A homebrew Replacement of the standart Siemens SXG75\BenQ-Siemens EF81 screensaver.
标签: BenQ-Siemens Replacement screensaver homebrew
上传时间: 2016-12-23
This piece of software was written as a Replacement and extension for Tripwire. Tripwire is an excellent program in itself but lacks some features and is a closed product.
标签: Tripwire Replacement extension software
上传时间: 2014-01-25
The USB Multi-Interface driver is a Replacement driver for the system provided Multi-Interface driver. This driver was developed to overcome some bugs that are included in the build in driver and to introduce new features. The driver is compatible to the system provided Multi-Interface driver. If the driver is installed on a system, it does not automatically replace the system provided driver. It exists parallel to the system driver and is assigned to a device during the installation process.
标签: Multi-Interface driver Replacement provided
上传时间: 2017-02-11
lru page Replacement program using c++
标签: Replacement program using page
上传时间: 2017-05-07
Page Replacement algorithm called FIFO (First In First Out)
标签: First Replacement algorithm called
上传时间: 2014-11-28
Alkaline batteries are convenient because they’re easy tofi nd and relatively inexpensive, making them the powersource of choice for portable instruments and devicesused for outdoor recreation. Their long shelf life alsomakes them an excellent choice for emergency equipmentthat may see infrequent use but must be ready to go on amoment’s notice. It is important that the DC/DC convertersin portable devices operate over the widest possiblebattery voltage range to extend battery run time, and thussave the user from frequent battery Replacement.
上传时间: 2014-12-24
Advances in low power electronics now allow placementof battery-powered sensors and other devices in locationsfar from the power grid. Ideally, for true grid independence,the batteries should not need Replacement, but instead berecharged using locally available renewable energy, suchas solar power. This Design Note shows how to producea compact battery charger that operates from a small2-cell solar panel. A unique feature of this design is thatthe DC/DC converter uses power point control to extractmaximum power from the solar panel.
上传时间: 2014-01-20
The outputs of the PCA9518 are immediately available as soon as there is a voltage present on thesupply >~1V and behave as described above. The power-on reset of the PCA9518A keeps the outputsturned off during power-up and maintains the high impedance of the outputs throughout the power-upcycle. There is an additional built-in delay after power-up that allows the analog circuits to stabilize beforethe part is activated.
标签: Replacement 9518 NXP PCA
上传时间: 2013-10-26
Absolute Database 5.12 src. Absolute Database lets you forget the Borland Database Engine (BDE). This BDE Replacement is the compact, high-speed, robust and easy-to-use database engine. With Absolute Database you will not need special installation and configuration, it compiles right into your EXE. Make your application faster and smaller with Absolute Database BDE alternative!
标签: Database Absolute Borland forget
上传时间: 2013-12-19
用JAVA实现操作系统的页面置换 其中包括 最佳置换算法(Optimal)、先进先出算法(First-in, First-out) 、最近最久不用的页面置换算法(LeastRecently Used Replacement)三种算法的实现
标签: LeastRecently First-out First-in Optimal
上传时间: 2017-01-24