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  • java实现大整数运算

    在包 hugeinteger 中创建功能类 HugeInteger,该类用来存放和操作一个不超过 40 位的大整数。 (1) 定义一个构造函数,用来对大整数进行初始化。参数为一个字符串。 (2) 定义 input 成员函数,实现大整数的重新赋值。参数为一个字符串,无返回 值。 (3) 定义 output 成员函数,将大整数输出到屏幕上。无参数无返回值。 (4) 定义 add 成员函数,实现两个大整数的加法。参数为一个 HugeInteger 对 象,无返回值,例如: HugeInteger A = new HugeInteger("12345"); HugeInteger B = new HugeInteger("1234"); A.add(B); 此时,A 为 13579,B 为 1234。 (5) 定义 sub 成员函数,实现两个大整数的减法。参数和返回值同 add 函数。 (6) 定义若干大整数关系运算的成员函数,包括 isEqualTo(等于,=)、 isNotEqualTo(不等于,≠)、isGreaterThan(大于,>)、isLessThan(小 于,<)、isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(大于等于,≥)和 isLessThanOrEqualTo (小于等于,≤)。这些函数的参数为一个 HugeInteger 对象,返回值为一个 布尔类型,表示关系运算的结果,例如: HugeInteger A = new HugeInteger("12345"); HugeInteger B = new HugeInteger("1234"); 那么此时 A.isGreaterThan(B)的结果应当为 True,表示 12345>1234。

    标签: java 整数 运算

    上传时间: 2019-06-01


  • excelvb清楚符号

    Sub 大小写修正与符号去除()

    标签: excelvb 符号

    上传时间: 2019-07-09


  • 2007江苏高考化学试题及答案1

    1.据估计,地球上的绿色植物通过光合作用每年能结合来自CO2中的碳1500亿吨和来自水中   的氢250亿吨,并释放4000亿吨氧气。光合作用的过程一般可用下式表示: CO2 +  H2O + 微量元素(P、N等)    (蛋白质、碳水化台物、脂肪等)+O2                                          SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 光能 叶绿素   下列说法不正确的是     A.某些无机物通过光合作用可转化为有机物   B.碳水化合物就是碳和水组成的化合物

    标签: 2007 江苏 化学 高考 试题

    上传时间: 2019-09-11


  • matlab基带信号仿真

    MATLAB数字通信系统仿真, 1) 通过仿真观察占空比为50%、75%以及100%的单、双极性归零码波形以及其功率谱,分析不同占空比对仿真结果的影响。 通过仿真产生一随机消息码序列,将其分别转换为AMI码和HDB3码,观察它们的波形及其功率谱密度。

    标签: matlab 基带信号 仿真

    上传时间: 2020-05-20


  • Microwave+Radiometer+Systems

    Two important microwave remote sensors are the radar and the radiometer. There have been a number of books written on various aspects of radar, but there have been only a few written on microwave radiometers, especially on sub- jects of how to design and build radiometer systems. This book, which is the second edition of a book originally published in 1989, attempts to fill this void.

    标签: Radiometer Microwave Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-23


  • Microwave+Radiometer+Systems Design and Analysis

    Two important microwave remote sensors are the radar and the radiometer. There have been a number of books written on various aspects of radar, but there have been only a few written on microwave radiometers, especially on sub- jects of how to design and build radiometer systems. This book, which is the second edition of a book originally published in 1989, attempts to fill this void.

    标签: Radiometer Microwave Analysis Systems Design

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Radio Wave Propagation

    One of the prerequisites for the development of telecommunication services is the understanding of the propagation of the waves, either acoustic, electromagnetic, radio or light waves, which are used for the transmission of information. In this work, we shall limit ourselves to the study of radio waves: this term apply to the electromagnetic waves used in radio communications. Their frequency spectrum is very broad, and is divided into the following frequency bands : ELF waves (f < 3 kHz), VLF (3-30 kHz), LF waves (30-300 kHz), MF waves (300-3000 kHz), HF (3-30 MHz), VHF waves (30-300 MHz), UHF waves (300-3000 MHz), SHF waves (3-30 GHz), EHF waves (30-300 GHz) and sub- EHF waves (300-3000 GHz).

    标签: Propagation Radio Wave

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Space-Time+Processing+for+Wireless+Communications

    In this thesis several asp ects of space-time pro cessing and equalization for wire- less communications are treated. We discuss several di?erent metho ds of improv- ing estimates of space-time channels, such as temp oral parametrization, spatial parametrization, reduced rank channel estimation, b o otstrap channel estimation, and joint estimation of an FIR channel and an AR noise mo del. In wireless commu- nication the signal is often sub ject to intersymb ol interference as well as interfer- ence from other users. 

    标签: Communications Space-Time Processing Wireless for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Basic ESD Design Guidelines

    ESD is a crucial factor for integrated circuits and influences their quality and reliability. Today increasingly sensitive processes with deep sub micron structures are developed. The integration of more and more functionality on a single chip and saving of chip area is required. Integrated circuits become more susceptible to ESD/EOS related damages. However, the requirements on ESD robustness especially for automotive applications are increasing. ESD failures are very often the reason for redesigns. Much research has been conducted by semiconductor manufacturers on ESD robust design.

    标签: Guidelines Design Basic ESD

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • Guidelines+for+Electrical+Transmission+Line

    Since the original publication of Manual 74 in 1991, and the preceding “Guidelines for Transmission Line Structural Loading” in 1984, the understanding of structural loadings on transmission line structures has broadened signifi cantly. However, improvements in computational capa- bility have enabled the transmission line engineer to more easily deter- mine structural loadings without properly understanding the parameters that affect these loads. Many seasoned professionals have expressed concern for the apparent lack of recent information on the topic of struc- tural loadings as new engineers enter this industry. The Committee on Electrical Transmission Structures is charged with the responsibility to report, evaluate, and provide loading requirements of transmission struc- tures. This task committee was therefore formed to update and revise the 1991 manual.

    标签: Transmission Guidelines Electrical Line for

    上传时间: 2020-06-07
