The ISO7220 and ISO7221 are dual-channel digital isolators. To facilitate PCB layout, the channels are orientedin the same direction in the ISO7220 and in opposite directions in the ISO7221. These devices have a logic inputand output buffer separated by TI’s SILICON-dioxide (SiO2) isolation barrier, providing galvanic isolation of up to4000 V. Used in conjunction with isolated power supplies, these devices block high voltage, isolate grounds, andprevent noise currents on a data bus or other circuits from entering the local ground and interfering with ordamaging sensitive circuitry.
上传时间: 2013-10-24
光盘内容1.1例 程 “例程”文件夹中为各章节的程序代码,均在作者的目标板上(自行开发)调试通过,以确保程序正确。n Keil C对中文文件、目录以及空格等可能无法编译连接,所以若要正确调试,须确保所有文件、目录为连续英文名或数字。n 这些程序应用到其他C8051Fxxx系列单片机时,要确保各个操作寄存器的名称、地址与各个控制位相一致,否则需要修改。很多寄存器位的位置并不相同,所以移植程序时,使用者要参考F040寄存器和移植对象单片机的寄存器,以确保正确操作。1.2 原理图及pcb封装“原理图及pcb封装”文件夹里包含作者制作的C8051F040PCB封装和原理图引脚定义文件c8051f040.ddb。其中PCB封装与SILICON Laboratories公司(原Cygnal公司)提供的TQ100封装稍有不同(在cygnalpcb文件中): 作者所做引脚长为2.5 mm,而cygnalpcb文件中的引脚长为1.3 mm。加长引脚焊盘是为了方便手工焊芯片。用户可根据需要和习惯选择封装。
上传时间: 2013-11-19
PK51是为8051系列单片机所设计的开发工具,支持所有8051系列衍生产品,,支持带扩展存储器和扩展指令集(例如Dallas390/5240/400,Philips 51MX,Analog Devices MicroConverters)的新设备,以及支持很多公司的一流的设备和IP内核,比如Analog Devices, Atmel, Cypress Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Goal, Hynix, Infineon, Intel, NXP(founded by Philips), OKI, SILICON Labs,SMSC, STMicroeleectronics,Synopsis, TDK, Temic, Texas Instruments,Winbond等。通过PK51专业级开发工具,可以轻松地了解8051的On-chip peripherals与及其它关键特性。
上传时间: 2013-10-09
Introduction to Xilinx Packaging Electronic packages are interconnectable housings for semiconductor devices. The major functions of the electronic packages are to provide electrical interconnections between the IC and the board and to efficiently remove heat generated by the device. Feature sizes are constantly shrinking, resulting in increased number of transistors being packed into the device. Today's submicron technology is also enabling large-scale functional integration and system-on-a-chip solutions. In order to keep pace with these new advancements in SILICON technologies, semiconductor packages have also evolved to provide improved device functionality and performance. Feature size at the device level is driving package feature sizes down to the design rules of the early transistors. To meet these demands, electronic packages must be flexible to address high pin counts, reduced pitch and form factor requirements. At the same time,packages must be reliable and cost effective.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
The field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), particularly micromachinedmechanical transducers, has been expanding over recent years, and the productioncosts of these devices continue to fall. Using materials, fabrication processes, anddesign tools originally developed for the microelectronic circuits industry, newtypes of microengineered device are evolving all the time—many offering numerousadvantages over their traditional counterparts. The electrical properties of SILICONhave been well understood for many years, but it is the mechanical properties thathave been exploited in many examples of MEMS. This book may seem slightlyunusual in that it has four editors. However, since we all work together in this fieldwithin the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton,it seemed natural to work together on a project like this. MEMS are nowappearing as part of the syllabus for both undergraduate and postgraduate coursesat many universities, and we hope that this book will complement the teaching thatis taking place in this area.
上传时间: 2013-10-16
Abstract: This reference design provides design ideas for a cost-effective, low-power liquid-level measurement dataacquisition system (DAS) using a compensated SILICON pressure sensor and a high-precision delta-sigma ADC. Thisdocument discusses how to select the compensated SILICON pressure sensor, suggest system algorithms, and providenoise analyses. It also describes calibration ideas to improve system performance while also reducing complexity andcost.
上传时间: 2013-10-08
Keil C51 V8 专业开发工具(PK51) PK51是为8051系列单片机所设计的开发工具,支持所有8051系列衍生产品,,支持带扩展存储器和扩展指令集(例如Dallas390/5240/400,Philips 51MX,Analog Devices MicroConverters)的新设备,以及支持很多公司的一流的设备和IP内核,比如Analog Devices, Atmel, Cypress Semiconductor, Dallas Semiconductor, Goal, Hynix, Infineon, Intel, NXP(founded by Philips), OKI, SILICON Labs,SMSC, STMicroeleectronics,Synopsis, TDK, Temic, Texas Instruments,Winbond等。 通过PK51专业级开发工具,可以轻松地了解8051的On-chip peripherals与及其它关键特性。 The PK51专业级开发工具包括… l μVision Ø 集成开发环境 Ø 调试器 Ø 软件模拟器 l Keil 8051扩展编译工具 Ø AX51宏汇编程序 Ø ANSI C编译工具 Ø LX51 连接器 Ø OHX51 Object-HEX 转换器 l Keil 8051编译工具 Ø A51宏汇编程序 Ø C51 ANSI C编译工具 Ø BL51 代码库连接器 Ø OHX51 Object-HEX 转换器 Ø OC51 集合目标转换器 l 目标调试器 Ø FlashMON51 目标监控器 Ø MON51目标监控器 Ø MON390 (Dallas 390)目标监控器 Ø MONADI (Analog Devices 812)目标监控器 Ø ISD51 在系统调试 l RTX51微实时内核 你应该考虑PK51开发工具包,如果你… l 需要用8051系列单片机来开发 l 需要开发 Dallas 390 或者 Philips 51MX代码 l 需要用C编写代码 l 需要一个软件模拟器或是没有硬件仿真器 l 需要在单芯片上基于小实时内核创建复杂的应用
上传时间: 2013-10-30
The super-junction structure, which has P-type pillar layers as shown left, realizes high withstand voltage and ON-resistance lower than the conventional theoretical limit of SILICON.
上传时间: 2014-12-31
Introduction to Xilinx Packaging Electronic packages are interconnectable housings for semiconductor devices. The major functions of the electronic packages are to provide electrical interconnections between the IC and the board and to efficiently remove heat generated by the device. Feature sizes are constantly shrinking, resulting in increased number of transistors being packed into the device. Today's submicron technology is also enabling large-scale functional integration and system-on-a-chip solutions. In order to keep pace with these new advancements in SILICON technologies, semiconductor packages have also evolved to provide improved device functionality and performance. Feature size at the device level is driving package feature sizes down to the design rules of the early transistors. To meet these demands, electronic packages must be flexible to address high pin counts, reduced pitch and form factor requirements. At the same time,packages must be reliable and cost effective.
上传时间: 2013-11-21
SILICON Motion, Inc. has made best efforts to ensure that the information contained in this document is accurate andreliable. However, the information is subject to change without notice. No responsibility is assumed by SILICONMotion, Inc. for the use of this information, nor for infringements of patents or other rights of third parties.Copyright NoticeCopyright 2002, SILICON Motion, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied,or transmitted in any form, without the prior written consent of SILICON Motion, Inc. SILICON Motion, Inc. reserves theright to make changes to the product specification without reservation and without notice to our users
上传时间: 2013-10-10