Wave Resistance for high-speed catamarans.rar
标签: Resistance catamarans high-speed Wave
上传时间: 2014-06-02
The MAX4968/MAX4968A are 16-channel, high-linearity,high-voltage, bidirectional SPST analog switches with18I (typ) on-Resistance. The devices are ideal for use inapplications requiring high-voltage switching controlledby a low-voltage control signal, such as ultrasound imagingand printers. The MAX4968A provides integrated40kI (typ) bleed resistors on each switch terminal todischarge capacitive loads. Using HVCMOS technology,these switches combine high-voltage bilateral MOSswitches and low-power CMOS logic to provide efficientcontrol of high-voltage analog signals.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
The purpose of this application note is to show an example of how a digital potentiometer can be used in thefeedback loop of a step-up DC-DC converter to provide calibration and/or adjustment of the output voltage.The example circuit uses a MAX5025 step-up DC-DC converter (capable of generating up to 36V,120mWmax) in conjunction with a DS1845, 256 position, NV digital potentiometer. For this example, the desiredoutput voltage is 32V, which is generated from an input supply of 5V. The output voltage can be adjusted in35mV increments (near 32V) and span a range wide enough to account for Resistance, potentiometer and DCDCconverter tolerances (27.6V to 36.7V).
上传时间: 2014-12-23
磁珠由氧磁体组成,电感由磁心和线圈组成,磁珠把交流信号转化为热能,电感把交流存储起来,缓慢的释放出去。 磁珠对高频信号才有较大阻碍作用,一般规格有100欧/100mMHZ ,它在低频时电阻比电感小得多。电感的等效电阻可有Z=2X3.14xf 来求得。 铁氧体磁珠 (Ferrite Bead) 是目前应用发展很快的一种抗干扰元件,廉价、易用,滤除高频噪声效果显著。 在电路中只要导线穿过它即可(我用的都是象普通电阻模样的,导线已穿过并胶合,也有表面贴装的形式,但很少见到卖的)。当导线中电流穿过时,铁氧体对低频电流几乎没有什么阻抗,而对较高频率的电流会产生较大衰减作用。高频电流在其中以热量形式散发,其等效电路为一个电感和一个电阻串联,两个元件的值都与磁珠的长度成比例。 磁珠种类很多,制造商应提供技术指标说明,特别是磁珠的阻抗与频率关系的曲线。 有的磁珠上有多个孔洞,用导线穿过可增加元件阻抗(穿过磁珠次数的平方),不过在高频时所增加的抑制噪声能力不可能如预期的多,而用多串联几个磁珠的办法会好些。 铁氧体是磁性材料,会因通过电流过大而产生磁饱和,导磁率急剧下降。大电流滤波应采用结构上专门设计的磁珠,还要注意其散热措施。 铁氧体磁珠不仅可用于电源电路中滤除高频噪声(可用于直流和交流输出),还可广泛应用于其他电路,其体积可以做得很小。特别是在数字电路中,由于脉冲信号含有频率很高的高次谐波,也是电路高频辐射的主要根源,所以可在这种场合发挥磁珠的作用。 铁氧体磁珠还广泛应用于信号电缆的噪声滤除。 以常用于电源滤波的HH-1H3216-500为例,其型号各字段含义依次为:HH 是其一个系列,主要用于电源滤波,用于信号线是HB系列;1 表示一个元件封装了一个磁珠,若为4则是并排封装四个的;H 表示组成物质,H、C、M为中频应用(50-200MHz),T低频应用(<50MHz),S高频应用(>200MHz);3216 封装尺寸,长3.2mm,宽1.6mm,即1206封装;500 阻抗(一般为100MHz时),50 ohm。 其产品参数主要有三项:阻抗[Z]@100MHz (ohm) : Typical 50, Minimum 37;直流电阻DC Resistance (m ohm): Maximum 20;额定电流Rated Current (mA): 2500. 磁珠有很高的电阻率和磁导率, 他等效于电阻和电感串联, 但电阻值和电感值都随频率变化。 他比普通的电感有更好的高频滤波特性,在高频时呈现阻性,所以能在相当宽的频率范围内保持较高的阻抗,从而提高调频滤波效果。 磁珠主要用于高频隔离,抑制差模噪声等。
标签: 电感
上传时间: 2013-11-05
|Introduction Basic Concept Tips to layout Power circuit Type of Power circuit Basic Concept Maximum Current calculation Resistance of Copper ideal power supply & noise Capacitor & Inductor Power consumption Function of power circuit
上传时间: 2014-01-04
特点(FEATURES) 精确度0.1%满刻度(Accuracy 0.1%F.S.) 多种输入输出选择(Wide selection of input/output range) 三线式接线自动补偿线路阻抗效应(3 wire configuration automatically compensate line Resistance effects) 宽范围交直流两用电源设计(Wide input range for auxiliary power) 尺寸小,稳定性高(Dimension small & High stability)
上传时间: 2013-10-17
Abstract: A resistive feedback network is often used to set the output voltage of a power supply. A mechanical potentiometer (pot)conveniently solves the problem of adjusting a power supply. For easier automatic calibration, a mechanical pot can be replaced witha digital pot. This application note presents a calibration solution that uses a digital pot, because digipots are smaller, do not movewith age or vibration, and can be recalibrated remotely. This proposed solution reduces the susceptibility of the system to thetolerance of the digital pot's end-to-end Resistance, making the solution optimal fordesigners. This application note also explainssome of the equations required to calculate the resistor chain values and to use a digital pot in this way. A spreadsheet withstandard reisistor values is available for easy calculations.
上传时间: 2013-10-31
The LTC®3414 offers a compact and efficient voltage regulatorsolution for point of load conversion in electronicsystems that require low output voltages (down to 0.8V)from a 2.5V to 5V power bus. Internal power MOSFETswitches, with only 67mW on-Resistance, allow theLTC3414 to deliver up to 4A of output current with efficiencyas high as 94%. The LTC3414 saves space by operatingwith switching frequencies as high as 4MHz, enabling theuse of tiny inductors and capacitors.
上传时间: 2014-01-03
A recent trend in the design of portable devices has beento use ceramic capacitors to filter DC/DC converter inputs.Ceramic capacitors are often chosen because of theirsmall size, low equivalent series Resistance (ESR) and highRMS current capability. Also, recently, designers havebeen looking to ceramic capacitors due to shortages oftantalum capacitors.
上传时间: 2013-11-05
This white paper raises some fundamental issues the design engineer should address before deciding upon a communication approach for a wireless network. As no universal wireless network solution exists, it should be custom tailored to suit the application demands. Defining your application communication characteristics is the key to ensure optimal communication reliability and Resistance to interfering noise sources.
上传时间: 2013-11-23