EPC 낮은 수준의 리더 프로토콜
上传时间: 2015-06-04
用vhdl实现数字钟 其一,具有时,分,秒计数显示功能,其中,要求以二十四小时循环及 时; 其二,具有清零,调节小时,分钟功能; 其三,具有整点报时功能,而且在整点报时的同时 LED 灯花样显示。 其一,具有时,分,秒计数显示功能,其中,要求以二十四小时循环及 时; 其二,具有清零,调节小时,分钟功能; 其三,具有整点报时功能,而且在整点报时的同时 LED 灯花样显示。 其一,具有时,分,秒计数显示功能,其中,要求以二十四小时循环及
标签: 用vhdl实现数字钟
上传时间: 2015-06-24
it is electronics pspice lab manual. very helpful for beginners. its is in the form of a lab manual. hope the Reader will like it very much
标签: orcad pspics electronics
上传时间: 2016-01-10
共轭梯度法为求解线性方程组而提出。后来,人们把这种方法用于求解无约束最优化问题, 使之成为一种重要的最优化方法。 共轭梯度法的基本思想是把共轭性与最速下降方法相结合, 利用已知点处的梯度构造一组共 轭方向, 并沿这组方向进行搜索, 求出目标函数的极小点。 根据共轭方向的基本性质, 这种 方法具有二次终止性。 在各种优化算法中, 共轭梯度法是非常重要的一种。 其优点是所需存 储量小,具有步收敛性,稳定性高,而且不需要任何外来参数。 共轭方向 无约束最优化方法的核心问题是选择搜索方向 . 在本次实验中 , 我们运用基于共轭方向的一种 算法 — 共轭梯度法 三.算法流程图: 四.实验结果: (1). 实验函数 f=(3*x1-cos(x2*x3)-1/2)^2+(x1^2-81*(x2+0.1)+sin(x3)+1.06)^2+(exp(-x1*x2)+20*x3+ 1/3*(10*3.14159-3))^2; 给定初始点 (0,0,0) , k=1 ,最 大迭代次数 n d 确定搜索方向 进 退 法 确 定 搜 索 区 间 分割法确定最 优步长
上传时间: 2016-05-08
16qam 随着现代通信技术的发展, 特别是移动通信技术高速发展, 频带利用率问题 越来越被人们关注。 在频谱资源非常有限的今天, 传统通信系统的容量已经不能 满足当前用户的要求。正交幅度调制 QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) 以其高频谱利用率、 高功率谱密度等优势, 成为宽带无线接入和无线视频通信的 重要技术方案。 随着现代通信技术的发展, 特别是移动通信技术高速发展, 频带利用率问题 越来越被人们关注。 在频谱资源非常有限的今天, 传统通信系统的容量已经不能 满足当前用户的要求。正交幅度调制 QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) 以其高频谱利用率、 高功率谱密度等优势, 成为宽带无线接入和无线视频通信的 重要技术方案。
上传时间: 2016-06-26
上传时间: 2019-06-17
The concept of “smart city” is often used implying that the Reader has a clear and common notion of what it means. However, in the current literature it is very hard to find a precise definition. What is even more interesting, it is not so easy to find a precise definition of what a city is.
标签: Facilitating Developing Designing Cities Smart
上传时间: 2020-05-25
The objective of this book is to allow the Reader to predict the received signal power produced by a particular radio transmitter. The first two chapters examine propagation in free space for point-to-point and point-to-area transmission, respectively. This is combined with a dis- cussion regarding the characteristics of antennas for various purposes. In chapter 3, the effect of obstacles, whether buildings or mountains, is discussed and analytical methods, whereby the strength of a signal is the shadow of an obstacle can be predicted, are presented.
标签: Propagation Essentials Radio Wave of
上传时间: 2020-05-27
This book is an entry-level text on the technology of telecommunications. It has been crafted with the newcomer in mind. The twenty-one chapters of text have been prepared for high-school graduates who understand algebra, logarithms, and the basic principles of electricity such as Ohm’s law. However, it is appreciated that many Readers require support in these areas. Appendices A and B review the essentials of electricity and mathematics up through logarithms. This material was placed in the appendices so as not to distract from the main theme, the technology of telecommunication systems. Another topic that many in the industry find difficult is the use of decibels and derived units. Appendix C provides the Reader a basic understanding of decibels and their applications. The only mathematics necessary is an understanding of the powers of ten
标签: Telecommunications Fundamentals 2nd of ed
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Fundamentals of WiMAX was consciously written to appeal to a broad audience, and to be of value to anyone who is interested in the IEEE 802.16e standards or wireless broadband networks more generally. The book contains cutting-edge tutorials on the technical and theoretical under- pinnings to WiMAX that are not available anywhere else, while also providing high-level over- views that will be informative to the casual Reader.
标签: Understanding Fundamentals WiMAX of
上传时间: 2020-05-27