创建进度条 jpb = new JProgressBar() jbutton = new JButton("观看演示") jbutton.addActionListener(this) this.getContentPane().add(jbutton) //设置进度条的前景色为红色 jpb.setForeground(Color.RED) this.getContentPane().add(jpb) //给进度条注册事件监听器
标签: jbutton addActionListener JProgressBar new
上传时间: 2017-01-06
This worm file is disseminated except that through MIRC and outlook Express. This worm will duplicate RED.exe in the computer arriving and infecting too, and in mirc catalogue in the system, produce a script.ini file, let the worm be disseminated through Mirc communication software by this.
标签: This worm disseminated duplicat
上传时间: 2017-01-13
PL0 C语言版本 //A.2 C 版 本 /*编译和运行环境: *1Visual C++6.0,VisualC++.NET and Visual C++.NET 2003 *WinNT, Win 200, WinXP and Win2003 *2 gcc version 3.3.2 20031022(RED Hat Linux 3.3.2-1) *REDhat Fedora core 1 *Intel 32 platform *使用方法: *运行后输入PL/0 源程序文件名 *回答是否输出虚拟机代码 *回答是否输出名字表 *fa.tmp 输出虚拟机代码 *fa1.tmp 输出源文件及其各行对应的首地址 *fa2.tmp 输出结果 *fas.tmp 输出名字表 */
上传时间: 2013-12-22
La designaci贸n Modbus Modicon corresponde a una marca registrada por Gould Inc. Como en tantos otros casos, la designaci贸n no corresponde propiamente al est谩ndar de RED, incluyendo todos los aspectos desde el nivel f铆sico hasta el de aplicaci贸n, sino a un protocolo de enlace [nivel OSI 2]. Puede, por tanto, implementarse con diversos tipos de conexi贸n f铆sica y cada fabricante suele suministrar un software de aplicaci贸n propio, que permite parametrizar sus producto
标签: corresponde registrada designaci Modicon
上传时间: 2014-12-01
本文将介绍文本安装Fedora过程,尽可能的表现出真实状态。给初学者一个快速入门的途径! 提示:本教程采用识图方式编写,对常用的加以讲解其余功能读者可自行尝试。 Fedora 是一系列由 RED Hat 支持的项目,由贡献者领导。这些项目由一个庞大的社群开发,这个社群的成员以自己的不懈努力,提供并维护自由、开放源码的软件和开放的标准。Fedora 项目的核心,是一个操作系统和平台,基于 Linux,允许任何人自由地使用、修改和重发布,无论现在还是将来。
上传时间: 2017-03-30
LINUX 全系列从安装到架站管理教学文件 共197个教学文件,包含: linux 208招 Linux Kemel 核心 Linux X Window应用问答 Linux 使用小技巧 Linux 指令大全 LINUX 文件系统介绍 Linux 系统设定 Linux 系统命令 Linux的安装 Linux的快技法 Linux是什么 Linux常用软体说明 RED Hat Linux SuSE Linux安装 硬体Q&A 程式教学....
上传时间: 2017-04-27
This tutorial explains how to communicate with IO devices on the DE2 Board and how to deal with interrupts using C and the Altera Monitor Program. Two example programs are given that diplay the state of the toggle switches on the RED LEDs. The fi rst program uses the programmed I/O approach and the second program uses interrupts.
标签: with communicate how tutorial
上传时间: 2013-12-13
This application report discusses the design of non-invasive optical plethysmography also called as pulsoximeter using the MSP430FG437 Microcontroller (MCU). The pulsoximeter consists of a peripheral probe combined with the MCU displaying the oxygen saturation and pulse rate on a LCD glass. The same sensor is used for both heart-rate detection and pulsoximetering in this application. The probe is placed on a peripheral point of the body such as a finger tip, ear lobe or the nose. The probe includes two light emitting diodes (LEDs), one in the visible RED spectrum (660nm) and the other in the infraRED spectrum (940nm). The percentage of oxygen in the body is worked by measuring the intensity from each frequency of light after it transmits through the body and then calculating the ratio between these two intensities.
标签: plethysmography non-invasive application discusses
上传时间: 2014-01-17
基于TCP的控制台下局域网ftp(C/S),能够实现简单ftp命令。具有简单的客户端身份认证功能。内含简单的makefile文件,用记事本打开,可初步参考学习makefile。另外,对于linux环境下Socket编程爱好者,此文件是初级学习阶段不错的参考资料代码。 开发测试环境:RED Hat Linux 3.2.2-5 编译工具:gcc 3.2.2 20030222
上传时间: 2014-08-30
Anthony s book is easily the most complete treatment of eCos system development. I believe it is destined to become part of every eCos developer s library." —Michael Tiemann, CTO, RED Hat Software and Co-founder of Cygnus Solutions
标签: development treatment complete Anthony
上传时间: 2014-01-10