Window Wrapper for WinCE Win32 "Hello World" a
标签: Wrapper Window WinCE Hello
上传时间: 2014-08-16
目录 前 言 第一章 Qt的安装 第二章 Hello World 第三章 C/C++ 基础 第四章 窗口部件 第五章 对话框 第六章 主应用窗口程序 第七章 文件与目录处理 第八章 数据库编程 第九章 程序调试与异常处理 附录A:Qt3.0新特性 附录B:Qt3.0类分组列表
上传时间: 2014-01-19
DirectX Lighting vs. Real World Lighting (DX光照 对 真实世界光照) 在DX中,我们能创建不同类型的光,使场景看起来更真实。但要记住,DX中的光只是在近似地模拟自然界的光。在自然界中,光由光源(如灯泡)发出,然后延直线传播,直到消耗完毕或传入眼睛;光在遇到物体时会发生反射,每次反射都会有能量的消耗;实际上,光可以在物体间反射千百万次,而且光滑表面会比不光滑的表面反射更多的光。这一切如果全算进来的话,计算量是巨大的,所以,DX只是在近似地模仿。
标签: Lighting DirectX World Real
上传时间: 2014-12-03
Abstract: By using gateway systems on large 32-bit platforms, networks of small, 8- and 16-bit microcontrollers can be monitored and controlled over the Internet. With embedded Linux, these gateways are easily moved from full-blown host PCs to embedded platforms like the PC104. In this class you will learn about hardware platforms that support embedded Linux, Linux kernel configuration, feature selection, installation, booting and tuning.
标签: bit platforms Abstract networks
上传时间: 2014-01-05
程序实现的功能是标准的16×2字符型液晶模块上显示Welcome RedLogic World!字符串
上传时间: 2013-12-12
icd2 use pic18f252 and ft232,more small ,and easy,
上传时间: 2014-01-24
a small program by Yuval Fisher that has gone a long way to revealing some of the secrets of fracal image compression.
标签: revealing program secrets Fisher
上传时间: 2015-12-24
This a small hack I wrote to bypass the "No previous installation!" error of Microchip s C18 Upgrade. Simply run C18Fake and select your C18 installation directory (create if necessary) and click Save button. A "fake" file will now be created into that directory, and this will fool the Upgrade into thinking you already have a former legit installation. After that you run the C18 Upgrade setup and select the same directory you created/selected before. Your installation will now begin installing the full C18 package.
标签: installation Microchip previous Upgrade
上传时间: 2014-01-21
dynamic CMM for small the team. english .
标签: dynamic english small team
上传时间: 2015-12-31
ucos From a small number of the concept of real-time kernel, developed a simple algorithm available, the core of the book made a detailed presentation
标签: algorithm available developed real-time
上传时间: 2014-10-27