Generate Possion Dis. step1:Generate a random number between [0,1] step2:Let u=F(x)=1-[(1/e)x] step3:Slove x=1/F(u) step4:Repeat Step1~Step3 by using different u,you can get x1,x2,x3,...,xn step5:If the first packet was generated at time [0], than the second packet will be generated at time [0+x1],The third packet will be generated at time [0+x1+x2], and so on …. Random-number generation 1.static method random from class Math -Returns doubles in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0 2.class Random from package java.util -Can produce pseudorandom boolean, byte, float, double, int, long and Gaussian values -Is seeded with the current time of day to generate different sequences of numbers each time the program executes
标签: Generate Possion between random
上传时间: 2017-05-25
induction machine closed loor v/f control simulink model
标签: induction simulink control machine
上传时间: 2014-01-22
closed loop rotor v/f control of induction machine - simulink model
标签: induction simulink control machine
上传时间: 2014-01-16
上传时间: 2014-11-12
ATmaga128单片机数码管显示程序 可以在任意位显示(0到f)的任意数字字符
上传时间: 2017-06-02
Factor factor[简明英汉词典] [ˈ fæ ktə ] n. 1 因素, 要素 2 〈数〉因子, 因数 词条指正 - Google 搜索
上传时间: 2014-01-15
了解DES对称编码方式的工作机制 2.了解各子函数的实现过程(包括设置密钥、f 函数、S 盒代替变换等)
上传时间: 2017-06-07
上传时间: 2017-06-10
f一个完整的实验是管理系统、 非常好用
上传时间: 2013-12-16
生成Trick文件工具 1.Open command line 2.input tricktest Usage: TrickTest -f -o -i -f source mpeg2 file to trick -o trick output directory -i output file id -m max coding error, default 0 -b max bitrate for trick generate, default 0 mean no limit -s trick buffer block size, must be n*188 -l log file, default c:\tricktest.log example: tricktest -f 黑鹰行动.mpg -o c:\temp -i A -m 1000 -b 3750000 soure file: 黑鹰行动.mpg output directory: c:\temp filename: 000000A,000000A.ff,,000000A.vvx max coding error: 1000 trick generation speed: 3750000 bps a
标签: TrickTest tricktest command source
上传时间: 2014-01-23