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RTP rfc

  • SAP ERP的二次开发

    SAP ERP的二次开发,通过jco调研RFC和BAPI的demo。

    标签: SAP ERP 二次开发

    上传时间: 2017-04-29


  • MD5算法的相关资料


    标签: MD5 算法

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • ZEUS is a family of Eulerian (grid based) Magneto-Hydrodynamic codes (MHD) for use in astrophysics,

    ZEUS is a family of Eulerian (grid based) Magneto-Hydrodynamic codes (MHD) for use in astrophysics, described in a series of papers by Stone and Norman (1, 2, 3). It may be used in Cartesian (XYZ), cylindrical (ZRP), and spherical (RTP) coordinates.

    标签: Magneto-Hydrodynamic astrophysics Eulerian family

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • 这个网络电话程序是linux下

    这个网络电话程序是linux下,用C语言实现的。它既不是实现的H.323 或 SIP协议, 也没有使用RTP协议,更没有使用到任何其它第三方软件,不过,它确实工作的很好。通话话音质量非常不错。

    标签: linux 网络电话 程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • C编写

    C编写,实现字符串摘要、文件摘要两个功能。 里面主要包含3个文件: Md5.cpp、Md5.h、Main.cpp。其中Md5.cpp是算法的代码,里的代码大多是从 rfc-1321 里copy过来的;Main.cpp是主程序。

    标签: 编写

    上传时间: 2014-11-04


  • A certification path is an ordered list of certificates starting with a certificate issued by the re

    A certification path is an ordered list of certificates starting with a certificate issued by the relying party s trust root, and ending with the target certificate that needs to be validated. Certification path validation procedures are based on the algorithm supplied in ITU-T Recommendation X.509 and further defined in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 3280. Certification path processing verifies the binding between the subject distinguished name and/or subject alternative name and the subject public key defined in the target certificate. The binding is limited by constraints, which are specified in the certificates that comprise the path, and inputs that are specified by the relying party. To ensure secure interoperation of PKI-enabled applications, the path validation must be done in accordance with the X.509 and RFC 3280 specifications. This document provides the test assertions and the test cases for testing path validation software against these specifications.

    标签: certification certificates certificate starting

    上传时间: 2017-07-31


  • 本书是英文版

    本书是英文版,但内容非常不错,本书目录如下: Table of Contents SIP—Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol, Second Edition Foreword to the First Edition Preface to - the Second Edition Preface to - the First Edition Chapter 1 - SIP and the Internet Chapter 2 - Introduction to SIP Chapter 3 - SIP Clients and Servers Chapter 4 - SIP Request Messages Chapter 5 - SIP Response Messages Chapter 6 - SIP Header Fields Chapter 7 - Related Protocols Chapter 8 - Comparison to H.323 Chapter 9 - Wireless and 3GPP Chapter 10 - Call Flow Examples Chapter 11 - Future Directions Appendix A - Changes in the SIP Specification from RFC 2543 to RFC 3261

    标签: 英文

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • 书名《Visual C++ 网络高级编程>内容简介:本书在对Visual C 各种编程技术和TCP/IP进行系统介绍的基础上

    书名《Visual C++ 网络高级编程>内容简介:本书在对Visual C 各种编程技术和TCP/IP进行系统介绍的基础上,重点讲解网络编程的高级应用、使用技巧和难点。包括基本网络编程技术,Telnet协议的实现,HTTP协议的实现,FTP协议的实现,文件下载,UDP协议的实现,ICMP协议的实现,PPP协议的实现,代理服务器的实现,ATL、DCOM、ActiveX技术,网络安全,多媒体网络编程等。 对于每个主题,书中都给出其开发要领及应用的实例和技巧,本书主要面向具有一定Visual C 网络编程基础并希望深入研究网络编程技术的读者。 ISDN:7115095639 第一章 TCP/IP协议 第二章 Winsock网络编程接口 第三章 Visual C 与网络编程 第四章 基本网络编程技术 第五章 Telnet协议的实现 第六章 HTTP协议的实现 第七章 FTP协议的实现 第八章 文件下载 第九章 UDP协议的实现 第十章 ICMP协议的实现 第十一章 PPP协议的实现 第十二章 代理服务器的实现 第十三章 ATL、DCOM和ActiveX技术 第十四章 网络安全 附录1 RFC文档分类

    标签: Visual TCP IP gt

    上传时间: 2017-09-17


  • net_tcp.h

    /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                             uC/TCP-IP V2 *                                      The Embedded TCP/IP Suite * *                          (c) Copyright 2003-2010; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL * *               All rights reserved.  Protected by international copyright laws. * *               uC/TCP-IP is provided in source form to registered licensees ONLY.  It is  *               illegal to distribute this source code to any third party unless you receive  *               written permission by an authorized Micrium representative.  Knowledge of  *               the source code may NOT be used to develop a similar product. * *               Please help us continue to provide the Embedded community with the finest  *               software available.  Your honesty is greatly appreciated. * *               You can contact us at www.micrium.com. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * *                                          NETWORK TCP LAYER *                                   (TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL) * * Filename      : net_tcp.h * Version       : V2.10 * Programmer(s) : ITJ ********************************************************************************************************* * Note(s)       : (1) Supports Transmission Control Protocol as described in RFC #793 with the following *                     restrictions/constraints : * *                     (a) TCP Security & Precedence NOT supported               RFC # 793, Section 3.6 * *                     (b) TCP Urgent Data           NOT supported               RFC # 793, Section 3.7 *                                                                                'The Communication of *                                                                                  Urgent Information' * *                     (c) The following TCP options NOT supported :              * *                         (1) Window Scale                                      RFC #1072, Section 2 *                                                                               RFC #1323, Section 2 *                         (2) Selective Acknowledgement (SACK)                  RFC #1072, Section 3 *                                                                               RFC #2018 *                                                                               RFC #2883 *                         (3) TCP Echo                                          RFC #1072, Section 4 *                         (4) Timestamp                                         RFC #1323, Section 3.2 *                         (5) Protection Against Wrapped Sequences (PAWS)       RFC #1323, Section 4 * *                     (d) #### IP-Options-to-TCP-Connection                     RFC #1122, Section *                                Handling NOT           supported * *                     (e) #### ICMP-Error-Message-to-TCP-Connection             RFC #1122, Section *                                Handling NOT currently supported * *                 (2) TCP Layer assumes/requires Network Socket Layer (see 'net_sock.h  MODULE  Note #1a2'). ********************************************************************************************************* */ /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                               MODULE * * Note(s) : (1) TCP Layer module is NOT required for UDP-to-Application API configuration. * *               See also 'net_cfg.h  TRANSPORT LAYER CONFIGURATION' *                      & 'net_cfg.h  USER DATAGRAM PROTOCOL LAYER CONFIGURATION'. * *               See also 'net_tcp.h  Note #2'. * *           (2) The following TCP-module-present configuration value MUST be pre-#define'd in  *               'net_cfg_net.h' PRIOR to all other network modules that require TCP Layer *               configuration (see 'net_cfg_net.h  TCP LAYER CONFIGURATION  Note #2b') : * *                   NET_TCP_MODULE_PRESENT ********************************************************************************************************* */ #ifdef   NET_TCP_MODULE_PRESENT                                 /* See Note #2.                                         */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                               EXTERNS ********************************************************************************************************* */ #if ((defined(NET_TCP_MODULE)) && \      (defined(NET_GLOBALS_EXT))) #define  NET_TCP_EXT #else #define  NET_TCP_EXT  extern #endif /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                               DEFINES ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                         TCP HEADER DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) The following TCP value MUST be pre-#define'd in 'net_def.h' PRIOR to 'net_buf.h' so that *               the Network Buffer Module can configure maximum buffer header size (see 'net_def.h  TCP *               LAYER DEFINES' & 'net_buf.h  NETWORK BUFFER INDEX & SIZE DEFINES  Note #1') : * *               (a) NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX                  60        (NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MAX *                                                                  * NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_WORD_SIZE) * *           (2) Urgent pointer & data NOT supported (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1b'). ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define  NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MASK                         0xF000u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_SHIFT                            12u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_NONE                              0u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MIN                               5u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MAX                              15u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_WORD_SIZE                       CPU_WORD_SIZE_32 #define  NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN                           (NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MIN * NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_WORD_SIZE) #if 0                                                           /* See Note #1a.                                        */ #define  NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX                           (NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MAX * NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_WORD_SIZE) #endif #define  NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_TOT_MIN                       (NET_IP_HDR_SIZE_TOT_MIN + NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN) #define  NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_TOT_MAX                       (NET_IP_HDR_SIZE_TOT_MAX + NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX) #define  NET_TCP_PSEUDO_HDR_SIZE                          12u   /*  = sizeof(NET_TCP_PSEUDO_HDR)                        */ #define  NET_TCP_PORT_NBR_RESERVED                       NET_PORT_NBR_RESERVED #define  NET_TCP_PORT_NBR_NONE                           NET_TCP_PORT_NBR_RESERVED #define  NET_TCP_HDR_URG_PTR_NONE                     0x0000u   /* See Note #2.                                         */ /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                       TCP HEADER FLAG DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) See 'TCP HEADER  Note #2' for flag fields. * *           (2) Urgent pointer & data NOT supported (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1b'). ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_MASK                        0x0FFFu #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_NONE                    DEF_BIT_NONE #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_RESERVED                    0x0FE0u   /* MUST be '0'.                                         */ #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_URGENT                  DEF_BIT_05    /* See Note #2.                                         */ #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_ACK                     DEF_BIT_04 #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_PUSH                    DEF_BIT_03 #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_RESET                   DEF_BIT_02 #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_SYNC                    DEF_BIT_01 #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_FIN                     DEF_BIT_00 #define  NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_CLOSE                   NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_FIN /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                          TCP FLAG DEFINES ********************************************************************************************************* */                                                                 /* ------------------ NET TCP FLAGS ------------------- */ #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_NONE                        DEF_BIT_NONE #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_USED                        DEF_BIT_00    /* TCP conn cur used; i.e. NOT in free TCP conn pool.   */                                                                 /* ------------------ TCP TX  FLAGS ------------------- */                                                                 /* TCP tx flags copied from TCP hdr flags.              */ #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_FIN                      NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_FIN #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_CLOSE                    NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_FIN #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_SYNC                     NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_SYNC #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_RESET                    NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_RESET #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_PUSH                     NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_PUSH #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_ACK                      NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_ACK #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_URGENT                   NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_URGENT #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_BLOCK                    DEF_BIT_07                                                                 /* ------------------ TCP RX  FLAGS ------------------- */ #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_RX_DATA_PEEK                DEF_BIT_08 #define  NET_TCP_FLAG_RX_BLOCK                    DEF_BIT_15 /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                          TCP TYPE DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) NET_TCP_TYPE_&&& #define values specifically chosen as ASCII representations of the TCP *               types.  Memory displays of TCP types will display with their chosen ASCII names. ********************************************************************************************************* */                                                                 /* ------------------ NET TCP TYPES ------------------- */ #if     (CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE == CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG) #define  NET_TCP_TYPE_NONE                        0x4E4F4E45u   /* "NONE" in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_TYPE_CONN                        0x54435020u   /* "TCP " in ASCII.                                     */ #else #if     (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE   == CPU_WORD_SIZE_32) #define  NET_TCP_TYPE_NONE                        0x454E4F4Eu   /* "NONE" in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_TYPE_CONN                        0x20504354u   /* "TCP " in ASCII.                                     */ #elif   (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE   == CPU_WORD_SIZE_16) #define  NET_TCP_TYPE_NONE                        0x4F4E454Eu   /* "NONE" in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_TYPE_CONN                        0x43542050u   /* "TCP " in ASCII.                                     */ #else                                                           /* Dflt CPU_WORD_SIZE_08.                               */ #define  NET_TCP_TYPE_NONE                        0x4E4F4E45u   /* "NONE" in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_TYPE_CONN                        0x54435020u   /* "TCP " in ASCII.                                     */ #endif #endif /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                     TCP SEQUENCE NUMBER DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) TCP initial transmit sequence number is incremented by a fixed value, preferably a large *               prime value or a large value with multiple unique factors. * *               (a) One reasonable TCP initial transmit sequence number increment value example : * *                       65527  =  37 * 23 * 11 * 7 * * *               #### NET_TCP_TX_SEQ_NBR_CTR_INC could be developer-configured in 'net_cfg.h'. * *               See also 'NET_TCP_TX_GET_SEQ_NBR()  Notes #1b2 & #1c2'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define  NET_TCP_SEQ_NBR_NONE                              0u #define  NET_TCP_ACK_NBR_NONE                            NET_TCP_SEQ_NBR_NONE #define  NET_TCP_TX_SEQ_NBR_CTR_INC                    65527u   /* See Note #1.                                         */ #define  NET_TCP_ACK_NBR_DUP_WIN_SIZE_SCALE                4 /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                    TCP DATA/TOTAL LENGTH DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) (a) TCP total length #define's (NET_TCP_TOT_LEN)  relate to the total size of a complete *                   TCP packet, including the packet's TCP header.  Note that a complete TCP packet MAY *                   be fragmented in multiple Internet Protocol packets. * *               (b) TCP data  length #define's (NET_TCP_DATA_LEN) relate to the data  size of a complete *                   TCP packet, equal to the total TCP packet length minus its TCP header size.  Note  *                   that a complete TCP packet MAY be fragmented in multiple Internet Protocol packets. ********************************************************************************************************* */                                                                                 /* See Notes #1a & #1b.                 */ #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MIN                              0u #define  NET_TCP_TOT_LEN_MIN                            (NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN + NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MIN) #define  NET_TCP_TOT_LEN_MAX                            (NET_IP_TOT_LEN_MAX   - NET_IP_HDR_SIZE_MIN ) #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MAX                           (NET_TCP_TOT_LEN_MAX  - NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN) /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                      TCP SEGMENT SIZE DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) (a) RFC # 879, Section 3 states that the TCP Maximum Segment Size "counts only *                   data octets in the segment, ... not the TCP header or the IP header". * *               (b) RFC #1122, Section requires that : * *                   (1) "The MSS value to be sent in an MSS option must be less than or equal to * *                        (A) MMS_R - 20 * *                        where MMS_R is the maximum size for a transport-layer message that can *                        be received." * *                   (2) "If an MSS option is not received at connection setup, TCP MUST assume a *                        default send MSS of 536 (576 - 40)." * *                   See also 'net_ip.h  IP DATA/TOTAL LENGTH DEFINES  Note #1'. ********************************************************************************************************* */                                                                                         /* See Note #1.                 */ #define  NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT                      (NET_IP_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE_DFLT - NET_IP_HDR_SIZE_MIN - NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN) #define  NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT_RX                    NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MAX           /* See Note #1b1.               */ #define  NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT_TX                    NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT      /* See Note #1b2.               */ #define  NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_NONE                         0u #define  NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_MIN                        NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT #define  NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_MAX                        NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MAX #define  NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_MIN                             NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MIN #define  NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_MAX                             NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MAX #define  NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_SYNC                              1u #define  NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_FIN                               1u #define  NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_CLOSE                           NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_FIN #define  NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_ACK                               0u #define  NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_RESET                             0u #define  NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_PROBE                             0u #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_SYNC                          0u #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_FIN                           0u #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_CLOSE                       NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_FIN #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_ACK                           0u #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_PROBE_NO_DATA                 0u #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_PROBE_DATA                    1u #define  NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_RESET                         0u #define  NET_TCP_TX_PROBE_DATA                          0x00u /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                       TCP WINDOW SIZE DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) Although NO RFC specifies the absolute minimum TCP connection window size value allowed, *               RFC #793, Section 3.7 'Data Communication : Managing the Window' states that for "the *               window ... there is an assumption that this is related to the currently available data *               buffer space available for this connection". ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define  NET_TCP_WIN_SIZE_NONE                             0u #define  NET_TCP_WIN_SIZE_MIN                            NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_MIN #define  NET_TCP_WIN_SIZE_MAX                            DEF_INT_16U_MAX_VAL /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                     TCP HEADER OPTIONS DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) See the following RFC's for TCP options summary : * *               (a) RFC # 793, Section  3.1 'Header Format : Options' *               (b) RFC #1122; Sections, * *           (2) TCP option types are encoded in the first octet for each TCP option as follows : * *                           -------- *                           | TYPE | *                           -------- * *               The TCP option type value determines the TCP option format : * *               (a) The following TCP option types are single-octet TCP options -- i.e. the option type *                   octet is the ONLY octet for the TCP option. * *                   (1) TYPE =  0   End of Options List *                   (2) TYPE =  1   No Operation * * *               (b) All other TCP options MUST be multi-octet TCP options (see RFC #1122, Section : * *                           ------------------------------ *                           | TYPE | LEN  |   TCP OPT    | *                           ------------------------------ * *                       where  *                               TYPE        Indicates the specific TCP option type *                               LEN         Indicates the total    TCP option length, in octets, including  *                                                the option type & the option length octets *                               TCP OPT     Additional TCP option octets, if any, that contain the remaining *                                                TCP option information * *                   The following TCP option types are multi-octet TCP options where the option's second *                   octet specify the total TCP option length, in octets, including the option type & the *                   option length octets : * *                   (1) TYPE =  2   Maximum Segment Size        See RFC # 793, Section  3.1 'Header Format : *                                                                   Options : Maximum Segment Size'; *                                                                   RFC #1122, Section; *                                                                   RFC # 879, Section 3 * *                   (2) TYPE =  3   Window  Scale               See 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c1' *                   (3) TYPE =  4   SACK Allowed                See 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2' *                   (4) TYPE =  5   SACK Option                 See 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2' *                   (5) TYPE =  6   Echo Request                See 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3' *                   (6) TYPE =  7   Echo Reply                  See 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3' *                   (7) TYPE =  8   Timestamp                   See 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c4' * *           (3) TCP header allows for a maximum option list length of 40 octets : * *                   NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_MAX = NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX - NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN * *                                            = 60 - 20 * *                                            = 40 * *           (4) 'NET_TCP_OPT_SIZE'  MUST be pre-defined PRIOR to all definitions that require TCP option  *                size data type. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /*$PAGE*/ #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_END_LIST                          0u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_NOP                               1u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_MAX_SEG_SIZE                      2u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_WIN_SCALE                         3u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SACK_PERMIT                       4u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SACK                              5u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_ECHO_REQ                          6u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_ECHO_REPLY                        7u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_TS                                8u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_PAD                             NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_END_LIST #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_END_LIST                      1u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_NOP                           1u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_MAX_SEG_SIZE                  4u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_WIN_SCALE                     3u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_SACK_PERMIT                   2u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_ECHO_REQ                      6u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_ECHO_REPLY                    6u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_TS                           10u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_SACK_MIN                      6u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_SACK_MAX                     38u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_MIN                           1u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_MIN_LEN                       2u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_MAX                          38u typedef  CPU_INT32U  NET_TCP_OPT_SIZE;                          /* TCP opt size data type (see Note #4).                */ #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_WORD               (sizeof(NET_TCP_OPT_SIZE)) #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_MAX                       (NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX - NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN) #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_NBR_MIN                           0u #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_NBR_MAX                        (NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_MAX / NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_WORD) #define  NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_IX                              NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                TCP OPTION CONFIGURATION TYPE DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_&&& #define values specifically chosen as ASCII representations of  *               the TCP option configuration types.  Memory displays of TCP option configuration buffers  *               will display the TCP option configuration TYPEs with their chosen ASCII names. ********************************************************************************************************* */                                                                 /* ---------------- TCP OPT CFG TYPES ----------------- */ #if     (CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE == CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG) #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_NONE                0x4E4F4E45u   /* "NONE" in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_MAX_SEG_SIZE        0x4D535320u   /* "MSS " in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_WIN_SCALE           0x57494E20u   /* "WIN " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c1').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK_PERMIT         0x53434B50u   /* "SCKP" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK                0x5341434Bu   /* "SACK" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REQ            0x45524551u   /* "EREQ" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY          0x4543484Fu   /* "ECHO" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_TS                  0x54532020u   /* "TS  " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c4').        */ #else #if     (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE   == CPU_WORD_SIZE_32) #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_NONE                0x454E4F4Eu   /* "NONE" in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_MAX_SEG_SIZE        0x2053534Du   /* "MSS " in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_WIN_SCALE           0x204E4957u   /* "WIN " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c1').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK_PERMIT         0x504B4353u   /* "SCKP" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK                0x4B434153u   /* "SACK" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REQ            0x51455245u   /* "EREQ" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY          0x4F484345u   /* "ECHO" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_TS                  0x20205354u   /* "TS  " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c4').        */ #elif   (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE   == CPU_WORD_SIZE_16) #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_NONE                0x4F4E454Eu   /* "NONE" in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_MAX_SEG_SIZE        0x534D2053u   /* "MSS " in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_WIN_SCALE           0x4957204Eu   /* "WIN " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c1').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK_PERMIT         0x4353504Bu   /* "SCKP" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK                0x41534B43u   /* "SACK" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REQ            0x52455145u   /* "EREQ" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY          0x43454F48u   /* "ECHO" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_TS                  0x53542020u   /* "TS  " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c4').        */ #else                                                           /* Dflt CPU_WORD_SIZE_08.                               */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_NONE                0x4E4F4E45u   /* "NONE" in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_MAX_SEG_SIZE        0x4D535320u   /* "MSS " in ASCII.                                     */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_WIN_SCALE           0x57494E20u   /* "WIN " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c1').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK_PERMIT         0x53434B50u   /* "SCKP" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK                0x5341434Bu   /* "SACK" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c2').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REQ            0x45524551u   /* "EREQ" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY          0x4543484Fu   /* "ECHO" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c3').        */ #define  NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_TS                  0x54532020u   /* "TS  " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h  Note #1c4').        */ #endif #endif /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                   TCP CONNECTION TIMEOUT DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) (a) (1) RFC #1122, Section 'DISCUSSION' states that "the graceful close algorithm *                       of TCP requires that the connection state remain defined on (at least) one end of *                       the connection, for a timeout period of 2xMSL ... During this period, the (remote  *                       socket, local socket) pair that defines the connection is busy and cannot be reused". * *                   (2) The following sections reiterate that the TIME-WAIT state timeout scalar is two *                       maximum segment lifetimes (2 MSL) : * *                       (A) RFC #793, Section 3.9 'Event Processing : SEGMENT ARRIVES : *                               Check Sequence Number : TIME-WAIT STATE' *                       (B) RFC #793, Section 3.9 'Event Processing : SEGMENT ARRIVES : *                               Check FIN Bit         : TIME-WAIT STATE' * *               (b) (1) RFC #793, Section 3.3 'Sequence Numbers : Knowing When to Keep Quiet' states that *                       "the Maximum Segment Lifetime (MSL) is ... to be 2 minutes.  This is an engineering *                       choice, and may be changed if experience indicates it is desirable to do so". * *                   (2) Microsoft Corporation's Windows XP defaults MSL to 15 seconds. ********************************************************************************************************* */                                                                                     /* Max seg timeout (see Note #1b) : */ #define  NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX_SEG_MIN_SEC   (  0u                           )   /* ... min  =  0 seconds            */ #define  NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX_SEG_MAX_SEC   (  2u * DEF_TIME_NBR_SEC_PER_MIN)   /* ... max  =  2 minutes            */ #define  NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX_SEG_DFLT_SEC  ( 15u                           )   /* ... dflt = 15 seconds            */ #define  NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX_SEG_SCALAR       2u                               /* ... scalar (see Note #1a).       */ #define  NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_CONN_DFLT_SEC     (120u * DEF_TIME_NBR_SEC_PER_MIN)   /* Dflt conn timeout = 120 minutes  */ #define  NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_USER_DFLT_SEC     ( 30u * DEF_TIME_NBR_SEC_PER_MIN)   /* Dflt user timeout =  30 minutes  */ /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                        TCP CONNECTION STATES * * Note(s) : (1) See the following RFC's for TCP state machine summary : * *               (a) RFC # 793; Sections 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.9 *               (b) RFC #1122; Sections,,,,, * *           (2) (a) #### Additional closing-data-available state used for closing connections to allow the *                   application layer to receive any remaining data. * *                   See also 'net_tcp.c  NetTCP_RxPktConnHandlerFinWait1()  Note #2f5A2', *                            'net_tcp.c  NetTCP_RxPktConnHandlerFinWait2()  Note #2f5B', *                            'net_tcp.c  NetTCP_RxPktConnHandlerClosing()   Note #2d2B2a1B', *                          & 'net_tcp.c  NetTCP_RxPktConnHandlerLastAck()   Note #2d2A1b'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_NONE                           0u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_FREE                           1u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CLOSED                        10u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_LISTEN                        20u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_SYNC_RXD                      30u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_SYNC_RXD_PASSIVE              31u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_SYNC_RXD_ACTIVE               32u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_SYNC_TXD                      35u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CONN                          40u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_FIN_WAIT_1                    50u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_FIN_WAIT_2                    51u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CLOSING                       52u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_TIME_WAIT                     53u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT                    55u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_LAST_ACK                      56u #define  NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CLOSING_DATA_AVAIL            59u   /* See Note #2a.                                        */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                     TCP CONNECTION QUEUE STATES ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define  NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_NONE                           0u #define  NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_CLOSED                       100u #define  NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_CLOSING                      101u #define  NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_SYNC                         110u #define  NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_CONN                         111u #define  NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_NONE                           0u #define  NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CLOSED                       200u #define  NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CLOSING                      201u #define  NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_SYNC                         210u #define  NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CONN                         211u #define  NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_SUSPEND                      215u #define  NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CLOSED_SUSPEND               220u #define  NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CLOSING_SUSPEND              221u /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* *                                     TCP CONNECTION CODE DEFINES **************

    标签: tcp uCOS-II

    上传时间: 2015-11-22

    上传用户:the same kong

  • Service Delivery Platforms

    Convergence between the two largest networks (Telecom and IP) is taking place very rapidly and at diff erent levels: (1) network level: unifi cation of IP networks with traditional Telecom networks through evolving standards (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Realtime Transfer Protocol (RTP), SS7, 3G) to support interopera- bility; (2) service level: traditional Telecom services like voice calls are being provi- sioned on the IP backbone (VoIP), while traditional IP services (most data-driven services such as multimedia, browsing, chatting, gaming, etc.) are accessible over the Telecom network.

    标签: Platforms Delivery Service

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
