上传时间: 2013-12-12
The OpenGPSRec receiver software runs on the real time operating system RTAI-Linux. It compiles with gcc using a RTAI-patched linux kernel. linux下的GPS 开放源码~!
标签: OpenGPSRec RTAI-Linux operating receiver
上传时间: 2016-04-10
pcf8593实时时钟的驱动实例 Real Time Clock interface for Linux on CPE with FTRTC010
标签: interface Clock Linux FTRTC
上传时间: 2013-12-01
Real Value FFT Algorithm
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Real Time OS 教學資料
上传时间: 2016-04-25
Develop Zigbee network real-time Os
标签: real-time Develop network Zigbee
上传时间: 2014-11-27
易语言的real播放器 支持rmvb 因为时准备做网络播放器用的所以必须要关联使用 直接运行是打不开的 不会关联的要这样movieplayer.exe+空格+文件路径来使用 屏蔽了real控件的右键菜单 全屏模式下也屏蔽了 没有使用透明标签 用的消息截取的方法 程序只能运行一个 开第2个影片会在原来的播放器里播放的
标签: real movieplayer rmvb exe
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Analog signals are represented by 64 bit buses. They are converted to real and from real representation using PLI functions
标签: real represented representa are
上传时间: 2016-05-07
we present real-time particle filters, which make use of all sensor information even when the filter update rate is below the update rate of the sensors.
标签: information real-time particle present
上传时间: 2016-05-08
Welcome to Beginning Algorithms, a step-by-step introduction to computing algorithms for the real world. Developers use algorithms and data structures every day of their working lives. Having a good understanding of these algorithms and knowledge of when to apply them is essential to producing software that not only works correctly, but also performs efficiently. This book aims to explain those algorithms and data structures most commonly encountered in day-today software development, while remaining at all times practical, concise, and to the point, with little or no verbiage to distract from the core concepts and examples.
标签: step-by-step introduction Algorithms algorithms
上传时间: 2016-05-08