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  • MATLAB Simulations for RADAR Systems Design

    MATLAB Simulations for RADAR Systems Design,此书附带源程序

    标签: Simulations Systems MATLAB Design

    上传时间: 2017-09-13


  • RADAR equation for target estimation

    RADAR equation for target estimation

    标签: estimation equation target RADAR

    上传时间: 2017-09-17


  • MATLAB Code : For MATLAB programmers, this code is to implement the tracking algorithm of a RADAR,

    MATLAB Code : For MATLAB programmers, this code is to implement the tracking algorithm of a RADAR, in the Matlab environment

    标签: MATLAB programmers algorithm implement

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • Introduction to RADAR target recognition

    Introduction to RADAR target recognition,IET雷达目标识别电子书

    标签: Introduction recognition target RADAR to

    上传时间: 2018-05-08


  • Fundamentals+of+EM+Design+of+RADAR

    In the present era, low observability is one of the critical requirements in aerospace sector, especially related to defense. The stealth technology essentially relates to shaping and usage of RADAR absorbing materials (RAM) or RADAR absorbing struc- tures (RAS). The performance of such RADAR cross section (RCS) reduction tech- niques is limited by the bandwidth constraints, payload requirements, and other structural issues. Moreover, with advancement of materials science, the structure geometry no longer remains key decisive factor toward stealth.

    标签: Fundamentals Design RADAR of EM

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • 基于FPGA的机载二次雷达硬件系统

    二次雷达(Secondary Surveillance RADAR)是民航空中管制(Air Traffic Control)和军事敌我识别(Identification Friend or Foe)系统中的关键部分,由于这两个应用领域都要求很高的可靠性和稳定性,因此,二次雷达一直是国内外雷达信号处理领域的研究热点.传统的机载二次雷达应答器普遍采用中小规模集成电路和分立元件设计,其稳定性和可靠性差,实时处理能力也很有限,无法完成高密度、大容量的应答.针对这些缺陷,本论文提出一种全新的应答数字信号处理器硬件结构,即FPGA+DSP的混合结构.这种硬件体系结构的特点是可靠性高,集成度高,通用性强,适于模块化设计,处理速度快,能实时处理多个应答信号,以及进行置信度分析和生成报表.此项目中,本文作者主要负责FPGA部分硬件设计.FPGA主要完成双通道数据采集、产生视频信号和旁瓣抑制信号、计算当前飞机相对本地接收天线的方位和距离、与DSP实时交换数据、上传报表等功能.论文详细分析了接收机信号处理算法在FPGA中的硬件实现方案,在提高系统可靠性、坚固性以及FPGA资源的合理利用方面做了深入的探讨.同时给出不同层次关键模块的HDL实现及其时序仿真结果.

    标签: FPGA 机载 二次雷达 硬件系统

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 基于AVR的新型防汽车追尾安全装置设计

    针对目前汽车追尾事件频发问题,提出一种防汽车车前和车后追尾的安全装置设计。该设计以高性能、低功耗的8位AVR微处理器ATmega8L为核心,结合霍尔式车速传感器、激光雷达测距装置和MMA7260QT加速度传感器,能够兼顾车前和车后,摒弃以往设计中只考虑车前或车后单一性缺点,尤其适用于高速、夜晚或新手行车。 Abstract:  Aiming at the high frequency of vehicle rear-end collision,a safe device design of anti-vehicle rear-end collision is presented.In the design,the high-performance,low-power8-bit AVR microprocessor ATmega8L is utilized as a core combined with Hall-type speed sensor,laser-RADAR ranging devices and the acceleration sensor MMA7260QT.The design considers both the front and back of a car,and overcomes the drawbacks of former designs in which only the front or the back of the car is considered,so it is especially suitable for high-speed,night or the beginner’s driving.

    标签: AVR 汽车追尾 装置

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • 基于DSP的车载雷达测速系统设计

    针对运行中火车测速运用多普勒效应采用DSP 设计雷达测速系统并阐述了其基本设计思想与工作原理给出系统硬件软件设计结构和原理图改善了原有光电测速精度提高了系统工作稳定性和可靠性经实验证明DSP 采集板工作稳定测速效果好关键词DSP; 雷达测速; 多普勒效应 On Board DSP-Based RADAR Speed Measurement System TANG Wei, SUN Zhi-fang, CHEN Quan (Dept.of computer Science,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434023,China)Abstract: This paper presents a DSP-based train speed measurement by using Doppler RADAR. The structure of the system is introduced.The hardware and software are also discussed.Key words: DSP; rader speed measurement; doppler principle

    标签: DSP 车载 系统设计 雷达测速

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • 文件是雷达设计使用的matlab源代码

    文件是雷达设计使用的matlab源代码,其参考的是书籍《RADAR design with matlab》

    标签: matlab 雷达设计 源代码

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • describes the most common terms used in RADARsystems, such as range, range resolution, Doppler frequ

    describes the most common terms used in RADARsystems, such as range, range resolution, Doppler frequency, and coherency. The second part of this chapter develops the RADAR range equation in many of its forms. This presentation includes the low PRF, high PRF,search, bistatic RADAR, and RADAR equation with jamming.

    标签: range RADARsystems resolution describes

    上传时间: 2015-08-05
