Abstract: This application note discusses the REF pin functionality in the indirect current-feedbackarchitecture for instrumentation amplifiers. This article compares the importance of a REF buffer in a
上传时间: 2015-01-03
要生产音频脉冲,只要算出某一音频的周期(1/频率),可以利用定时器计时的方式得到此频率的脉冲。而Arduino平台“封装”了新的数字输出函数tone()。更简易的实现喇叭和蜂鸣器唱歌。 tone(pin, frequency),Arduino会向指定pin发送制定频率的方波,执行noTone()函数来停止。 tone(pin, frequency, duration方法多了一个参数,代表发送方波持续的时间,到时自动停止发送信号,就不需要noTone()函数。 利用tone()函数播放音乐,只需要查表了解各个音符对应的频率,还要求个人稍微能看懂音乐谱子的节拍。 物料清单 : Arduino 328控制板 1块 8Ω 0.5W的喇叭(或者蜂鸣器) 1个(ATmega328的驱动能力足够,直接拉电流就ok!) 12Ω电阻(限流) 1个 实物图:
上传时间: 2013-10-14
上传时间: 2013-11-30
上传时间: 2013-11-08
上传时间: 2013-11-10
SL811开发资料_包含源程序_电路图_芯片资料:SL811HS Embedded USB Host/Slave Controller.The SL811HS is an Embedded USB Host/Slave Controller capable of communicate with either full-speed or low-speed USB peripherals. The SL811HS can interface to devices such as microprocessors, microcontrollers, DSPs, or directly to a variety of buses such as ISA, PCMCIA, and others. The SL811HS USB Host Controller conforms to USB Specification 1.1.The SL811HS USB Host/Slave Controller incorporates USB Serial Interface functionality along with internal full-/low-speed transceivers.The SL811HS supports and operates in USB full-speed mode at 12 Mbps, or at low-speed 1.5-Mbps mode.The SL811HS data port and microprocessor interface provide an 8-bit data path I/O or DMA bidirectional, with interrupt support to allow easy interface to standard microprocessors or microcontrollers such as Motorola or Intel CPUs and many others. Internally,the SL811HS contains a 256-byte RAM data buffer which is used for control registers and data buffer.The available package types offered are a 28-pin PLCC (SL811HS) and a 48-pin TQFP package (SL811HST-AC). Both packages operate at 3.3 VDC. The I/O interface logic is 5V-tolerant.
上传时间: 2013-12-22
superpro 3000u 驱动 PIC16C65B@QFP44 [SA245] PIC16C65B: Part number QFP44: Package in QFP44 SA245: Adapter purchase number AM29DL320GT@FBGA48 [SA642+B026] AM29DL320GT: Part number FBGA48: Package in FBGA48 SA642: Adapter purchase number (Top board with socket) B026: Adapter purchase number (Bottom board, exchangable for different parts) 87C196CA@PLCC68(universal adapter) [PEP+S414T] 87C196CA: Part number PLCC68: Package in PLCC68 universal adapter: this adapter is valid for all parts in this package PEP: The PEP (Pin-driver Expansion Pack necessary to work with the adapter S414T) S414T: Adapter purchase number (Universal for all parts in this package) S71PL127J80B@FBGA64(special adapter) [(SA642A-B079A-Y096AF001)] S71PL127J80B: Part number FBGA64: Package in FBGA64 special adapter: this adapter is valid for this
上传时间: 2014-03-27
上传时间: 2014-01-12
上传时间: 2015-03-30
/*[原创]一个树形多级菜单参考程序 这是一个用于车载电话的菜单程序,可以看成是手机功能菜单的简化板. 我所认为的树形多级菜单是指:在一个父菜单项目下面有多个子菜单, 子菜单下面又有多个孙菜单...,进入下层菜单主要依*当前选中的索引.有点象文件的目录结构. 本木从前实现这类的菜单主要*分层的switch语句,每层都是一个switch.但当我看到晓奇大侠的 程序和耳朵灌满lq等人的争论后,那时那地,我的心境变化了,我意识到指针代表了先进的生产力, 代表了社会的发展方向,是建设和谐社会的必要条件.不管你用了多长时间C语言,只要你不善于用 一个小针指来指去,你就是那种"用嘴吃饭的高贵骑士,决不用屁股装弹步枪"的守旧分子和社会发 展的绊脚石.(跑题太远,删去1万字...打住) .言归正传,下面的程序适用CPU为Mega16,编译器为CVAVR 1.24.4a 由于按键数目较多,所以按键程 序把按键事件分为数字键,快捷键,确认键,取消键,上下翻键几类,以减小菜单结构的容量.一下菜单 数据在菜单结构数组中的偏移量,有多少个菜单象就有多少个宏定义*/
上传时间: 2013-11-28