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  • 数字图像处理技术 图像的基本运算

    1. 编写M程序,利用图像点运算的线性函数:G = aF + b, 给出a、b的不同值,改变图像的对比度、亮度以及图像反相的效果。 2.  利用“二值图像与原图像做点乘,得到子图像”的原理.,编写M程序,构造特殊的二值图像,最终得到需要的子图像。 3.  编写M程序,实现两个大小不同图像的叠加。 4,(提高题)编写M程序,实现图像的动态平移。

    标签: 数字图像 处理技术 图像 运算

    上传时间: 2017-05-10


  • 基于频率插值的4.0kbps 语音编码器的性能和设计(英文)

    The 4.0 kbit/s speech codec described in this paper is based on a Frequency Domain Interpolative (FDI) coding technique, which belongs to the class of prototype waveform Interpolation (PWI) coding techniques. The codec also has an integrated voice activity detector (VAD) and a noise reduction capability. The input signal is subjected to LPC analysis and the prediction residual is separated into a slowly evolving waveform (SEW) and a rapidly evolving waveform (REW) components. The SEW magnitude component is quantized using a hierarchical predictive vector quantization approach. The REW magnitude is quantized using a gain and a sub-band based shape. SEW and REW phases are derived at the decoder using a phase model, based on a transmitted measure of voice periodicity. The spectral (LSP) parameters are quantized using a combination of scalar and vector quantizers. The 4.0 kbits/s coder has an algorithmic delay of 60 ms and an estimated floating point complexity of 21.5 MIPS. The performance of this coder has been evaluated using in-house MOS tests under various conditions such as background noise. channel errors, self-tandem. and DTX mode of operation, and has been shown to be statistically equivalent to ITU-T (3.729 8 kbps codec across all conditions tested.

    标签: frequency-domain interpolation performance Design kbit_s speech coder based and of

    上传时间: 2018-04-08


  • java实现大整数运算

    在包 hugeinteger 中创建功能类 HugeInteger,该类用来存放和操作一个不超过 40 位的大整数。 (1) 定义一个构造函数,用来对大整数进行初始化。参数为一个字符串。 (2) 定义 input 成员函数,实现大整数的重新赋值。参数为一个字符串,无返回 值。 (3) 定义 output 成员函数,将大整数输出到屏幕上。无参数无返回值。 (4) 定义 add 成员函数,实现两个大整数的加法。参数为一个 HugeInteger 对 象,无返回值,例如: HugeInteger A = new HugeInteger("12345"); HugeInteger B = new HugeInteger("1234"); A.add(B); 此时,A 为 13579,B 为 1234。 (5) 定义 sub 成员函数,实现两个大整数的减法。参数和返回值同 add 函数。 (6) 定义若干大整数关系运算的成员函数,包括 isEqualTo(等于,=)、 isNotEqualTo(不等于,≠)、isGreaterThan(大于,>)、isLessThan(小 于,<)、isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(大于等于,≥)和 isLessThanOrEqualTo (小于等于,≤)。这些函数的参数为一个 HugeInteger 对象,返回值为一个 布尔类型,表示关系运算的结果,例如: HugeInteger A = new HugeInteger("12345"); HugeInteger B = new HugeInteger("1234"); 那么此时 A.isGreaterThan(B)的结果应当为 True,表示 12345>1234。

    标签: java 整数 运算

    上传时间: 2019-06-01


  • excelvb清楚符号

    Sub 大小写修正与符号去除()

    标签: excelvb 符号

    上传时间: 2019-07-09


  • 2007江苏高考化学试题及答案1

    1.据估计,地球上的绿色植物通过光合作用每年能结合来自CO2中的碳1500亿吨和来自水中   的氢250亿吨,并释放4000亿吨氧气。光合作用的过程一般可用下式表示: CO2 +  H2O + 微量元素(P、N等)    (蛋白质、碳水化台物、脂肪等)+O2                                          SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 光能 叶绿素   下列说法不正确的是     A.某些无机物通过光合作用可转化为有机物   B.碳水化合物就是碳和水组成的化合物

    标签: 2007 江苏 化学 高考 试题

    上传时间: 2019-09-11


  • AD8001AR

    transimpedance linearization circuitry. This allows it to drive video loads with excellent differential gain and phase perfor mance on only 50 mW of power. The AD8001 is a current feedback amplifier and features gain flatness of 0.1 dB to 100 MHz while offering differential gain and phase error of 0.01% and 0.025°. This makes the AD8001 ideal for professional video electronics such as cameras and video switchers. Additionally, the AD8001’s low distortion and fast settling make it ideal for buffer high-speed A-to-D converters. The AD8001 offers low power of 5.5 mA max (VS = ±5 V) and can run on a single +12 V power supply, while being capable of delivering over 70 mA of load current. These features make this amplifier ideal for portable and battery-powered applications where size and power are critical. The outstanding bandwidth of 800 MHz along with 1200 V/µs of slew rate make the AD8001 useful in many general purpose high-speed applications where dual power supplies of up to ±6 V and single supplies from 6 V to 12 V are needed. The AD8001 is available in the industrial temperature range of –40°C to +85°C.

    标签: 8001 AD AR

    上传时间: 2020-04-21


  • matlab基带信号仿真

    MATLAB数字通信系统仿真, 1) 通过仿真观察占空比为50%、75%以及100%的单、双极性归零码波形以及其功率谱,分析不同占空比对仿真结果的影响。 通过仿真产生一随机消息码序列,将其分别转换为AMI码和HDB3码,观察它们的波形及其功率谱密度。

    标签: matlab 基带信号 仿真

    上传时间: 2020-05-20


  • Microwave+Radiometer+Systems

    Two important microwave remote sensors are the radar and the radiometer. There have been a number of books written on various aspects of radar, but there have been only a few written on microwave radiometers, especially on sub- jects of how to design and build radiometer systems. This book, which is the second edition of a book originally published in 1989, attempts to fill this void.

    标签: Radiometer Microwave Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-23


  • Microwave+Radiometer+Systems Design and Analysis

    Two important microwave remote sensors are the radar and the radiometer. There have been a number of books written on various aspects of radar, but there have been only a few written on microwave radiometers, especially on sub- jects of how to design and build radiometer systems. This book, which is the second edition of a book originally published in 1989, attempts to fill this void.

    标签: Radiometer Microwave Analysis Systems Design

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • 6LoWPAN+The+Wireless+Embedded+Internet

    The Internet of Things is considered to be the next big opportunity, and challenge, for the Internet engineering community, users of technology, companies and society as a whole. It involves connecting embedded devices such as sensors, home appliances, weather stations and even toys to Internet Protocol (IP) based networks. The number of IP-enabled embedded devices is increasing rapidly, and although hard to estimate, will surely outnumber the number of personal computers (PCs) and servers in the future. With the advances made over the past decade in microcontroller,low-power radio, battery and microelectronic technology, the trend in the industry is for smart embedded devices (called smart objects) to become IP-enabled, and an integral part of the latest services on the Internet. These services are no longer cyber, just including data created by humans, but are to become very connected to the physical world around us by including sensor data, the monitoring and control of machines, and other kinds of physical context. We call this latest frontier of the Internet, consisting of wireless low-power embedded devices, the Wireless Embedded Internet. Applications that this new frontier of the Internet enable are critical to the sustainability, efficiency and safety of society and include home and building automation, healthcare, energy efficiency, smart grids and environmental monitoring to name just a few.

    标签: Embedded Internet Wireless 6LoWPAN The

    上传时间: 2020-05-26
