If you d like to create web-based applications easily, then this book is for you. More importantly, it shows you
how to do that with joy and feel good about your own work! You don t need to know SErvlet or JSP while your
productivity will be much higher than using SErvlet or JSP directly. This is possible because we re going to
use a library called "Tapestry" that makes complicated stuff simple and elegant.
在 Java EE 的藍圖中,JSP SErvlet是屬於Web層技術,JSP與SErvlet是一體的兩面,您可以使用單獨一項技術來解決動態網頁呈現的需求,但最好的方式是取兩者的長處,JSP是網頁設計人員導向的,而SErvlet是程式設計人員導向的,釐清它們之間的職責可以讓兩個不同專長的團隊彼此合作,並降低相互間的牽制作用。