It s a tool designed to extract as much information as possible from Bluetooth devices without the requeriment to pair.
标签: information Bluetooth designed possible
上传时间: 2017-01-02
It s a tool designed to extract as much information as possible from Bluetooth devices without the requeriment to pair.
标签: information Bluetooth designed possible
上传时间: 2017-01-02
Input : A set S of planar points Output : A convex hull for S Step 1: If S contains no more than five points, use exhaustive searching to find the convex hull and return. Step 2: Find a median line perpendicular to the X-axis which divides S into SL and SR SL lies to the left of SR . Step 3: Recursively construct convex hulls for SL and SR. Denote these convex hulls by Hull(SL) and Hull(SR) respectively. Step 4: Apply the merging procedure to merge Hull(SL) and Hull(SR) together to form a convex hull. Time complexity: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) = O(n log n)
标签: contains Output convex planar
上传时间: 2017-02-19
课程设计: 1.求出在一个n×n的棋盘上,放置n个不能互相捕捉的国际象棋“皇后”的所有布局。 2.设计一个利用哈夫曼算法的编码和译码系统,重复地显示并处理以下项目,直到选择退出为止。 【基本要求】 1) 将权值数据存放在数据文件(文件名为data.txt,位于执行程序的当前目录中) 2) 分别采用动态和静态存储结构 3) 初始化:键盘输入字符集大小n、n个字符和n个权值,建立哈夫曼树; 4) 编码:利用建好的哈夫曼树生成哈夫曼编码; 5) 输出编码; 6) 设字符集及频度如下表: 字符 空格 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 频度 186 64 13 22 32 103 21 15 47 57 1 5 32 20 字符 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 频度 57 63 15 1 48 51 80 23 8 18 1 16 1
上传时间: 2017-04-24
In C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP, author Paul M. Embree presents a complete guide to digital signal processing techniques in the C programming language. This book is structured in such a way that it will be most useful to the engineer who is familiar with DSP and the C language, but who is not necessarily an expert in both. All of the example programs in this book have been tested using standard C compilers in the UNIX and MS-DOS programming environments. In addition, the examples have been compiled using the real-time programing tools of specific real-time embedded DSP microprocessors (Analog Devices ADSP-21020 and ADSP-21062 Texas Instruments TMS320C30 and TMS320C40 and AT&T DSP32C) and then tested with real-time hardware using real-world signals.
标签: M. Algorithms Real-Time complete
上传时间: 2014-01-07
C语言是在70年代初问世的。一九七八年由美国电话电报公司(AT&T)贝尔实验室正式发表了C语言。同时由B.W.Kernighan和D.M.Ritchit合著了著名的“THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE”一书。通常简称为《K&R》,也有人称之为《K&R》标准。但是,在《K&R》中并没有定义一个完整的标准C语言,后来由美国国家标准学会在此基础上制定了一个C 语言标准,于一九八三年发表。通常称之为ANSI C。
标签: PROGRAMMING Kernighan Ritchit THE
上传时间: 2014-11-12
MATSNL is a package of MATLAB M-files for computing wireless sensor node lifetime/power budget and solving optimal node architecture choice problems. It is intended as an analysis and simulation tool for researchers and educators that are easy to use and modify. MATSNL is designed to give the rough power/ lifetime predictions based on node and application specifications while giving useful insight on platform design for the large node lifetime by providing side-by-side comparison across various platforms. The MATSNL code and manual can be found at the bottom of this page. A related list of publications describing the models used in MATSNL is posted on the ENALAB part of the 2 project at
标签: computing lifetime wireless M-files
上传时间: 2014-01-01
This routine calls the glpk library to solve a LP/MIP problem. A typical LP problem has following structure: [min|max] C x s.t. Ax ["="|"<="|">="] b {x <= UB} {x >= LB} The calling syntax is: [XMIN,FMIN,STATUS,EXTRA]=glpkmex(SENSE,C,A,B,CTYPE,LB,UB,... VARTYPE,PARAM,LPSOLVER,SAVE)
标签: problem following routine library
上传时间: 2014-12-01
svm已经广泛用于解决分类和回归问题。 此工具箱是由South ampton大学的S. R. Gunn编写的Matlab SVM Toolbox。该工具箱运行在MATLAB环境下,由许多用m语言编写的脚本文件和函数组成,为SVM 技术的工程化、实用化提供了一个良好的平台。
上传时间: 2017-07-29
Fortran - Tóm tắ t nộ i dung mô n họ c Các khái niệ m và yế u tố trong ngô n ngữ lậ p trình FORTRAN. Các câ u lệ nh củ a ngô n ngữ FORTRAN. Cơ bả n về chư ơ ng chư ơ ng dị ch và mô i trư ờ ng lậ p trình DIGITAL Visual Fortran. Viế t và chạ y các chư ơ ng trình cho các bài toán đ ơ n giả n bằ ng ngô n ngữ FORTRAN.
上传时间: 2013-12-25