplexed the

    上传时间: 2015-12-15


  • this a pack include source code for quartus 2. It is an implementation of the LC2. The LC-2 compu

    this a pack include source code for quartus 2. It is an implementation of the LC2. The LC-2 computer is described in Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits & Gates to C & Beyond by Yale Patt and Sanjay Patel, McGraw Hill, 2001. The LC2 model can be run as a simulation or downloaded to the UP3 in a larger model, TOP_LC2 that adds video output. Push buttons reset and single step the processor and a video output display of registers is generated. This state machine VHDL-based model of the LC-2 includes all source files. Currently compiled for a Cyclone EP1C6Q240 FPGA.

    标签: implementation include quartus source

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 该软件提供了编辑、编译、运行、调试汇编语言程序的集成环境。目前支持MASM、TASM、MCS51三种编译器。第一次使用时

    该软件提供了编辑、编译、运行、调试汇编语言程序的集成环境。目前支持MASM、TASM、MCS51三种编译器。第一次使用时,要现在选项菜单中选择您所使用的编译器类型及其目录所在。 bin目录里为本软件 files目录为汇编语言写的用于测试的程序 source目录为本软件的源代码 masm为MASM类型的编译器,其中:masm.exe为编译器,link.exe为连接器

    标签: MASM TASM MCS 51

    上传时间: 2013-12-19
