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  • Nios II 系列处理器配置选项

        Nios II 系列处理器配置选项:This chapter describes the Nios® II Processor parameter editor in Qsys and SOPC Builder. The Nios II Processor parameter editor allows you to specify the processor features for a particular Nios II hardware system. This chapter covers the features of the Nios II processor that you can configure with the Nios II Processor parameter editor; it is not a user guide for creating complete Nios II processor systems.

    标签: Nios II 列处理器

    上传时间: 2015-01-01


  • Cadence英文教程

    Trademarks and service marks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (Cadence) contained in this document are attributed to Cadence with the appropriate symbol.

    标签: Cadence 英文 教程

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • XAPP144 -设计CPLD多电压系统

    Today’s digital systems combine a myriad of chips with different voltage configurations.Designers must interface 2.5V processors with 3.3V memories—both RAM and ROM—as wellas 5V buses and multiple peripheral chips. Each chip has specific power supply needs. CPLDsare ideal for handling the multi-voltage interfacing, but do require forethought to ensure correctoperation.

    标签: XAPP CPLD 144 电压

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • WP151 - Xilinx FPGA的System ACE配置解决方案

    Design techniques for electronic systems areconstantly changing. In industries at the heart of thedigital revolution, this change is especially acute.Functional integration, dramatic increases incomplexity, new standards and protocols, costconstraints, and increased time-to-market pressureshave bolstered both the design challenges and theopportunities to develop modern electronic systems.One trend driving these changes is the increasedintegration of core logic with previously discretefunctions to achieve higher performance and morecompact board designs.

    标签: System Xilinx FPGA 151

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • WP401-FPGA设计的DO-254

    The standard that governs the design of avioniccomponents and systems, DO-254, is one of the mostpoorly understood but widely applicable standardsin the avionic industry. While information on thegeneral aspects of the standard is easy to obtain, thedetails of exactly how to implement the standard aresketchy. And once an entity develops a process thatachieves compliance, the details of how compliancewas achieved become part of the intellectualproperty of that entity. This white paper focuses onthe details of developing a DO-254 compliantprocess for the design of FPGAs.

    标签: FPGA 401 254 WP

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • XAPP520将符合2.5V和3.3V I/O标准的7系列FPGA高性能I/O Bank进行连接

    XAPP520将符合2.5V和3.3V I/O标准的7系列FPGA高性能I/O Bank进行连接  The I/Os in Xilinx® 7 series FPGAs are classified as either high range (HR) or high performance (HP) banks. HR I/O banks can be operated from 1.2V to 3.3V, whereas HP I/O banks are optimized for operation between 1.2V and 1.8V. In circumstances that require an HP 1.8V I/O bank to interface with 2.5V or 3.3V logic, a range of options can be deployed. This application note describes methodologies for interfacing 7 series HP I/O banks with 2.5V and 3.3V systems

    标签: XAPP FPGA Bank 520

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • xilinx Zynq-7000 EPP产品简介

    The Xilinx Zynq-7000 Extensible Processing Platform (EPP) redefines the possibilities for embedded systems, giving system and software architects and developers a flexible platform to launch their new solutions and traditional ASIC and ASSP users an alternative that aligns with today’s programmable imperative. The new class of product elegantly combines an industrystandard ARMprocessor-based system with Xilinx 28nm programmable logic—in a single device. The processor boots first, prior to configuration of the programmable logic. This, along with a streamlined workflow, saves time and effort and lets software developers and hardware designers start development simultaneously. 

    标签: xilinx Zynq 7000 EPP

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • Cadence PSD 15.0版本功能介绍

    随着PCB设计复杂程度的不断提高,设计工程师对 EDA工具在交互性和处理复杂层次化设计功能的要求也越来越高。Cadence Design Systems, Inc. 作为世界第一的EDA工具供应商,在这些方面一直为用户提供业界领先的解决方案。在 Concept-HDL15.0中,这些功能又得到了大度地提升。首先,Concept-HDL15.0,提供了交互式全局属性修改删除,以及全局器件替换的图形化工作界面。在这些全新的工作环境中,用户可以在图纸,设计,工程不同的级别上对器件,以及器件/线网的属性进行全局性的编辑。

    标签: Cadence 15.0 PSD 版本

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 基于FPGA+DSP模式的智能相机设计

    针对嵌入式机器视觉系统向独立化、智能化发展的要求,介绍了一种嵌入式视觉系统--智能相机。基于对智能相机体系结构、组成模块和图像采集、传输和处理技术的分析,对国内外的几款智能相机进行比较。综合技术发展现状,提出基于FPGA+DSP模式的硬件平台,并提出智能相机的发展方向。分析结果表明,该系统设计可以实现脱离PC运行,完成图像获取与分析,并作出相应输出。 Abstract:  This paper introduced an embedded vision system-intelligent camera ,which was for embedded machine vision systems to an independent and intelligent development requirements. Intelligent camera architecture, component modules and image acquisition, transmission and processing technology were analyzed. After comparing integrated technology development of several intelligent cameras at home and abroad, the paper proposed the hardware platform based on FPGA+DSP models and made clear direction of development of intelligent cameras. On the analysis of the design, the results indicate that the system can run from the PC independently to complete the image acquisition and analysis and give a corresponding output.

    标签: FPGA DSP 模式 智能相机

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • SOC验证方法

    Prakash Rashinkar has over 15 years experience in system design and verificationof embedded systems for communication satellites, launch vehicles and spacecraftground systems, high-performance computing, switching, multimedia, and wirelessapplications. Prakash graduated with an MSEE from Regional Engineering College,Warangal, in India. He lead the team that was responsible for delivering themethodologies for SOC verification at Cadence Design Systems. Prakash is anactive member of the VSIA Functional Verification DWG. He is currently Architectin the Vertical Markets and Design Environments Group at Cadence.

    标签: SOC 验证方法

    上传时间: 2013-11-19
