use dsp5402 dram to let green led flashing in order to test dsp
上传时间: 2015-04-16
项目描述: Fink is an attempt to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. Packages are downloaded and built automatically and installed into a tree managed by dpkg. Fink试图将Unix开源软件世界带入到 Darwin 和Mac OS X。工具包可以被下载和自动生成,并安装到由dpkg管理的树状结构中。 来源:
标签: software attempt Darwin Source
上传时间: 2015-04-17
a good material for new learners to learn java, this is one of Sun s training material.
标签: material learners training learn
上传时间: 2015-04-17
Interfacing the DAC8574 to the MSP430F449
标签: Interfacing the 8574 430F
上传时间: 2013-12-26
英语句子自然语言处理统计分析例子 Statistical parsing of English sentences Shows how to generate parse trees for English language sentences using a C# port of OpenNLP, a statistical natural language parsing library.
标签: Statistical sentences generate English
上传时间: 2015-04-18
This document can be considered as a supplement to the already existing Application note AN10302 “Using the Philips LPC2000 Flash Utility”, which is provided in the same zip file. The Application note covers the following topics:
标签: Application considered supplement document
上传时间: 2015-04-18
ICA can be used in brain activation studies to reduce the number of dimension and filter out independent and interesting activations. This demonstration shows two studies. One provided by Hvidovre Universitets Hospital, Denmark, that consists of fMRI scannings of humans. Another provided by the EU sponsored MAPAWAMO project from fMRI scannings of monkeys. In the demo comparison between icaMS, icaML, icaMF, icaMF (positive sources) and PCA can be made. More detailes can found in [2].
标签: activation dimension studies indepen
上传时间: 2015-04-19
SCS-C is another port to C of Goldberg s Simple Classifier System, with a few extensions.
标签: Classifier extensions Goldberg another
上传时间: 2013-12-10
并发程序设计.This is a book to full description the parellel computing.
标签: description computing parellel This
上传时间: 2014-01-10
* A ncurses user interface. * Network statistics to view the amount of packets and data in many different protocols, interfaces and hosts. * View what active TCP connections are on the network. * View UDP packets. * View and log ICMP packets. * View and log the 48bit arp protocol. And also view what make of network card is in each machine * Multithreaded so that the user interface does not interfere with any of the packet captureing methods. * View and log the following user space protocols FTP, POP3, HTTP
标签: statistics interface ncurses Network
上传时间: 2015-04-20