In the first chapter, the topic of this book is classified into the area of pervasive com- puting. Further, security and privacy in the scope of RFID technology is motivated and the vision that guides the remainder of this book is introduced.
标签: RFID_Security_and_Privacy_Concept
上传时间: 2020-06-08
With the continued growth in the world's population, there is a need to ensure availability of enough food to feed everyone. Advances in science and technology have helped not only to increase food production, but also to reduce food wastage. However, the latter has the potential to be improved to a significant extent through appropriate matching of supply and demand, and with proper handling during storage and transit. Given the amount of food wastage that occurs after a food item leaves the “farm” on its way to the “fork,” and the availability of means to reduce such wastage, there really is no excuse for feigned ignorance.
标签: Automation Industry Network Sensor RFID Food and the in
上传时间: 2020-06-08
Internet of Things (IoT) [26] is a new networking paradigm for cyber-physical systems that allow physical objects to collect and exchange data. In the IoT, physical objects and cyber-agents can be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, which enables the integration between the physical world and computer-based systems and therefore extends the Internet into the real world. IoT can find numerous applications in smart housing, environmental monitoring, medical and health care systems, agriculture, transportation, etc. Because of its significant application potential, IoT has attracted a lot of attention from both academic research and industrial development.
标签: Technologies Internet Things RFID for of
上传时间: 2020-06-08
With more than two billion terminals in commercial operation world-wide, wire- less and mobile technologies have enabled a first wave of pervasive communication systems and applications. Still, this is only the beginning as wireless technologies such as RFID are currently contemplated with a deployment potential of tens of billions of tags and a virtually unlimited application potential. A recent ITU report depicts a scenario of “Internet of things” — a world in which billions of objects will report their location, identity, and history over wireless connections.
标签: Internet Things From The RFI of
上传时间: 2020-06-08
To a quantum mechanic the whole universe is one godawful big interacting wavefunction ? but to the rest of us, it’s a world full of separate and distinguishable objects that hurt us when we kick them. At a few months of age, human children recognize objects, expect them to be permanent and move continuously, and display surprise when they aren’t or don’t. We associate visual, tactile, and in some cases audible and olfactory sensations with identifiable physical things. We’re hardwired to understand our environment as being composed of separable things with specific properties and locations. We understand the world in terms of what was where when.
上传时间: 2020-06-08
We are in the era of ubiquitous computing in which the use and development of Radio Frequency Iden- tification (RFID) is becoming more widespread. RFID systems have three main components: readers, tags, and database. An RFID tag is composed of a small microchip, limited logical functionality, and an antenna. Most common tags are passive and harvest energy from a nearby RFID reader. This energy is used both to energize the chip and send the answer back to the reader request. The tag provides a unique identifier (or an anonymized version of that), which allows the unequivocal identification of the tag holder (i.e. person, animal, or items).
上传时间: 2020-06-08
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上传时间: 2021-10-22
上传时间: 2021-11-14
Arduino教程从零到入门到应用圈点笔记 此文件为个人学习视频中截图积累知识笔记,仅记录一些关键步骤及相关知识文字圈点,方便快速记忆使用而作,知识点基础传感器见目录,相关具体代码操作皆有完整截图保存。目的按知识层次阶段整理而成。目录初积 基础知识 函数 样板测试 函数介绍 器件知识 面包板 LED灯 蜂鸣器 显示管 舵机 超声波测距 红外传感器 触摸传感器 声音传感器 雨滴传感器 温度传感器 温湿度传感器 激光发射器 红外遥控器 火焰传感器 滚珠传感器 步进电机 摇杆 LCD 电量灯 点阵实验 WIFI通讯 鼠标模拟 串口调试 控制风扇 74HC595芯片 实时时钟 案例 平衡玩具 智能晾衣架 电压表进阶 应用实例 Siri开关 设计思路 光猫 小实例 知识补充 RFID Mqtt 芯片知识 CH340G ESP2866 NodeMCU 问题
标签: arduino
上传时间: 2021-11-27
智能化门禁管理系统在图书馆的应用高校图书馆是一个特殊的服务场所,它的服务对象主要是本校师生,不希望什么人都可以进出。为了工 作的安全有效,需要进行封闭式管理。随着技术的进步,智能化的门禁管理系统应运而生。 1 智能化门禁管理系统 智能化门禁管理系统是近几年迅速发展起来的一种现代化电子安全防范管理系统,它集合了计算机自动 识别技术和现代安全管理系统为一体,应用了电子、机械、计算机技术、通信技术、光学技术、生物技术等 多类别的一项综合新型技术。它是解决重要部门出入口实现安全防范管理的有效措施。作为环境安防系统的 一个重要组成部分,已越来越受到人们的重视。 智能化门禁管理系统又称为出入口控制系统,它就像是一种电子门锁,按照安装在门口的电子读卡器所 读取到的个人识别卡上的信号辨别人员身份,从而取代传统的人工管理出入口登记。时刻记录人员的出入情 况,有助于内部管理机制与模式的有序化,以及有效维护控制区域内的的正常工作秩序,礼貌地拒绝不速之客。 2 智能化门禁管理系统的类别及工作原理 2 .1 智能化门禁管理系统的类别。智能化门禁管理系统分为非联网式和联网式两种。 非联网式指各自独立、分别控制、未形成网络控制的系统,如密码键盘控制的门禁系统,主要优势在
标签: 门禁管理系统
上传时间: 2022-03-11