// This program measures the voltage on an external ADC input and prints the // result to a terminal window via the UART. // // The system is clocked using the internal 24.5MHz oscillator. // Results are printed to the UART from a loop with the Rate set by a delay // based on Timer 2. This loop periodically reads the ADC value from a global // variable, Result.
标签: the measures external program
上传时间: 2013-12-27
we present real-time particle filters, which make use of all sensor information even when the filter update Rate is below the update Rate of the sensors.
标签: information real-time particle present
上传时间: 2016-05-08
This demonstration models a flight control for the longitudinal motion of a Grumman Aerospace F-14 Tomcat. First order linear approximations of the aircraft and actuator behavior are connected to an analog flight control design that uses the pilot s stick pitch command as the set point for the aircraft s pitch attitude and uses aircraft pitch angle and pitch Rate to determine commands. A simplified Dryden wind gust model is incorpoRated to perturb the system.
标签: demonstration longitudinal Aerospace Grumman
上传时间: 2016-05-17
Matlab is an ideal tool for simulating digital communications systems, thanks to its easy scripting language and excellent data visualization capabilities. One of the most frequent simulation tasks in the field of digital communications is bit-error- Rate testing of modems. The bit-error-Rate performance of a receiver is a figure of merit that allows different designs to be compared in a fair manner. Performing bit-error-Rate testing withMatlab is very simple, but does require some prerequisite knowledge
标签: communications simulating scripting digital
上传时间: 2014-01-02
SimpliciTI™ -1.0.3.exe for CC11xx and CC25xx SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed at small (<256) RF networks. Such networks typically contain battery opeRated devices which require long battery life, low data Rate and low duty cycle and have a limited number of nodes talking directly to each other or through an access point or range extenders. Access point and range extenders are not required but provide extra functionality such as store and forward messages. With SimpliciTI the MCU resource requirements are minimal which results in the low system cost.
标签: SimpliciTI low-power network simple
上传时间: 2014-11-05
SimpliciTI™ -1.0.4.exe for CC2430 SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed at small (<256) RF networks. Such networks typically contain battery opeRated devices which require long battery life, low data Rate and low duty cycle and have a limited number of nodes talking directly to each other or through an access point or range extenders. Access point and range extenders are not required but provide extra functionality such as store and forward messages. With SimpliciTI the MCU resource requirements are minimal which results in the low system cost.
标签: SimpliciTI low-power protocol network
上传时间: 2016-05-21
HIPERLAN/2,16QAM mode with 3/4 code Rate (4/6 P2 puncturing Rate)
上传时间: 2016-05-25
Sequential Monte Carlo without Likelihoods 粒子滤波不用似然函数的情况下 本文摘要:Recent new methods in Bayesian simulation have provided ways of evaluating posterior distributions in the presence of analytically or computationally intractable likelihood functions. Despite representing a substantial methodological advance, existing methods based on rejection sampling or Markov chain Monte Carlo can be highly inefficient, and accordingly require far more iterations than may be practical to implement. Here we propose a sequential Monte Carlo sampler that convincingly overcomes these inefficiencies. We demonstRate its implementation through an epidemiological study of the transmission Rate of tuberculosis.
标签: Likelihoods Sequential Bayesian without
上传时间: 2016-05-26
As mentioned, most computers include a serial port. The only hardware setup required is connecting the serial cable to the serial port on the PC and the serial port on the instrument. The serial instrument may include some hardware drivers or software utilities for communication, and should include documentation on the baud Rate, packet size, stop bits, and parity bits that the instrument will use. Additionally, check the National Instruments Instrument Driver Network to see if LabVIEW drivers already exist for yout instrument, as
标签: connecting mentioned computers hardware
上传时间: 2016-05-27
pashload是应用在linux下的网络带宽测试源程序精确度比较高 ///////////////////////////////////// Pathload is a tool for estimating the available bandwidth of an end-to-end path from a host S (sender) to a host R (receiver). The available bandwidth is the maximum IP-layer throughput that a flow can get in the path from S to R, without reducing the Rate of the rest of the traffic in the path.
标签: pashload Pathload linux tool
上传时间: 2016-06-29