Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are becoming a critical part of every system design. Many vendors offer many different architectures and processes. Which one is right for your design? How do you design one of these so that it works correctly and functions as you expect in your entire system? These are the questions that this paper Sets out to answer.
上传时间: 2013-10-29
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are becoming a critical part of every system design. Many vendors offer many different architectures and processes. Which one is right for your design? How do you design one of these so that it works correctly and functions as you expect in your entire system? These are the questions that this paper Sets out to answer.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
15.2 已經加入了有關貫孔及銲點的Z軸延遲計算功能. 先開啟 Setup - Constraints - Electrical constraint Sets 下的 DRC 選項. 點選 Electrical Constraints dialog box 下 Options 頁面 勾選 Z-Axis delay栏.
上传时间: 2013-11-12
Frequently, voltage reference stability and noise defi nemeasurement limits in instrumentation systems. In particular,reference noise often Sets stable resolution limits.Reference voltages have decreased with the continuingdrop in system power supply voltages, making referencenoise increasingly important. The compressed signalprocessing range mandates a commensurate reductionin reference noise to maintain resolution. Noise ultimatelytranslates into quantization uncertainty in A to D converters,introducing jitter in applications such as scales, inertialnavigation systems, infrared thermography, DVMs andmedical imaging apparatus. A new low voltage reference,the LTC6655, has only 0.3ppm (775nV) noise at 2.5VOUT.Figure 1 lists salient specifi cations in tabular form. Accuracyand temperature coeffi cient are characteristic ofhigh grade, low voltage references. 0.1Hz to 10Hz noise,particularly noteworthy, is unequalled by any low voltageelectronic reference.
上传时间: 2013-10-30
内容如下: 1.The history of the computerized database 2.SQL Data Statements--those used to create, manipulate, and retrieve data stored in your database example statements include select, update, insert, and delete 3.SQL Schema Statements--those used to create database objects, such as tables, indexes, and constraints 4.How data Sets can interact with queries 5.The importance of subqueries 6.Data conversion and manipulation via SQL s built-in functions 7.How conditional logic can be used in Data Statements
标签: computerized Statements database history
上传时间: 2015-04-25
基于simulink的uwb仿真 uwb.mdl: UWB model - open this to begin. uwb_lib.mdl: Library blocks for UWB model. uwb_init.m: Initialization called before model is loaded. uwb_settings: Sets up structure containing system parameters ( uwb in workspace). uwb_imr.m: Initializes UWB channel impulse response. uwb_sv_*.m: Four M-files used to generate channel impulse responses (MAT files).
上传时间: 2013-12-22
8点基二fft Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Using 8 points, takes about 1.2 ms to execute one FFT. Sets up General Purpose Timer 1 to generate events at 10 kHz. Will produce 10 kHz output on T1PWM and T1PWM pins.
标签: FFT Transform Fourier execute
上传时间: 2013-12-18
video editing for is streamlined for fast linear operations over video. It has batch-processing capabilities for processing large numbers of files and can be extended with third-party video filters. VirtualDub is mainly geared toward processing AVI files, although it can read (not write) MPEG-1 and also handle Sets of BMP images.
标签: video batch-processing streamlined operations
上传时间: 2014-01-06
Predefined Style options define the style by setting several other options. If other options are also used, the placement of the predefined style option in the command line is important. If the predefined style option is placed first, the other options may override the predefined style. If placed last, the predefined style will override the other options. For example the style --style=ansi Sets the option --brackets=break . If the command line specifies "--style=ansi --brackets=attach", the brackets will be attached and the style will not be ansi style. If the order on the command line is reversed to "--brackets=attach --style=ansi ", the brackets will be broken (ansi style) and the attach option will be ignored. For the options set by each style check the parseOption function in astyle_main.cpp
标签: options other Predefined setting
上传时间: 2014-12-21
图像处理的关于Snakes : Active Contour Models算法和水平集以及GVF的几篇文章,文章列表为: [1]Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2]Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3]Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4]Motion of level Sets by mean curvature I.pdf [5]Spectral Stability of Local Deformations Spectral Stability of Local Deformations.pdf [6]An active contour model for object tracking using the previous contour.pdf [7]Volumetric Segmentation of Brain Images Using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsI.pdf [8]Segmentation in echocardiographic sequences using shape-based snake model.pdf [9]Active Contours Without Edges.pdf 学习图像处理的人必看的几篇文章
标签: Contour Snakes Active Models
上传时间: 2014-01-15