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  • When working with mathematical simulations or engineering problems, it is not unusual to handle curv

    When working with mathematical simulations or engineering problems, it is not unusual to handle curves that contains thousands of points. Usually, displaying all the points is not useful, a number of them will be rendered on the same pixel since the screen precision is finite. Hence, you use a lot of resource for nothing! This article presents a fast 2D-line approximation algorithm based on the Douglas-Peucker algorithm (see [1]), well-known in the cartography community. It computes a hull, scaled by a tolerance factor, around the curve by choosing a minimum of key points. This algorithm has several advantages: 这是一个基于Douglas-Peucker算法的二维估值算法。

    标签: mathematical engineering simulations problems

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • 可连接SQL

    可连接SQL,ORACLE等数据库。 首先建立SHOP用户,密码为SHOP,赋予连接和RESOURCE权限。再建立SHOP表空间,再建立表和触发器(在SQL源代码.doc里)并在PASSWORD表里添加新项name:‘admin ,psw: admin 这是管理员登陆帐户。 剩余的就看帮助文件吧。

    标签: SQL 连接

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 非常适合内嵌式mp3播放,例如控制台!注意看压缩包里readme.doc 详细过程,在ARM及MIPS下通过 新建一个 wce application,选择 a simple windows ce

    非常适合内嵌式mp3播放,例如控制台!注意看压缩包里readme.doc 详细过程,在ARM及MIPS下通过 新建一个 wce application,选择 a simple windows ce application 在 1.tool->options->directories>include files里包含必要的头文件 D:\WINCE500\pubilc\directx\SDK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\SDK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\OAK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\DDK\INC 2. >Library files D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\DIRECTX\SDK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\SDK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL 3.可能要在Project->Settings->link的object/library modules 加入 commctrl.lib coredll.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib strmiids.lib newres.h play.cpp play.vcw resource.h StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h 下面为播放源码 #include "stdafx.h" #include<dshow.h> #include<streams.h> .......其实编译时的 object/library modules 只要看 sourse 文件包含哪个dll,或lib 就行

    标签: application windows readme simple

    上传时间: 2016-05-05


  • SimpliciTI™ -1.0.3.exe for CC11xx and CC25xx SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network proto

    SimpliciTI™ -1.0.3.exe for CC11xx and CC25xx SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed at small (<256) RF networks. Such networks typically contain battery operated devices which require long battery life, low data rate and low duty cycle and have a limited number of nodes talking directly to each other or through an access point or range extenders. Access point and range extenders are not required but provide extra functionality such as store and forward messages. With SimpliciTI the MCU resource requirements are minimal which results in the low system cost.

    标签: SimpliciTI low-power network simple

    上传时间: 2014-11-05


  • SimpliciTI™ -1.0.4.exe for CC2430 SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed

    SimpliciTI™ -1.0.4.exe for CC2430 SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed at small (<256) RF networks. Such networks typically contain battery operated devices which require long battery life, low data rate and low duty cycle and have a limited number of nodes talking directly to each other or through an access point or range extenders. Access point and range extenders are not required but provide extra functionality such as store and forward messages. With SimpliciTI the MCU resource requirements are minimal which results in the low system cost.

    标签: SimpliciTI low-power protocol network

    上传时间: 2016-05-21


  • This application creates an USB HID (Human-Interface Device) keyboard on a host computer. Pressing a

    This application creates an USB HID (Human-Interface Device) keyboard on a host computer. Pressing any of the buttons on the board outputs characters or special keys on the host side

    标签: Human-Interface application Pressing computer

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • This Tetris-Clone was assembled from one ATmega8, 240 red LEDs, a few BJTs, a few IC s and some push

    This Tetris-Clone was assembled from one ATmega8, 240 red LEDs, a few BJTs, a few IC s and some push-buttons.

    标签: Tetris-Clone assembled few ATmega

    上传时间: 2016-05-29


  • WINDOWS调试工具很强大

    WINDOWS调试工具很强大,但是学习使用它们并不容易。特别对于驱动开发者使用的WinDbg和KD这两个内核调试器(CDB和NTSD是用户态调试器)。本教程的目标是给予一个已经有其他调试工具使用经验的开发者足够信息,使其能通过参考WINDOWS调试工具的帮助文件进行内核调试。本文将假定开发者熟悉一般WINDOWS操作系统和进程的建立过程。 本文的重点是集成内核模式和用户态模式的图形化调试器WinDbg。KD在脚本和自动化调试中更有用,并且在资深程序员中拥有一定地位,但是本教程将集中讨论WinDbg,只会偶尔提到KD。 本文讨论的是Windows NT 4.0,Windows 2000或以后的版本,而且目标电脑的处理器基于X86架构。对于64位平台,将不会特别提及。 总之,本教程由简单介绍调试器的安装开始,大体分成2部分,基础知识和选择技术。基础知识包括基本调试命令和常用调试命令。选择技术是其他命令和在很多情况下都有用的调查方法。后者并不是调查象deadlocks, memory corruption或者resource leaks的唯一方法。第一次阅读本教程,你可能会跳过选择技术。你可以停止阅读本教程而转向微软调试器讨论组,也可以通过调试器的反馈e-mai解决更多的问题。

    标签: WINDOWS 调试工具

    上传时间: 2016-06-05


  • 本方案为解决当前企业信息化建设中"信息孤岛"丛生、信息流不畅通、信息不能共享的瓶颈问题

    本方案为解决当前企业信息化建设中"信息孤岛"丛生、信息流不畅通、信息不能共享的瓶颈问题,强调首先搞好信息资源规划(Information Resource Planning,简称IRP),建立全企业的信息资源管理(Information Resource Management,简称IRM)基础标准,通过需求分析建立集成化信息系统的功能模型、数据模型和系统体系结构模型,然后再实施通信-计算机网络工程、数据库工程和应用软件工程。

    标签: 方案 企业信息 瓶颈

    上传时间: 2014-01-23


  • 这是在学习数据库时写的一个程序

    这是在学习数据库时写的一个程序,采取DAO访问ACCESS数据库的方式 1:在程序中使用了CButtonStyle这个免费类库。 2:在InitButtonSytle()中,为了使代码更短小,用循环实现了位图按钮。 // 用循环实现必须手动改动Resource.h中的定义 // 具体细节请参看源代码 for ( int nIco = IDI_JUMP, nBtn = IDC_JUMP nBtn >= IDC_LISTITEM nIco--, nBtn-- ) { CButtonStyle *Button = ButtonList.RemoveTail() Button->SubclassDlgItem( nBtn, this ) Button->SetIcon( nIco ) Button->SetInactiveBgColor() Button->SetInactiveFgColor() Button->SetActiveBgColor() }

    标签: 数据库 程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-24
