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  • It is the code for implementing the project titled "The RECONFIGURABLE Instruction Cell Array(IEEE 2

    It is the code for implementing the project titled "The RECONFIGURABLE Instruction Cell Array(IEEE 2008)".

    标签: RECONFIGURABLE implementing Instruction the

    上传时间: 2017-05-17


  • 动态可重构FPGA的布局布线算法研究

    可编程逻辑芯片特别是现场可编程门阵列(Field-Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)芯片的快速发展,使得新的芯片能够根据具体应用动态地调整结构以获得更好的性能,这类芯片称为动态可重构FPGA芯片(Dynamically RECONFIGURABLEFPGA,DRFPGA)。然而,使用这类芯片构建的可重构系统在实际应用前还有许多问题需要解决。一个基本的问题就是动态可重构FPGA芯片中的可重构功能单元(RECONFIGURABLE Functional Unit,RFU)的模块布局问题和模块间的布线问题。 本文从基本的FPGA芯片结构和CAD算法谈起,介绍了可重构计算的概念,建立了可重构计算系统模型和动态可重构FPGA芯片模型,在此模型上提出一个基于划分和时延驱动的在线布局算法,和一个基于Pathfinder协商拥塞算法的布线算法,来解决动态可重构FPGA芯片的布局和布线问题。由硬件描述语言(Hardware Description Language,HDL)描述的电路首先被划分成有限数目的层,然后将这些电路层布局到芯片的每一层,同时确保关键路径的时延最小。实验结果表明,布局算法与传统的布局算法(或者文献[37]中的算法)相比,在时延上平均减少27%,在线长上平均减少34%(或者11%),在运行时间上平均减少42%(或者97%)。布线算法与传统的布线算法相比,能够将线长降低26%,将水平通道宽度降低27%,显示出较高的性能。

    标签: FPGA 动态可重构 布局布线 算法研究

    上传时间: 2013-05-24


  • 螺旋桨PID控制 In response to constant pressure to design more efficient, faster, smaller, and better sys

    螺旋桨PID控制 In response to constant pressure to design more efficient, faster, smaller, and better systems, engineers are constantly looking for ways to improve existing designs or replace them with better ones. Facing large fuel costs, the aerospace industry in particular has been researching alternative designs to increase fuel efficiency and performance. One such alternative is the development of RECONFIGURABLE aircraft wings. These wings would be able to adapt to the current environment increasing lift or reducing drag when appropriate.

    标签: efficient response constant pressure

    上传时间: 2016-11-22


  • 1.an fpga implementation of the image space reconstruction algorithm for hyperspectral imaging analy

    1.an fpga implementation of the image space reconstruction algorithm for hyperspectral imaging analysis 2. fpga implemention of a median filter 3. fpga implementation of digital filters 4.hardware acceleration of edge detection algorithm on fpgas 5.implementation and evaluation of image processing algorithms on RECONFIGURABLE architecture using C-based hardware descriptive languages 6. implementing 2D median filter in fpgas 7.视频图像处理与分析的网络资源

    标签: implementation reconstruction hyperspectral algorithm

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • 本文讨论半导体产品特征循环及其对产品技术发展的 启示 。分析指出

    本文讨论半导体产品特征循环及其对产品技术发展的 启示 。分析指出,半导体产品的主特征一直遵循着“通用” 与“专用”交替发展,每十年波动一次,目前正进入以嵌入 式可编程SoC为特征的专用(可称为专用可编程产品,ASPP波动阶段。同时还指出了牧村浪潮与我们提出的“半导体产品特征循环”的共同点与分歧。根据预测,半导体产品将在ASPP发展中,向用户可重构片上系统(U-SoC, User-RECONFIGURABLE SoC)方向发展,进入传统硅微电子技术的最后一次通用波动。文中最后分析了可重构计算的发展现状和存在的问题,以及今后的发展方向。

    标签: 半导体 产品特征 循环

    上传时间: 2017-05-27


  • The use of FPGAs for cryptographic applications is highly attractive for a variety of reasons but at

    The use of FPGAs for cryptographic applications is highly attractive for a variety of reasons but at the same time there are many open issues related to the general security of FPGAs. This contribution attempts to provide a state-of-the-art description of this topic. First, the advantages of RECONFIGURABLE hardware for cryptographic applications are discussed from a systems perspective. Second, potential security problems of FPGAs are described in detail, followed by a proposal of a some countermeasure. Third, a list of open research problems is provided. Even though there have been many contributions dealing with the algorithmic aspects of cryptographic schemes implemented on FPGAs, this contribution appears to be the first comprehensive treatment of system and security aspects.

    标签: cryptographic applications attractive for

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • RECONFIGURABLE+Mobile+Radio+Systems

    Digital mobile wireless communication and the Internet have undergone a fantastic growth in the last few years and, despite originating from two different worlds, they are converging. This convergence corresponds to the evolution of mobile systems towards the highest broadband data transmissions (GSM, EDGE/GPRS, UMTS then HSDPA), while the computing world gets equipped with wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi or Wi-Max.

    标签: RECONFIGURABLE Systems Mobile Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Software+Defined+Radio

    Until the mid-1990s most readers would probably not have even come across the term soft- ware defined radio (SDR), let alone had an idea what it referred to. Since then SDR has made the transition from obscurity to mainstream, albeit still with many different understandings of the terms – software radio, software defined radio, software based radio, RECONFIGURABLE radio.

    标签: Software Defined Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Software+Radio

    Software Radio (SR) is one of the most important emerging technologies for the future of wireless communication services. By moving radio functionality into software, it promises to give flexible radio systems that are multi-service, multi- standard, multi-band, RECONFIGURABLE and reprogrammable by software. Today’s radios are matched to a particular class of signals that are well defined bytheircarrierfrequencies,modulationformatsandbandwidths.Aradiotransmitter today can only up convert signals with well-defined bandwidths over defined center frequencies, while, on the other side of the communication chain, a radio receiver can only down convert well-defined signal bandwidths, transmitted over specified carrier frequencies.

    标签: Software Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+Communication+Circuits+and+Systems

    This book is concerned with integrated circuits and systems for wireless and mobile communications. Circuit techniques and implementation of RECONFIGURABLE low-voltage and low-power single-chip CMOS transceivers for multiband and multi- mode universal wireless communications are the focus of the book. Applications encompass both long-range mobile cellular communications (GSM and UMTS) and short-range wireless LANs (IEEE802.11 and Bluetooth). Recent advances in research into transceiver architecture, RF frontend, analogue baseband, RF CAD and automatic testing are reported. 

    标签: Communication Wireless Circuits Systems and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
