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  • Bell and Sejnowski 在1996提出的ica算法

    Bell and Sejnowski 在1996提出的ica算法,用matlab实现的,但版本较旧,需要做修改才能用于新版本。

    标签: Sejnowski Bell 1996 and

    上传时间: 2015-03-23


  • 这是一个基于峰度的ICA算法


    标签: ICA 算法

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • This a Bayesian ICA algorithm for the linear instantaneous mixing model with additive Gaussian noise

    This a Bayesian ICA algorithm for the linear instantaneous mixing model with additive Gaussian noise [1]. The inference problem is solved by ML-II, i.e. the sources are found by integration over the source posterior and the noise covariance and mixing matrix are found by maximization of the marginal likelihood [1]. The sufficient statistics are estimated by either variational mean field theory with the linear response correction or by adaptive TAP mean field theory [2,3]. The mean field equations are solved by a belief propagation method [4] or sequential iteration. The computational complexity is N M^3, where N is the number of time samples and M the number of sources.

    标签: instantaneous algorithm Bayesian Gaussian

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • cardoso 的ICA编码

    cardoso 的ICA编码,可以用在人脸识别上面

    标签: cardoso ICA 编码

    上传时间: 2014-12-03


  • The ICA/BSS algorithms are pure mathematical formulas, powerful, but rather mechanical procedures: T

    The ICA/BSS algorithms are pure mathematical formulas, powerful, but rather mechanical procedures: There is not very much left for the user to do after the machinery has been optimally implemented. The successful and efficient use of the ICALAB strongly depends on a priori knowledge, common sense and appropriate use of the preprocessing and postprocessing tools. In other words, it is preprocessing of data and postprocessing of models where expertise is truly ne

    标签: mathematical algorithms mechanical procedures

    上传时间: 2015-03-31


  • 这次上传的代码是关于特征提取的主要算法之一:ica


    标签: ica 代码 特征提取 算法

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • Fast ICA

    Fast ICA,一种ICA的快速算法,有完整的论文(两种格式,pdf和ps的)

    标签: Fast ICA

    上传时间: 2015-04-06


  • ICA can be used in brain activation studies to reduce the number of dimension and filter out indepen

    ICA can be used in brain activation studies to reduce the number of dimension and filter out independent and interesting activations. This demonstration shows two studies. One provided by Hvidovre Universitets Hospital, Denmark, that consists of fMRI scannings of humans. Another provided by the EU sponsored MAPAWAMO project from fMRI scannings of monkeys. In the demo comparison between icaMS, icaML, icaMF, icaMF (positive sources) and PCA can be made. More detailes can found in [2].

    标签: activation dimension studies indepen

    上传时间: 2015-04-19


  • ICA is used to classify text in extension to the latent semantic indexing framework. ICA show to ali

    ICA is used to classify text in extension to the latent semantic indexing framework. ICA show to align the context grouping structure well in a human sense [1], thus can be used for unsupervised classification. The demonstration shows this on medical abstracts (MED dataset), that uses BIC to estimate the number of classes and produces keywords for each class. The icaML algorithm is used.

    标签: ICA extension framework classify

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 快速ICA算法


    标签: ICA 算法

    上传时间: 2015-05-22
