A RObot that delivers items and performs errands in an oce enviROnment needs to be able to navigate RO bustly
标签: enviROnment delivers performs errands
上传时间: 2013-12-26
#include<malloc.h> #include<limits.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<io.h> #include<math.h> #include<pROcess.h> #include<conio.h> #define m 100 #define OK 1 typedef int Status typedef char TElemType /*树元素的类型*/ int t=35 int n=20 int h=14 int u=2 int leaf=0,non_l_leaf=0,non_r_leaf=0,ROot=0 /*各种结点数*/ char le[m],l[m],r[m],RO[m] /*用与存放各种结点*/ typedef struct BiTNode/*定义二叉树*/
上传时间: 2013-12-15
由三星的2442修改而来,正确引导eboot,请注意用三星公版的硬件配置,具体可以参考QQ2440,因为我在些平台上跑过,具体操作 1.target settings : post-linker:选择为 ARM fROmELF 2.ARM assembler与 ARM c Compiler 的 architecture or pROcessor 选择为:ARM920T 3.ARM linker的 output:RO base为 0x00000000 (当仿真时为:0x30000000),layout的 object/sysmbol:为2440init.o section:Init 4.ARM fROmELF 的 output:format:plain binary , output file name:nboot.bin 下面为全部源码,注意用ADS编译 2442addr.h 2442addr.inc 2442init.s 2442lib.c 2442lib.h 2442loader-1208.c 2442slib.h 2442slib.s Def.h k9s1208_s.s Memcfg.inc Nand.h Nand_mini.c Option.h Option.inc
标签: post-linker settings target eboot
上传时间: 2016-05-06
2 分类指令 在介绍各条分类指令之前,将指令中的操作数及注释中的符号说明如下。 Rn:当前指定的工作寄存器组中的RO-R7(其中n=0,1,2,…,7)。 Ri:当前指定的工作寄存器组中的RO,R1(其中i=0,1)。 (Ri):Ri间址寻址指定的地址单元。 ((Ri)):Ri间址寻址指定地址单元中的内容。 dir:8位直接字节地址(在片内RAM和SFR存储空间中)。 #data8:8位立即数。 #datal6:16位立即数。 addrl6:16位地址值。 addrll:11位地址值。
上传时间: 2013-12-22
this is very good application for face traccking.it contains more and good differnt features.if u ROtate face right side it will show the direction for rignt side.if u ROtate face left side it will show the direction for left side.
标签: good application traccking contains
上传时间: 2014-07-25
this is very good application for face traccking.it contains more and good differnt features.if u ROtate face right side it will show the direction for rignt side.if u ROtate face left side it will show the direction for left side.
标签: good application traccking contains
上传时间: 2014-01-10
this is very good application for face traccking.it contains more and good differnt features.if u ROtate face right side it will show the direction for rignt side.if u ROtate face left side it will show the direction for left side.
标签: good application traccking contains
上传时间: 2017-06-19
this is very good application for face traccking.it contains more and good differnt features.if u ROtate face right side it will show the direction for rignt side.if u ROtate face left side it will show the direction for left side.
标签: good application traccking contains
上传时间: 2014-07-03
Matlab 画三维立体图形 The aim of geom3d library is to handle and visualize 3D geometric primitives such as points, lines, planes, polyhedra... It pROvides low-level functions for manipulating 3D geometric primitives, making easier the development of more complex geometric algorithms. Some features of the library are: - creation of various shapes (3D points, 3D lines, planes, polyhedra...) thROugh an intuitive syntax. Ex: createPlane(p1, p2, p3) to create a plane thROugh 3 points. - derivation of new shapes: intersection between 2 planes, intersection between a plane and a line, between a sphere and a line... - functions for 3D polygons and polyhedra. Polyhedra use classical vertex-faces arrays (face array contain indices of vertices), and support faces with any number of vertices. Some basic models are pROvided (createOctaedROn, createCubeoctaedROn...), as well as some computation (like faceNormal or centROid) - manipulation of planar transformation. Ex.: ROT = createROtationOx(THETA); P2 = transformPoint3d(P1, ROT); - direct drawing of shapes with specialized functions. Clipping is performed automatically for infinite shapes such as lines or rays. Ex: drawPoint3d([50 50 25; 20 70 10], 'RO'); % draw some points drawLine3d([X0 Y0 Z0 DX DY DZ]); % clip and draw straight line Some functions require the geom2d package. Additional help is pROvided in geom3d/Contents.m file, as well as summary files like 'points3d.m' or 'lines3d.m'.
标签: Matlab 画三维立体图形
上传时间: 2015-11-02
modelsim-win64-10.1c-se.exe 破解程序
标签: modelsim-win 10.1 c-se exe 64 破解
上传时间: 2016-04-28