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  • sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a G

    sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a Gaussian copula, treating the univariate marginal distributions as nuisance parameters as described in Hoff(2007). It also provides a semiparametric imputation procedure for missing multivariate data. Version: 0.95 Date: 2007-03-09 Author: Peter Hoff Maintainer: Peter Hoff <hoff at stat.washington.edu> License: GPL Version 2 or later URL: http://www.stat.washington.edu/hoff CRAN checks: sbgcop results Downloads: Reference manual: sbgcop.pdf

    标签: Semiparametric estimation parameters estimates

    上传时间: 2014-12-08


  • JaNet: Java Neural Network Toolkit resume: A well documented toolkit for designing and training, a

    JaNet: Java Neural Network Toolkit resume: A well documented toolkit for designing and training, and a java library for inclusion in third party programs. description: jaNet package is a java neural network toolkit, which you can use to design, test, train and optimize an ideal Neural Network for your private application. You can then include your saved network in your program using the jaNet.backprop package. The consequent documentation is only in french for the moment, but an english translation is planned. The java source code is released under GPL, and can be compiled with JDK, Symantec Cafe or MS Visual J

    标签: documented designing training Network

    上传时间: 2016-04-15


  • This package provides a complete http client library. It currently implements most of the relevant p

    This package provides a complete http client library. It currently implements most of the relevant parts of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols, including the request methods HEAD, GET, POST and PUT, and automatic handling of authorization, redirection requests, and cookies. Furthermore the included Codecs class contains coders and decoders for the base64, quoted-printable, URL-encoding, chunked and the multipart/form-data encodings. The whole thing is free, and licenced under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) (note that this is not the same as the GPL).

    标签: implements currently complete provides

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • blue-usu: (Search, Connect, Playback, Record) with bluetooth devices like headset. Rely on usu dr

    blue-usu: (Search, Connect, Playback, Record) with bluetooth devices like headset. Rely on usu driver specialized for usb-bluetooth dongle. Use GPL license.

    标签: bluetooth blue-usu Playback Connect

    上传时间: 2016-06-24


  • GNU ccAudio2 is a stand-alone portable C++ class framework for manipulating audio data. It has exist

    GNU ccAudio2 is a stand-alone portable C++ class framework for manipulating audio data. It has existed for some time as GNU GPL licensed package and has most recently been designated a GNU package. It is commonly used in GNU Bayonne.

    标签: manipulating stand-alone framework ccAudio2

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 看到很多人问如何将Java程序转成EXE。最省事的方法莫过于用JBuilder

    看到很多人问如何将Java程序转成EXE。最省事的方法莫过于用JBuilder,但是如果你觉得JBuilder太过于笨重,或者在出于种种原因不能用JBuilder, 看看下面的介绍,也许JSmooth,这个小巧、智能、遵循GPL的开放源码的工具能够帮助你

    标签: JBuilder Java EXE 程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • AMSN是一款功能丰富的MSN Messenger软件

    AMSN是一款功能丰富的MSN Messenger软件,遵照GNU GPL进行发布,除了Windows,还可在其他多种平台下运行,比如GNU/Linux、FreeBSD、Mac OS X等。 功能 * 显示图片 * 表情可定制 * 多语言支持(目前约40种语言,包括简体、繁体中文) * 一次可登录几个帐号 * 支持文件传送 * 可进行分组 * 动画表情可带声音 * 可保存聊天记录 * 事件警告 * 支持摄像头 * 支持时间戳 * 支持网络会议 * 分页式的聊天窗口 * 支持MSN的移动服务 * 可选择登录后的各种默认状态,比如隐身等 * 有不少插件可供下载使用 * 直接通过aMSN下载新版本,并可自动对语言文件、插件进行升级

    标签: Messenger AMSN MSN 软件

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • Uclinux是当前广泛应用的一种嵌入式Linux操作系统

    Uclinux是当前广泛应用的一种嵌入式Linux操作系统,是一个完全符合GNU/GPL公约的项目,与UNIX完全兼容,完全开放源码。英文单词中u表示Micro,c表示control,所以Uclinux的意思是“微控制领域的Linux系统”。 Uclinux针对嵌入式应用的特点,对Linux的内核(所用版本为linux2.6)进行了修改和重新编译,其大小远小于原来。它包含Linux常用的API,保留了原来Linux操作系统具有的高稳定性、强大的网络功能和卓越的文件系统支持功能等优点。 Blackfin系列DSP是ADI公司推出的高性能,低功耗的新一代DSP处理器,融合了Analog Devices/Intel的微信号结构(MSA),其应用范围广泛,包括汽车图像系统,宽带无线系统,多媒体消费电子产品,数字视频录像机,安防与监控,机顶盒和视频会议等。

    标签: Uclinux Linux 嵌入式 操作系统

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • 该程序实现了非线性最小二乘问题和非线性方程组的解法


    标签: 非线性 程序 方程

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 项目描述: EMC is software that implements real-time control of equipment such as machine tools, robots

    项目描述: EMC is software that implements real-time control of equipment such as machine tools, robots, and coordinate measuring machines. It runs in real-time under Linux with the NMT rtlinux patch, and in nonrealtime under Solaris, and WindowsNT. EMC 是一个设备的实时控制软件,可以控制机器工具,机器人,协调式的测量机器。它可以实时在带有NMT补丁的Linux下运行,可以在Solaris, 和WindowsNT下可非实时运行。

    标签: implements equipment real-time software

    上传时间: 2016-12-28
