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  • VCL component dsplab , STFT and SPECTRUM viewer, real time

    VCL component dsplab , STFT and SPECTRUM viewer, real time

    标签: component SPECTRUM dsplab viewer

    上传时间: 2017-09-17


  • real time fft, Delphi compiled Component, fftw3.dll libraries

    real time fft, Delphi compiled Component, fftw3.dll libraries

    标签: Component libraries compiled Delphi

    上传时间: 2017-09-17


  • Real Time Operating System for Hi-Tech C compiler.

    Real Time Operating System for Hi-Tech C compiler.

    标签: Operating compiler Hi-Tech System

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • RTX-51 Real-Time翻译.pdf

    RTX-51 Real-Time翻译, RTX-51 Real-Time翻译 RTX-51 Real-Time翻译, RTX-51 Real-Time翻译 RTX-51 Real-Time翻译, RTX-51 Real-Time翻译 RTX-51 Real-Time翻译, RTX-51 Real-Time翻译 RTX-51 Real-Time翻译, RTX-51 Real-Time翻译 RTX-51 Real-Time翻译, RTX-51 Real-Time翻译

    标签: RTX-51

    上传时间: 2015-06-16


  • 基于ARM的智能PID控制系统

    比例-积分-微分(PID)是过程控制中最常用的一种控制算法。算法简单而且容易理解,应用十分广泛。但由于应用领域的不同,功能上差别很大,系统的控制要求及关心的控制对象也不相同。数字PID控制比连续PID控制更为优越,因为计算机程序的灵活性,很容易克服连续PID控制中存在的问题,经修正而得到更完善的数字PID算法。本文以三相全控整流桥阻性负载为实际电路,控制主电路电压,旨在提出一种智能数字PID控制系统的设计思路,并给出了详细的硬件设计及初步软件设计思路。 PID控制系统采用高性能、低功耗的ARM微处理器S3C44BO作为核心处理单元,内部的10位ADC作为信号采集模块,采用了矩阵键盘和640*480的液晶作为人机接口;串口作为通信模块实现了上位机的监控。采用芯片内部自带的PWM模块,输出16M Hz PWM信号并经过一阶低通滤波器得到0~5V的控制信号用于触发主电路控制器,实现PID整定。 软件方面,分析和研究了uC/OSⅡ的内核源码,实现了其在32位微处理器上的移植,作为管理各个子程序执行的系统软件。选用了图形处理软件uC/GUI用于完成LCD显示及控制。PID算法采用了增量式数字PID算法,采用规一化算法进行参数选取。上位机部分采用了C#语言进行编写。另外,采用了RTC(Real Time Clock)作为系统时钟,可以实现系统的定时运行、定时模式切换等。在上位机上也可以方便的控制程序的执行,实现远程监控。 在论文的最后详细的介绍了智能PID控制系统在三相全控桥主电路中的具体应用。总结了调试中遇到的问题,对今后工作中需要进一步改善和探索的地方进行了展望。

    标签: ARM PID 控制系统

    上传时间: 2013-08-01


  • C8051F020

    HIGH SPEED 8051 μC CORE - Pipe-lined Instruction Architecture; Executes 70% of Instructions in 1 or 2 System Clocks - Up to 25MIPS Throughput with 25MHz System Clock - 22 Vectored Interrupt Sources MEMORY - 4352 Bytes Internal Data RAM (256 + 4k) - 64k Bytes In-System Programmable FLASH Program Memory - External Parallel Data Memory Interface – up to 5Mbytes/sec DIGITAL PERIPHERALS - 64 Port I/O; All are 5V tolerant - Hardware SMBusTM (I2CTM Compatible), SPITM, and Two UART Serial Ports Available Concurrently - Programmable 16-bit Counter/Timer Array with 5 Capture/Compare Modules - 5 General Purpose 16-bit Counter/Timers - Dedicated Watch-Dog Timer; Bi-directional Reset CLOCK SOURCES - Internal Programmable Oscillator: 2-to-16MHz - External Oscillator: Crystal, RC, C, or Clock - Real-Time Clock Mode using Timer 3 or PCA SUPPLY VOLTAGE ........................ 2.7V to 3.6V - Typical Operating Current: 10mA @ 25MHz - Multiple Power Saving Sleep and Shutdown Modes 100-Pin TQFP (64-Pin Version Available) Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C

    标签: C8051F020

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • AVR常用库函数介绍

    目录: 1. Character Type Functions - 字符类型函数 2. Standard C Input/Output Functions - 标准输入输出函数 3. Standard Library Functions - 标准库和内存分配函数 4. Mathematical Functions - 数学函数 5. String Functions - 字符串函数 6. BCD Conversion Functions - BCD 转换函数 7. Memory Access Functions - 存储器访问函数 8. Delay Functions - 延时函数 9. LCD Functions - LCD函数 10. LCD Functions for displays with 4x40 characters - 4×40 字符型LCD函数 11. LCD Functions for displays connected in 8 bit memory mapped mode -以8 位外部存储 器模式接口的LCD显示函数 12. I2C Bus Functions - I2C 总线函数 13. National Semiconductor LM75 Temperature Sensor Functions - LM75 温度传感器函数 14. Dallas Semiconductor DS1621 Thermometer/Thermostat Functions - DS1621 温度计函 数 15. Philips PCF8563 Real Time Clock Functions - PCF8563 实时时钟函数 16. Philips PCF8583 Real Time Clock Functions - PCF8583 实时时钟函数 17. Dallas Semiconductor DS1302 Real Time Clock Functions - DS1302 实时时钟函数 18. Dallas Semiconductor DS1307 Real Time Clock Functions - DS1307 实时时钟函数 19. 1 Wire Protocol Functions - 单线通讯协议函数 20. Dallas Semiconductor DS1820/DS1822 Temperature Sensors Functions - DS1820/1822 温度传感器函数 21. SPI Functions - SPI 函数 22. Power Management Functions - 电源管理函数 23. Gray Code Conversion Functions - 格雷码转换函数

    标签: AVR 库函数

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 串行时钟PCF8583在微机保护装置中的应用

    实时时钟是微机保护装置的重要部件,在讨论PCF8583结构与功能的基础上,提出采用dsPIC33F系列微处理器与串行I2C时钟PCF8583的接口设计方案,给出了相应的接口电路与软件流程。该设计方案结构简单,可靠性高,开发周期短,具有一定的实用与参考价值。所设计的微机保护装置已投入现场运行,效果良好。 Abstract:  Real-time clock chip is an important part in microcomputer protection device.Based on discussing the structure and function of PCF8583,a new interface scheme which uses dsPIC33F microprocessor and serial clock chip(I2C)PCF8583is proposed.The method of the circuit design and the main software flow are introduced in this paper.The scheme has simple structure,higher reliability and shorter exploitation cycle,so has definite practicality or reference value.The microcomputer protection device has been put into operation with better effects.

    标签: 8583 PCF 串行时钟 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • LPC315x系列ARM微控制器用户手册

    The NXP LPC315x combine an 180 MHz ARM926EJ-S CPU core, High-speed USB 2.0OTG, 192 KB SRAM, NAND flash controller, flexible external bus interface, an integratedaudio codec, Li-ion charger, Real-Time Clock (RTC), and a myriad of serial and parallelinterfaces in a single chip targeted at consumer, industrial, medical, and communicationmarkets. To optimize system power consumption, the LPC315x have multiple powerdomains and a very flexible Clock Generation Unit (CGU) that provides dynamic clockgating and scaling.The LPC315x is implemented as multi-chip module with two side-by-side dies, one fordigital fuctions and one for analog functions, which include a Power Supply Unit (PSU),audio codec, RTC, and Li-ion battery charger.

    标签: 315x LPC 315 ARM

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 智能照明控制器测量环境光线

    Abstract: This application note explains how to design an intelligent lighting controller that senses and measures the ambient lightlevel with an ambient light sensor (ALS). Equipped with a real-time clock (RTC), the controller also knows when to turn lighting on oroff at specified times. The system presented in this document can be used to control all luminaires that are mains-supply operated.Controller software is also provided in hex format.

    标签: 智能照明控制器 测量 环境光线

    上传时间: 2013-11-18
