用matlab编写的基于自生成神经网络(Self-generated neural network)的预测方法(包含数据集)
标签: Self-generated network matlab neural
上传时间: 2015-09-23
ISGNN是对SGNN(Self-generated neural network)的一种改进,是一种在线学习的算法.
标签: Self-generated network neural ISGNN
上传时间: 2014-01-23
标签: Self-Balancing Build Volts Robot
上传时间: 2013-06-23
The STWD100 watchdog timer circuits are self-contained devices which prevent systemfailures that are caused by certain types of hardware errors (non-responding peripherals,bus contention, etc.) or software errors (bad code jump, code stuck in loop, etc.).The STWD100 watchdog timer has an input, WDI, and an output, WDO (see Figure 2). Theinput is used to clear the internal watchdog timer periodically within the specified timeoutperiod, twd (see Section 3: Watchdog timing). While the system is operating correctly, itperiodically toggles the watchdog input, WDI. If the system fails, the watchdog timer is notreset, a system alert is generated and the watchdog output, WDO, is asserted (seeSection 3: Watchdog timing).The STWD100 circuit also has an enable pin, EN (see Figure 2), which can enable ordisable the watchdog functionality. The EN pin is connected to the internal pull-downresistor. The device is enabled if the EN pin is left floating.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
项目描述: SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. Features include
标签: zero-configuration self-contained implements embeddable
上传时间: 2013-11-26
a Java program that reads a file containing instructions written in self-defined file (TPL in this case), and executes those instructions. This program should take the name of the TPL file as a command line parameter, and write its output to the console.
标签: file instructions self-defined containing
上传时间: 2015-01-11
开发环境:Matlab 简要说明:自组织特征映射模型(Self-Organizing feature Map),认为一个神经网络接受外界输入模式时,将会分为不同的区域,各区域对输入模式具有不同的响应特征,同时这一过程是自动完成的。各神经元的连接权值具有一定的分布。最邻近的神经元互相刺激,而较远的神经元则相互抑制,更远一些的则具有较弱的刺激作用。自组织特征映射法是一种无教师的聚类方法。
标签: Self-Organizing feature Matlab Map
上传时间: 2015-03-19
C++ Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide by Jeff Kent ISBN:0072253703 McGraw-Hill/Osborne © 2004 This hands-on, step-by-step resource will guide you through each phase of C++ programming, providing you with the foundation to discover how computer programs and programming languages work.
标签: Self-Teaching Demystified McGraw-Hill 0072253703
上传时间: 2013-12-13
county, random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) function in S-PLUS. Then, the background information was attached to each individual county based on the county?s distribution for the class of interest. Finally, all counties were merged into a single dataset that describes the whole state
标签: coordinates population randomness generated
上传时间: 2014-01-18
solve the 8-puzzle problem using A* algorithm. Definitely written by my self, also include BGI graphics library output.
标签: Definitely algorithm problem include
上传时间: 2014-01-17