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  • 多路温度采集及监控系统的设计

    介绍一种基于单片机的多路温度采集及监控系统,能够测量6路温度信号,具有计算机联网功能,各测量点可以单独监控和设置,可根据用户的需求自动控制。测量温度范围为-10 ℃~200 ℃,控制方式采用模拟量调压模式。该系统具有控制精度高、冲击小等特点。 Abstract:  A temperature collecting and surveillance-controlling system based on sing-chip microcomputer is introduced. It can measure 6 channel signal of the temperature,and it has a function of network connection.The temperature measure points can be monitored and located, it can be controlled automatic according to user’s demand.The temperature RANGE is -10℃ to 200℃.The model of control is adjustable voltage with simulation. It features high precision and little impact.

    标签: 多路 温度采集 监控系统

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • 基于C8051F930的管道温度压力远程监测系统

       为解决输油管道温度压力参数实时监测的问题,设计了以C8051F930单片机作为控制核心的超低功耗输油管道温度压力远程监测系统。现场仪表使用高精度电桥采集数据,通过433 MHz短距离无线通信网络与远程终端RTU进行通信,RTU通过GPRS网络与PC上位机进行远程数据传输,在上位机中实现数据存储和图形化界面显示,从而实现输油管道温度压力参数的实时监测和异常报警。经实验证明,该系统的12位数据采集精度满足设计要求,漏码率小于1%,正常工作时间超过5个月,能实时有效地监测输油管道的温度压力参数,节省大量人工成本,有效预防管道参数异常造成的经济损失和环境污染。 Abstract:  In order to solve the problems on real-time monitoring of pipeline temperature and pressure parameters, the ultra-low power remote pipeline temperature and pressure monitoring system was designed by using the single chip processor C8051F930 as the control core. The high-precision electric bridge was used in field instruments for data collection, the 433MHz short-RANGE wireless communication network was used to make communication between field instrument and RTU, the GPRS was used by the RTU to transmit data to the PC host computer, and the data was stored and displayed in the PC host computer, so the real-time monitoring and exception alerts of pipeline temperature and pressure parameters were achieved. The experiment proves that the system of which error rate is less than 1% over five months working with the 12-bit data acquisition accuracy can effectively monitor the pipeline temperature and pressure parameters in real time, it saves a lot of labor costs and effectively prevents environmental pollution and economic losses caused by abnormal channel parameters.

    标签: C8051F930 温度 压力 远程监测系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • PCF2116系列LCD驱动器芯片简介及封装库

    1 FEATURES· Single chip LCD controller/driver· 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line· 5 ′ 7 character format plus cursor; 5 ′ 8 for kana(Japanese syllabary) and user defined symbols· On-chip:– generation of LCD supply voltage (external supplyalso possible)– generation of intermediate LCD bias voltages– oscillator requires no external components (externalclock also possible)· Display data RAM: 80 characters· Character generator ROM: 240 characters· Character generator RAM: 16 characters· 4 or 8-bit parallel bus or 2-wire I2C-bus interface· CMOS/TTL compatible· 32 row, 60 column outputs· MUX rates 1 : 32 and 1 : 16· Uses common 11 code instruction set· Logic supply voltage RANGE, VDD - VSS: 2.5 to 6 V· Display supply voltage RANGE, VDD - VLCD: 3.5 to 9 V· Low power consumption· I2C-bus address: 011101 SA0.

    标签: 2116 PCF LCD 驱动器芯片

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • SN65LBC170,SN75LBC170,pdf(TRIP

    The SN65LBC170 and SN75LBC170 aremonolithic integrated circuits designed forbidirectional data communication on multipointbus-transmission lines. Potential applicationsinclude serial or parallel data transmission, cabledperipheral buses with twin axial, ribbon, ortwisted-pair cabling. These devices are suitablefor FAST-20 SCSI and can transmit or receivedata pulses as short as 25 ns, with skew lessthan 3 ns.These devices combine three 3-state differentialline drivers and three differential input linereceivers, all of which operate from a single 5-Vpower supply.The driver differential outputs and the receiverdifferential inputs are connected internally to formthree differential input/output (I/O) bus ports thatare designed to offer minimum loading to the buswhenever the driver is disabled or VCC = 0. Theseports feature a wide common-mode voltage RANGEmaking the device suitable for party-lineapplications over long cable runs.

    标签: 170 LBC SN TRIP

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • FREERTOS的官方移植文档

    FeaturesThe following standard features are provided.• Choice of RTOS scheduling policy1. Pre-emptive:Always runs the highest available task. Tasks of identical priorityshare CPU time (fully pre-emptive with round robin time slicing).2. Cooperative:Context switches only occur if a task blocks, or explicitly callstaskYIELD().• Co-routines (light weight tasks that utilise very little RAM).• Message queues• Semaphores [via macros]• Trace visualisation ability (requires more RAM)• Majority of source code common to all supported development tools• Wide RANGE of ports and examples

    标签: FREERTOS 移植 文档

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • SJA1000 Stand-alone CAN contro

    The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a serial, asynchronous, multi-master communication protocol forconnecting electronic control modules, sensors and actuators in automotive and industrial applications.With the SJA1000, Philips Semiconductors provides a stand-alone CAN controller which is more than a simpleeplacement of the PCA82C200.Attractive features are implemented for a wide RANGE of applications, supporting system optimization, diagnosisand maintenance.

    标签: Stand-alone contro 1000 SJA

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • Using the P82B715 I2C extender

    The P82B715 I2C Buffer was designed toextend the RANGE of the local I2C bus out to50 Meters. This application note describesthe results of testing the buffer on severaldifferent types of cables to determine themaximum operating distances possible. Theresults are summarized in a table for easyreference.

    标签: extender P82B715 Using I2C

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • 状态机设计

    状态机设计:8.1.1 数据类型定义语句TYPE语句的用法如下:TYPE 数据类型名IS 数据类型定义OF 基本数据类型;或TYPE 数据类型名IS 数据类型定义;TYPE st1 IS ARRAY ( 0 TO 15 ) OF STD_LOGIC ;TYPE week IS (sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat) ; 8.1.1 数据类型定义语句TYPE m_state IS ( st0,st1,st2,st3,st4,st5 ) ;SIGNAL present_state,next_state : m_state ;TYPE BOOLEAN IS (FALSE,TRUE) ;TYPE my_logic IS ( '1' ,'Z' ,'U' ,'0' ) ;SIGNAL s1 : my_logic ;s1 <= 'Z' ;SUBTYPE 子类型名IS 基本数据类型RANGE 约束范围;SUBTYPE digits IS INTEGER RANGE 0 to 9 ;

    标签: 状态

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • XAPP520将符合2.5V和3.3V I/O标准的7系列FPGA高性能I/O Bank进行连接

    XAPP520将符合2.5V和3.3V I/O标准的7系列FPGA高性能I/O Bank进行连接  The I/Os in Xilinx® 7 series FPGAs are classified as either high RANGE (HR) or high performance (HP) banks. HR I/O banks can be operated from 1.2V to 3.3V, whereas HP I/O banks are optimized for operation between 1.2V and 1.8V. In circumstances that require an HP 1.8V I/O bank to interface with 2.5V or 3.3V logic, a RANGE of options can be deployed. This application note describes methodologies for interfacing 7 series HP I/O banks with 2.5V and 3.3V systems

    标签: XAPP FPGA Bank 520

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 各种功能的计数器实例(VHDL源代码)

    各种功能的计数器实例(VHDL源代码):ENTITY counters IS  PORT  (   d  : IN  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   clk  : IN BIT;   clear : IN BIT;   ld  : IN BIT;   enable : IN BIT;   up_down : IN BIT;   qa  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   qb  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   qc  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   qd  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   qe  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   qf  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   qg  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   qh  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;   qi  : OUT  INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255;

    标签: VHDL 计数器 源代码

    上传时间: 2014-11-30
