This file were downloaded from the Programmers Heaven CD-Rom. More information about this CD-Rom can be found at the following WWW pages:
标签: CD-Rom Programmers information downloaded
上传时间: 2015-07-03
A project written in C# sends email without smtp server. It queries dns server for mx records and sends them. It supports complete SMTP and SSL protocols.
标签: server project written queries
上传时间: 2014-01-03
上传时间: 2015-07-11
工程计算MATLAB code to calculate the reorthogonalized sine tapers input: N = the length of the time series data to be tapered p = the number of tapers requested I = the gap structure a vector of length N I(t) = 1 if there is data at time t, t=1, ..., N I(t) = 0 if there is a gap at time t output: X = N-by-p vector of the reorthogonalized sine taper
标签: the reorthogonalized calculate MATLAB
上传时间: 2013-12-17
本原码是基于Verilog HDL语言编写的,实现了SPI接口设计,可以应用于FPGA,实现SPI协议的接口设计.在MAXII编译成功,用Modelsim SE 6仿真成功.
上传时间: 2015-08-04
8点基二fft Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Using 8 points, takes about 1.2 ms to execute one FFT. Sets up General Purpose Timer 1 to generate events at 10 kHz. Will produce 10 kHz output on T1PWM and T1PWM pins.
标签: FFT Transform Fourier execute
上传时间: 2013-12-18
http虚拟盘源代码(Windows 2000/XP/2003),httpdisk使用HTTP从Web服务器映射成本地磁盘或光盘。示例:httpdisk /mount 0 /cd f:...httpdisk /umount f:
标签: httpdisk http Windows mount
上传时间: 2013-12-14
/* Check_SST_39VF400A Check manufacturer and device ID /* CFI_Query CFI Query Entry/Exit command sequence /* Erase_One_Sector Erase a sector of 2048 words /* Erase_One_Block Erase a block of 32K words /* Erase_Entire_Chip Erase the contents of the entire chip /* Program_One_Word Alter data in one word /* Program_One_Sector Alter data in 2048 word sector /* Program_One_Block Alter data in 32K word block
标签: manufacturer Check_SST CFI_Query command
上传时间: 2013-12-15
Java Servlets编程指南_servlet概论_Java Web 服务器_第一个servlet_servlet_Server-Side Includes_会话管理_安全性_HTML表单_在servlet中使用JDBC_applet与servlet的通信_编写servlet程序的自动化applet程序_简化发布处理:自动JAR文件创建_制作第三方的JDBC驱动程序_用servlet发送电子邮件_使用servlet和本地代码_使用servlet和RMI
标签: servlet_servlet_Server-Side Java Includes Servlets
上传时间: 2013-12-27
madCollection full source This is not your every day VCL component collection. You won t see many new colored icons in the component palette. My packages don t offer many visual components to play with. Sorry, if you expected that! My packages are about low-level stuff for the most part, with as easy handling as possible. To find the hidden treasures, you will have to look at the documentation (which you re reading just in the moment). Later I plan on writing some nice demos, but for now the documentation must be enough to get you started.
标签: madCollection collection component source
上传时间: 2014-01-18