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  • MPEG-2 has 7 distinct parts as well. The first part is the Systems section which defines the contain

    MPEG-2 has 7 distinct parts as well. The first part is the Systems section which defines the container format and the Transport STreams that are designed to carry the digital video and audio over ATSC and DVB. The Program STream defines the container format for lossy compression on optical disks, DVDs and SVCDs.

    标签: the distinct Systems defines

    上传时间: 2014-07-02


  • Grain流密码的VHDL源程序

    Grain流密码的VHDL源程序,具体说明见 www.ecrypt.eu.org/STream/grainp3.html

    标签: Grain 流密码 源程序

    上传时间: 2017-03-02


  • Mickey-128流密码的VHDL源程序

    Mickey-128流密码的VHDL源程序,详细说明见 http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/STream/mickeyp3.html

    标签: 流密码 源程序

    上传时间: 2014-12-06


  • Phelix流密码VHDL源程序

    Phelix流密码VHDL源程序,详细说明见 http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/STream/phelixp2.html

    标签: Phelix 流密码 源程序

    上传时间: 2017-03-02


  • Trivium流密码VHDL源程序

    Trivium流密码VHDL源程序,详细说明见 http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/STream/triviump3.html

    标签: Trivium 流密码 源程序

    上传时间: 2017-03-02


  • The Bit Array structure provides a compacted arrays of Booleans, with one bit for each Boolean value

    The Bit Array structure provides a compacted arrays of Booleans, with one bit for each Boolean value. A 0 [1] bit corresponds to the Boolean value false [true], respectively. We can look at a STream of bytes as a STream of bits each byte contains 8 bits, so any n bytes hold n*8 bits. And the operation to manipulate this STream or bits array is so easy, jut read or change the bits state or make any Boolean operation on the whole bits array, like 鈥楢ND鈥? 鈥極R鈥? or 鈥榅OR鈥?

    标签: structure compacted Booleans provides

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • The purpose of this project is to explore the issues and implementation of a multiple instruction st

    The purpose of this project is to explore the issues and implementation of a multiple instruction STream, single data STream processor. We are running two instruction STreams on two CPUs which share an address space. The processors share a second level cache, and maintain coherence at the L1 cache with a write-invalidate policy. The L2 cache is two-way set associative, with a block size of 8 words, and a total capacity of 512 words.

    标签: implementation instruction multiple purpose

    上传时间: 2017-04-18


  • Learn how to: * Tokenize a null-terminated string * Create a search and re

    Learn how to: * Tokenize a null-terminated string * Create a search and replace function for strings * Implement subtraction for string objects * Use the vector, deque, and list sequence containers * Use the container adaptors stack, queue, and priority_queue * Use the map, multimap, set, and multiset associative containers * Reverse, rotate, and shuffle a sequence * Create a function object * Use binders, negators, and iterator adapters * Read and write files * Use STream iterators to handle file I/O * Use exceptions to handle I/O errors * Create custom inserters and extractors * Format date, time, and numeric data * Use facets and the localization library * Overload the [ ], ( ), and -> operators * Create an explicit constructor * And much, much more

    标签: null-terminated Tokenize Create string

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • The potential of solving real-time demanding industrial applications, using vision-based algorithms

    The potential of solving real-time demanding industrial applications, using vision-based algorithms, drastically grew due to an increasing availability of computational power. In this thesis a novel real-time, vision-based Blackjack analysis system is presented. The embedding of the vision algorithms in a compound system of other information sources such as an electronic chip tray, reduces the vision task to detect cards and chips. Robust results are achieved by not just analyzing single frames but an image STream regarding game-ß ow informations. The requirements for such a system are a highly robust and adaptive behav- ior. This is motivated by the vital interest of casino entrepreneurs in a 100 statistical analysis of their offered gambling in order to support the business plan, measuring table and dealer performance and give accurate player rating. Extensive experiments show the robustness and applicability of the proposed system.

    标签: applications vision-based algorithms industrial

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • 檔案傳輸協定(FTP)為目前相當普遍與廣泛使用之網路 應用。然而在傳統檔案傳輸協定之設計下

    檔案傳輸協定(FTP)為目前相當普遍與廣泛使用之網路 應用。然而在傳統檔案傳輸協定之設計下,資料 傳輸透過Out-of-Band(OOB)之機制,意即透過控制頻道(control channel)傳輸指令 ,而實際資料 傳輸則另外透過特定之通訊埠以及TCP連 線,進行 傳送。如此一來 可確保資料 傳輸之可靠與穩定性,但另一方面則會造成傳輸率 (throughput)效能低落 。因此,在本計劃中,我們透過使用SCTP協定並利 用多重串 流 (multi-STream)機制,達到以In-Band機制達成Out-of-Band傳輸之相同效果。在本研究之最後亦透過於開放原始碼系統實作並實際量 測,証

    标签: 63799 FTP

    上传时间: 2013-12-10
