上传时间: 2015-05-24
Apriori算法源码(C++) 看了以前在这里发的apriori源码,觉得写得代码有些繁琐,现在重写了一下,主要是把数据操作和界面显示分离,使用了stl和boost,简化了字符操作的算法,数据库用的是mysql的,API是mysql++,在mfc下mysql++无法运行,所以gui框架用的是win32gui-lib(可以到下载)。当然你也可以用odbc改写,或是换用别的数据库,因为算法逻辑是独立的,所以应该很容易改写
上传时间: 2013-12-28
Python Development Environment (Python IDE plugin for Eclipse). Features editor, code completion, refactoring, outline view, debugger, and other goodies - check
标签: Python Development Environment completion
上传时间: 2013-12-26
主要源码: void CFDlg::OnChangeEdit1() { UpdateData() m_strExt.MakeUpper() m_list.ResetContent() if(m_strExt.GetLength()==0) return CStdioFile SF if(SF.Open("FileExt.txt",Cfile::modeRead)) { CString strTemp,strOut while(SF.ReadString(strTemp)) { if(strTemp.Left(m_strExt.GetLength()) ==m_strExt) { m_list.AddString(strTemp) } } } SF.Close() m_list.SetCurSel(0) this->OnSelchangeList2() } void CFDlg::OnSelchangeList2() { CString strTemp,strExt m_list.GetText(m_list.GetCurSel(),strTemp) strExt=strTemp.Left(strTemp.FindOneOf(" ")) //MessageBox(strExt) CString strFileName ="eee."+strExt //MessageBox(strFileName) SHFILEINFO shfi memset(&shfi,0,sizeof(shfi)) //或者ZeroMemory(&shfi,sizeof(shfi)) ::SHGetFileInfo(strFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &shfi, sizeof(shfi), SHGFI_ICON|SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) m_icon.SetIcon(shfi.hIcon) }
标签: OnChangeEdit1 UpdateData ResetConte MakeUpper
上传时间: 2013-12-20
天堂二技术资料 让事大家很好学习 开放四章技能,地图,帮你一条龙服务,架设安全维护, L2SERVER是经过自己汇编的,不是市场的漏洞版. 本版本是针对世面上的商业化SF设计,之前已经有免费版本推出过 分简体版本和繁体版本,
上传时间: 2017-03-01
标签: 源码
上传时间: 2017-06-20
===================================== GoAhead WebServer 2.1.8 Release Notes ===================================== .. NOTES: .. This document is maintained using the reStructuredText markup system. .. You may download this from <>. Also note that running .. the docutils code requires that a version of Python version 2.1 or later .. be installed on the machine. Since the GoAhead release procedure itself .. runs in Python, this should not be a problem. .. .. To add new entries to the release notes, follow the markup shown below .. (releases should be underlined with a row of '=' characters, each item .. noted within a release should be underlined with '-' characters.
上传时间: 2016-01-30
===================================== GoAhead WebServer 2.1.8 Release Notes ===================================== .. NOTES: .. This document is maintained using the reStructuredText markup system. .. You may download this from <>. Also note that running .. the docutils code requires that a version of Python version 2.1 or later .. be installed on the machine. Since the GoAhead release procedure itself .. runs in Python, this should not be a problem. .. .. To add new entries to the release notes, follow the markup shown below .. (releases should be underlined with a row of '=' characters, each item .. noted within a release should be underlined with '-' characters.
标签: web html embed server arm small http
上传时间: 2016-01-30
1602,LCD,液晶,使用手册 1602 = 16个字符/行 * 2行 = 像素 16*2
上传时间: 2018-05-10
上传时间: 2019-03-26