The software implements particle filtering and Rao Blackwellised particle filtering for conditionally Gaussian Models. The RB algorithm can be interpreted as an efficient stochastic mixture of Kalman filters. The software also includes efficient state-of-the-art resampling Routines. These are generic and suitable for any application. For details, please refer to Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filtering for Fault Diagnosis and On Sequential Simulation-Based Methods for Bayesian Filtering After downloading the file, type "tar -xf demo_rbpf_gauss.tar" to uncompress it. This creates the directory webalgorithm containing the required m files. Go to this directory, load matlab and run the demo.
标签: filtering particle Blackwellised conditionall
上传时间: 2014-12-05
The algorithms are coded in a way that makes it trivial to apply them to other problems. Several generic Routines for resampling are provided. The derivation and details are presented in: Rudolph van der Merwe, Arnaud Doucet, Nando de Freitas and Eric Wan. The Unscented Particle Filter. Technical report CUED/F-INFENG/TR 380, Cambridge University Department of Engineering, May 2000. After downloading the file, type "tar -xf upf_demos.tar" to uncompress it. This creates the directory webalgorithm containing the required m files. Go to this directory, load matlab5 and type "demo_MC" for the demo.
标签: algorithms problems Several trivial
上传时间: 2014-01-20
This sample is a working example of Exabyte2 Tape Minidriver. This module contains device-specific Routines for the Exabyte EXB-8500 tape drive.
标签: This device-specific Minidriver Exabyte2
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Implementations, Applications, and Experiments with the TMS320C55x John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001 By Sen M. Kuo and Bob H. Lee 4.6.1 Experiment 4A - Twiddle Factor Generation 4.6.2 Experiment 4B - Complex Data Operation 4.6.3 IExperiment 4C - mplementation of DFT 4.6.4 Experiment 4D - Experiment Using Assembly Routines
标签: Implementations Applications Experiments Processing
上传时间: 2016-05-24
Enclosed in this distribution are four projects: MD5DLLTest: Visual basic project which runs the MD5 test suite against a MD5 DLL (see below). VbMD5: A Visual Basic native MD5 message digest class based on the RSA reference implementation. md5DLL: A C project which generates a simple Win32 DLL with the MD5 message digest Routines using the RSA reference implementation. MD5Java: A Java implementation of the MD5 message digest algorithm based on the RSA reference implmentation. Let me know if this has any use! Robert M. Hubley
标签: distribution MD5DLLTest Enclosed projects
上传时间: 2016-06-08
C51源程序集锦 This a demo program showing a way to perform simultaneous RS-232 transmit and receive using only one hardware timer. The transmit and receive Routines divide each bit time into 4 slices to allow synchronizing to incoming data that may be out of synch with outgoing data.
标签: simultaneous transmit program perform
上传时间: 2017-02-08
SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines. The library is written in C and is callable from either C or Fortran. The library Routines will perform an LU decomposition with partial pivoting and triangular system solves through forward and back substitution. The LU factorization Routines can handle non-square matrices but the triangular solves are performed only for square matrices. The matrix columns may be preordered (before factorization) either through library or user supplied Routines. This preordering for sparsity is completely separate from the factorization. Working precision iterative refinement subRoutines are provided for improved backward stability. Routines are also provided to equilibrate the system, estimate the condition number, calculate the relative backward error, and estimate error bounds for the refined solutions.
标签: nonsymmetric solution SuperLU general
上传时间: 2017-02-20
*** HyperString v6.0 *** (c)1996-2000 EFD Systems, All rights reserved *** THIS IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE *** See below for license agreement, disclaimer, installation and use. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to HyperString! One of the most significant new features with Delphi32 is long dynamic strings. However, the built-in functions don t really exploit the full potential of these new strings. HyperString provides over 400 fast, efficient string management Routines to help you realize the full power of this highly versatile new data type.
标签: HyperString reserved Systems rights
上传时间: 2017-07-04
软件开发人员必备工具书,,目录如下Welcome to Software Construction [1]1.1 What Is Software Construction?1.2 Why Is Software Construction Important?1.3 How to Read This Book......7.1 Valid Reasons to Create a Routine7.2 Design at the Routine Level7.3 Good Routine Names7.4 How Long Can a Routine Be?7.5 How to Use Routine Parameters7.6 Special Considerations in the Use of Functions7.7 Macro Routines and Inline RoutinesDefensive Programming [5.6 + new material]8.1 Protecting Your Program From Invalid Inputs8.2 Assertions8.3 Error Handling Techniques8.4 Exceptions8.5 Barricade Your Program to Contain the Damage Caused by Errors8.6 Debugging Aids8.7 Determining How Much Defensive Programming to Leave in Production Code8.8 Being Defensive About Defensive ProgrammingThe Pseudocode Programming Process [4+new material]9.1 Summary of Steps in Building Classes and Routines9.2 Pseudocode for Pros9.3 Constructing Routines Using the PPP9.4 Alternatives to the PPP......
上传时间: 2021-12-08
上传用户:20125101110 VIP专区 单片机源码系列 71资源包含以下内容:1. PWM模块单片机的步进电机细分驱动的理论和方法介绍.pdf2. 基于状态分析的键盘管理软件设计.pdf3. 单片机的步进电机控制器设计介绍.pdf4. 单片机温度控制系统的设计及实现.pdf5. 基于单片机的步进电机细分技术介绍.pdf6. 基于单片机的太阳能电池自动跟踪系统的设计.zip7. 单片机的步进电机细分技术研究介绍.pdf8. 气体压缩因子Z的在线修正与单片机实现.pdf9. Emulating a synchronous serial.pdf10. 基于单片机的霍尔传感器测试系统介绍.pdf11. 使用软件程序仿真C500微控制器系列SSC(同步串行通道)功.pdf12. MPC106 PCI Bridge/Memory Contr.pdf13. 单片机以太网通讯的实现介绍.pdf14. MPC106 PCI桥/存储器控制器硬件规范说明.pdf15. USB Demonstration for DK3200 w.pdf16. 对带有uPSD3234A的DK3200的USB演示.pdf17. An easy way to work with Exter.pdf18. 用外部设备设置32位微控制器TriCore的中断的指令及方法.pdf19. P90CL301 I2C driver Routines.pdf20. Input Signal Rise and Fall Tim.pdf21. P90CL301 IIC驱动电路的例行测试及其程序.pdf22. 用51单片机实现公历与农历星期的转换.pdf23. 介绍C16x系列微控制器的输入信号升降时序图及特性.pdf24. XA-S3 I2C driver software.pdf25. 万年历算法.pdf26. MCS-51单片机对步进电机控制的实现.pdf27. XA-S3的IIC接口的驱动器软件程序(C语言).pdf28. Reading and Writing iButtons v.pdf29. 通用单片机试验板原理图.pdf30. I2C slave Routines for the 87L.pdf31. Philips微控制器在LIN中的应用.pdf32. MPC7400 Part Number Speci&THOR.pdf33. 87LPC76X的IIC从程序.pdf34. 基于P87C591的CAN总线系统智能节点设计.pdf35. MPC7400l零件号码规范说明.pdf36. Using the 87LPC76X microcontro.pdf37. Control System of Stepp ingMot.pdf38. 68HC05K0 Infra-red Remote Cont.pdf39. 87C576微控制器的在线编程.pdf40. CAN与RS232转换节点的设计与实现.pdf41. 68HC05K0实现红外远程控制键盘的应用.pdf42. 单片机外围线路设计.rar43. 单片机常用芯片和器件手册.rar44. IO口状态切换说明.pdf45. 中断技术.ppt.ppt46. 并行接口.ppt47. DMA技术 -ppt.ppt48. 结构紧凑的Li+电池充电器.pdf49. 定时与计数技术.ppt50. 微机总线与接口标准.ppt51. 中断的概念及51单片机的中断系统.ppt52. 输入输出与接口技术.ppt53. 单片机应用概述.ppt54. 现代微机原理与接口技术.rar55. 单片机应用系统设计的基本方法.ppt56. PCB可测性设计布线规则之建议―从源头改善可测率.pdf57. 单片机A/D和D/A应用接口技术.ppt58. 汇编语言上机过程.ppt.ppt59. PWM的调速原理与应用—小车调速.ppt60. 汇编语言在数据处理中的应用.ppt61. 定时器/计数器基础.ppt62. 驱动程序与应用程序的接口.doc63. 外部中断应用程序设计范例.ppt64. 实验指导书 (TPC-H实验台C语言版).pdf65. 汇编语言程序设计案例—动态显示/障碍物检测/障碍物方位检测.rar66. 指令功能及汇编语言程序设计.rar67. ispdown V2.3 最新版 (可用Altera下载线进.rar68. MCS-51单片机的编程应用范例.pdf69. 51编程指南--MCSÉ-51 Program.rar70. 多运动目标跟踪及连通域标记方法.pdf71. 很经典的仿真器自制资料.rar72. mcs-51指令集.rar73. 自制51单片机编程器.rar74. CAN总线与USB的转接技术.pdf75. 自制ATMEL 89系列FLASH单片机编程器.rar76. 基于ARM处理器LPC2142的高速数据采集卡设计.pdf77. 微机测量系统中的抗干扰措施.pdf78. PGM89 51Flash单片机编程器V3.0.rar79. 改善基于微控制器的应用的瞬态免疫性能.rar80. KEIL C51开发软件操作使用视频教程.rar81. 自制微型51/AVR通用编程器.rar82. C51单片机视频教程.RAR83. 自制51编程器资料.rar84. 基于单片机89C51和89C2051点阵LED图文显示.pdf85. 全遥控6声道AV机的汇编程序.rar86. keil c51中文说明.pdf87. 基于AT89C2051的红外遥控学习器源程序.rar88. 微型计算机课程设计论文—通用微机发声程序的汇编设计.rar89. 从PCI总线的-12V电源获得3.3V电压.pdf90. DS1302+AT89S52+LED时钟程序(C语言源代码+.rar91. 乐曲发声及动画程序.rar92. 单片开关电源的设计和应用.rar93. 51单片机试验板电路图-原理图.rar94. DS1820 C51 子程序 (一线数据传输).doc95. 模拟串口通讯程序(51汇编代码编写).doc96. 8051单片机教程 (word版).rar97. 串行编程器源程序(Keil C语言).rar98. 用C51写的普通拼音输入法源程序代码.zip99. EasyIsp下载线电路图.rar100. 采用18b20芯片的温度测量C51源程序.rar
上传时间: 2013-06-02