VHDL实现SPI功能源代码 -- The SPI bus is a 3 wire bus that in effect links a serial shift -- register between the "master" and the "SLave". Typically both the -- master and SLave have an 8 bit shift register so the combined -- register is 16 bits. When an SPI transfer takes place, the master and -- SLave shift their shift registers 8 bits and thus exchange their 8 -- bit register values.
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Avalon Interface Specification,The Avalon interface specification is designed to accommodate peripheral development for the system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) environment. The specification provides peripheral designers with a basis for describing the address-based read/write interface found on master and SLave peripherals, such as microprocessors, memory, UART, timer, etc.
标签: Avalon Specification specification accommodate
上传时间: 2014-03-06
An AHB system is made of masters SLaves and interconnections. A general approach to include all possible "muxed" implementation of multi layered AHB systems and arbitrated AHB ones can be thought as an acyclic graph where every source node is a master, every destination node is a SLave and every internal node is an arbiter there must be one and only one arc exiting a master and one or more entering a SLave (single SLave verus multi-SLave or arbitrated SLave) an arbiter can have as many input and output connections as needed. A bridge is a special node that collapses one or more SLave nodes and a master node in a new "complex" node.
标签: interconnections approach general include
上传时间: 2015-12-12
一般使用PC Based Controller 都是当作现场设备的一种,也就是要接受 主系统的命令,做一些操作控制。以Modbus 来看属于SLave 的角色,随 时等待接收Modbus Master 的Query Message,然后依据内容做控制,最后 将控制结果以Response Message 回传。本章将以ICP 7524 及ICP 7188E5 等 两种设备分别设计Modbus RTU、ASCII 及Modbus/TCP 的SLave 应用程序, 读者可以将此两种程序的架构再延伸设计至各种实际应用程序。
标签: Controller Based 现场设备
上传时间: 2015-12-16
毕业课题部分程序: CY7C68013 Bulk IN 68013工作在AUTO IN模式,16位总线 SLave FIFO.MASTER是 ADI BF533。
上传时间: 2013-12-22
这是基于CY7C68013芯片,工作于SLave FIFO模式的数据传输的程序。包括USB固件程序的程序框架和传输功能实现程序。
上传时间: 2013-12-31
This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F12x MCU is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only SLave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM
标签: configured accesses program EEPROM
上传时间: 2016-03-29
// This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F06x MCU // is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only // SLave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are // tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM 25LC320. The relevant hardware // connections of the F06x MCU are shown here:
标签: configured accesses program EEPROM
上传时间: 2014-01-18
// This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F06x MCU // is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only // SLave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are // tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM 25LC320. The relevant hardware // connections of the F06x MCU are shown here:
标签: configured accesses program EEPROM
上传时间: 2016-04-12
This example demonstrates how the C8051F06x SMBus interface can communicate // with a 256 byte I2C Serial EEPROM (Microchip 24LC02B). // - Interrupt-driven SMBus implementation // - Only master states defined (no SLave or arbitration) // - Timer4 used by SMBus for SCL low timeout detection // - SCL frequency defined by <SMB_FREQUENCY> constant
标签: demonstrates communicate C8051F06x interface
上传时间: 2016-04-12