A port of the original STL to many platforms.可以配合多种编译器使用,特别是在使用intel编译器时可以很好的优化代码性能.
标签: platforms original intel port
上传时间: 2013-12-14
RS232.cpp and RS232.h for Serial COM Port Communication
标签: Communication 232 Serial RS
上传时间: 2016-10-07
This program would work fine only with a specific flash tool through PC printer port under EPP mode.Program is capable of identifying flash chip manufacturer, device type, capacity,... It also allows user to dump flash data, edit/revise the content of flash chip on the Screen, and re-write them back to the chip.
标签: specific program printer through
上传时间: 2014-01-16
The example uses the GPIFTool utility to illustrate single/burst data read(s)/write(s).
标签: illustrate GPIFTool example utility
上传时间: 2016-10-10
Realize the usbip function, which could be simulate usb port through net
标签: function simulate Realize through
上传时间: 2014-01-17
以太网物理层接口器件-10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Physical Layer TX/FX Single Chip Transceiver
标签: Transceiver Ethernet Physical Single
上传时间: 2016-10-13
ClustanGraphics聚类分析工具。提供了11种聚类算法。 Single Linkage (or Minimum Method, Nearest Neighbor) Complete Linkage (or Maximum Method, Furthest Neighbor) Average Linkage (UPGMA) Weighted Average Linkage (WPGMA) Mean Proximity Centroid (UPGMC) Median (WPGMC) Increase in Sum of Squares (Ward s Method) Sum of Squares Flexible (ß space distortion parameter) Density (or k-linkage, density-seeking mode analysis)
标签: ClustanGraphics Complete Neighbor Linkage
上传时间: 2014-01-02
客户通过Socket(InetAddress,port)建立与服务器的连接。服务器与客户都通过构造BufferedReader,PrintWriter来建立输入输出流,然后双方通过该输入输出流来相互传递信息,一旦收到客户方的连接请求,服务器accept()方法返回一个新建的Socket对象。客户端然后向服务器发送消息,比如注册,登录,查找好友等,服务器收到来自客户的请求后,针对不同的消息处理请求, 虽然UDP不可靠但是对于icq可靠性并不太重要,而且UDP快速,所以客户间发送信息通过UDP。用户登录时通过类DatagramPacket和DatagramSocket创建UDP包括其本地接受端口以及发送端口,默认端口为5000和5001,通过取得的好友的IP地址来向好友发送消息(send(DatagramPacket)和接受消息(receive(DatagramPacket))。当用户通过UDP收到消息后,可以通过DatagramPacket的方法InetAddress getAddress()得到对方的ip地址,通过对好友列表比较以判断是谁并提示用户收到某某的消息,然后用户选择该用户查看消息,如果好友列表没有该人就显示收到陌生人的消息。用户可以按陌生人按钮查看消息。
标签: BufferedReader InetAddress PrintWriter Socket
上传时间: 2016-10-26
rs_232 serial port logic
上传时间: 2013-12-16
MSP430 IAR project with FreeRTOS port.
标签: FreeRTOS project port with
上传时间: 2013-12-27