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  • Switching+Systems+by+Invariance+Analysis1

    Switched systems are embedded devices widespread in industrial applications such as power electronics and automotive control. They consist of continuous-time dynamical subsystems and a rule that controls the switching between them. Under a suitable control rule, the system can improve its steady-state performance and meet essential properties, such as safety and stability, in desirable operating zones.

    标签: Invariance Switching Analysis1 Systems by

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • PCB工艺设计系列之华硕内部的PCB设计规范

    PCB工艺设计系列之华硕内部的PCB设计规范1. 问题描述(PROBLEM DESCRIPTION)为确保产品之制造性, R&D在设计阶段必须遵循Layout相关规范, 以利制造单位能顺利生产, 确保产品良率, 降低因设计而重工之浪费. “PCB Layout Rule” Rev1.60 (发文字号: MT-8-2-0029)发文后, 尚有订定不足之处, 经补充修正成“PCB Layout Rule” Rev1.70. PCB Layout Rule Rev1.70, 规范内容如附件所示, 其中分为:(1) ”PCB LAYOUT 基本规范”:为R&D Layout时必须遵守的事项, 否则SMT,DIP,裁板时无法生产.(2) “锡偷LAYOUT RULE建议规范”: 加适合的锡偷可降低短路及锡球.(3) “PCB LAYOUT 建议规范”:为制造单位为提高量产良率,建议R&D在design阶段即加入PCB Layout.(4) ”零件选用建议规范”: Connector零件在未来应用逐渐广泛, 又是SMT生产时是偏移及置件不良的主因,故制造希望R&D及采购在购买异形零件时能顾虑制造的需求, 提高自动置件的比例.(5) “零件包装建议规范”:,零件taping包装时, taping的公差尺寸规范,以降低抛料率.

    标签: pcb工艺

    上传时间: 2022-07-22


  • PADSLayout-不同层设置不同线宽

    Power PCB如何在不同层去设不同线宽之走线1.选择 Setup\Design Rules2.选泽 Conditional Rules Setup3.设定Sousce rule object(可依照不同的状况去选择使用Al/Classes/Nets/Groups/Pin pairs)4.设定Against rule object(可依照不同的状况去选择使用 Layer/Classes/Nets)5.设定Existing rule sets将 Sousce rule object与Against rule object之定按Create产生)6.案例说明一有一条信号CLK_32M当走到Layer1时需为线宽6mil间距6mil;Layer3时需为线宽20mil间距20mil

    标签: padslayout

    上传时间: 2022-07-24
