迭代法求最佳阈值 图像为baboon.bmp 分别对R,G,B三个颜色求阈值,进行分割
上传时间: 2017-09-10
上传时间: 2017-09-12
f you have not registered, Please [regist first].You should upload at least five sourcecodes/documents. (upload 5 files, you can download 200 files). Webmaster will activate your member account after checking your files. If you do not want to upload source code, you can join the [VIP member] to
标签: sourcecodes registered documen Please
上传时间: 2017-09-13
f you have not registered, Please [regist first].You should upload at least five sourcecodes/documents. (upload 5 files, you can download 200 files). Webmaster will activate your member account after checking your files. If you do not want to upload source code, you can join the [VIP member] to
标签: sourcecodes registered documen Please
上传时间: 2014-01-16
本文档是关于C语言常见问题解答。以及如何来编写更具移植性和可读性的高效程序。 本书 【作者】[美]Paul S.R. Chisholm 译:张芳妮 吕 波。是编程者必须得!
上传时间: 2014-01-17
matlab标准遗传算法 优化函数为f=-(x-1)^2+4,其中,0<=x<=3
上传时间: 2014-01-20
设有二元函数 f(x,y) = f(x) + f(y) 其中:f(x) = f(x-1) * x (x>1) f(x) = 1 (x=1) f(y) = f(y-1) * f(y-2) (y>2) f(y) = 1 (y=1,2) 请编程建立3个并发协作进程,它们分别完成f(x,y),f(x),f(y)
上传时间: 2017-09-18
gfhff g f f gks fdg sljdflgj sfdgs ldjf gs df g sfd
上传时间: 2017-09-26
dshfghfhhgsfgfghfhfghgfhfghfgh fg hfg hh ghghf hgf hghg gh fg hg hfg hfh f hg hgfh gkjh kjkh g yj fgh fh hh fhfg hf fg hf hfg h ghfghfg hfh fh f hfgh fgfgg jhgkj gflsdrflokjhgfd lkjhgflkjnhbv,mnbvdshfghfhhgsfgfghfhfghgfhfghfgh fg hfg hh ghghf hgf hghg gh fg hg hfg hfh f hg hgfh gkjh kjkh g yj fgh fh hh fhfg hf fg hf hfg h ghfghfg hfh fh f hfgh fgfgg jhgkj gflsdrflokjhgfd lkjhgflkjnhbv,mnbvdshfghfhhgsfgfghfhfghgfhfghfgh fg hfg hh ghghf hgf hghg gh fg hg hfg hfh f hg hgfh gkjh kjkh g yj fgh fh hh fhfg hf fg hf hfg h ghfghfg hfh fh f hfgh fgfgg jhgkj gflsdrflokjhgfd lkjhgflkjnhbv,mnbvdshfghfhhgsfgfghfhfghgfhfghfgh fg hfg hh ghghf hgf hghg gh fg hg hfg hfh f hg hgfh gkjh kjkh g yj fgh fh hh fhfg hf fg hf hfg h ghfghfg hfh fh f hfgh fgfgg jhgkj gflsdrflokjhgfd lkjhgflkjnhbv,mnbv
标签: dshfghfhhgsfgfghfhfghgfhfghfgh hfg ghghf fg
上传时间: 2017-09-26
Cubic spline algorithm approximating function y=f(x) - ((-2)*x*(2*x+3))/(x*x+4*x+5) in interval [-2 2]
标签: approximating algorithm function interval
上传时间: 2013-12-05