WB_BPSK_Analysis.rar:BPSK modulation and link analysis of UWB monocycle and doublet waveforms.Revised 1/2/05-JC.This m file plots the time and frequency waveforms for BPSK 1st and 2nd derivative equations used in UWB system analysis.
标签: WB_BPSK_Analysis modulation and monocycle
上传时间: 2016-11-12
Fortran has always been the principal language used in the fields of scientific, numerical, and engineering programming, and a series of revisions to the standard defining successive versions of the language has progressively enhanced its power and kept it competitive with several generations of rivals. Beginning in 1978, the technical committee responsible for the development of Fortran standards, X3J3 (now called J3), laboured to produce a new, much- needed modern version of the language, Fortran 90. Its purpose is to "promote portability, reliability, maintainability, and efficient execution... on a variety of computing systems". The standard was published in 1991, and work began in 1993 on a minor revision, known informally as Fortran 95. Now this Revised
标签: scientific the principal numerical
上传时间: 2017-04-12
The continuing vitality of spread-spectrum communication systems and the devel- opment of new mathematical methods for their analysis provided the motivation to undertake this new edition of the book. This edition is intended to enable readers to understand the current state-of-the-art in this field. Almost twenty percent of the materialinthiseditionisnew, includingseveralnewsections, anewchapteronadap- tive arrays and filters, and a new chapter on code-division multiple-access networks. The remainder of the material has been thoroughly Revised, and I have removed a considerable amount of material that has been superseded by more definitive results.
标签: Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 3rd
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The first edition of this book was published in 1992. Nine years later it had become clear that a second edition was required because of the rapidly changing nature of telecommunication. In 1992, the Internet was in existence but it was not the household word that it is in the year 2001. Cellular telephones were also in use but they had not yet achieved the popularity that they enjoy today. In the current edition, Chapter 1 has been Revised to include a section on the Internet. Chapter 10 is new and it covers the facsimile machine; I had overlooked this important tele- communication device in the first edition. Chapter 11 is also new and it describes the pager, the cordless telephone and the cellular telephone system. These are examples of a growing trend in telecommunications to go ‘‘wireless’’.
标签: Telecommunication Circuit Design 2nd
上传时间: 2020-06-01
ets gre 数学考试讲义, Mathematical Conventions for the Quantutative Reasoning Measure of the GRE Revised General Test for the Quantitative Reasoning Measure of the GRE® Revised General Test
标签: gre
上传时间: 2021-09-07
基于传感器和模糊规则的机器人在动态障碍环境中的智能运动控制基于传感器和模糊规则的机器人在动态障碍环境中的智能运动控制 oIlI~0(、r> 王 敏 金·波斯科 黄心汉 ,O、l、L (华i 面面辜写j幕.武汉,43074) \I。L上、o 捌要:提出了一种基于传感器和模糊规则的智能机器人运动规划方法 .该方法运用了基于调和函数分析的人 工势能 场原 理 .采用模糊规则 可减少推导势能函数所 必须的计算 ,同时给机器人伺服 系统发 出指令 ,使它能够 自动 地寻找通向目标的路径.提出的方法具有简单、快速的特点,而且能对 n自由度机械手的整个手臂实现最碰.建立 在非线性机器人动力学之上的整 个闭环系统和模糊控制器 的稳定性 由李雅普诺 夫原理 保证 .仿真结 果证明 了该方 法 的有效性 ,通 过比较分析显示 出文 中所提 出的最障算法的优越性 . 美t词:基于传感器的机器人运动控制;模糊规则;人工势能场;动态避障;机器人操作手 1 叫哑oducd0n R。boIsarewjdelyusedfor诅sb inchasma~ia]b柚· 血 , spot : ng, spray Ijl岫 1g, mech卸icaland elec咖 icas搴enlb1y,ma al埘 IIovaland wa时 cut· ring 咖 . ofsuch tasks_堋 llldea pri|柚ary ptd 眦 of 她 ar0botto e oncpositiontoanother withoutbur叩inginto anyobstacles. s 曲km,de. notedasthefDbotm ∞ pJan,liDgp∞ 舶1,hasbeen the倒 娜bj0ct锄l哪gIeseat℃ll∞ . Every method o0血∞rI1ing 如b0tmotionplanninghas itsownadv∞ngesandapplicationdoma~ asweftasits di戤ldvaIIta麟 and constr~dnts. Therefore it would be ratherdifficulteithertoc0Ⅱ】paremethodsorton~ vate thechoio~ofan dl0‘iupon othP~s. 0州 d眦 :1999—07—29;Revised~ :2000一∞ 一丝 In conU~astto many n~ hods,rob
上传时间: 2022-02-15
课程用到的软件汇集.rar 第1讲、Python金融应用概述.rar 178.8M2017-11-02 18:36 第2讲、基本数据类型与结构.rar 141.6M2017-11-02 18:36 第3讲、Python数据可视化.rar 144.3M2017-11-02 18:36 第4讲、金融时间序列数据处理与分析.rar 158.3M2017-11-02 18:36 第5讲、Python中的输入输出操作.rar 177.1M2017-11-02 18:36 第6讲、Python效率分析与提升.rar 183.2M2017-11-02 18:36 第7讲、Python金融应用数学方法.rar 166.5M2017-11-02 18:36 第8讲、随机分析.rar 226.3M2017-11-02 18:36 第9讲、金融中的统计学及Python实现-Revised.rar 227M2017-11-02 18:36 第10讲、金融中数值方法及Python实现.rar 166.5M2017-11-02 18:36 第11讲、Python与Excel的集成.rar 162.1M2017-11-02 18:36 第12讲、Python面向对象与图形界面编程.rar 135.1M2017-11-02 18:36 第13讲、金融中的大数据应用与Python实现.rar 152.4M2017-11-02 18:36 第14讲、案例1:金融衍生品分析库的Python开发与应用.rar 521.1M2017-11-02 18:36 第15讲、案例2:量化投资系统与Python实现.rar 533.5M2017-11-02 18:36
上传时间: 2013-07-03