世界知名的算法书——《Introduction To Algorithm》地中文版,现在已经绝迹,放在这里供大家享用!
标签: Introduction Algorithm To 算法
上传时间: 2015-05-10
This book focuses primarily on XML itself. It covers the fundamental rules that all XML documents and authors must adhere to, whether a web designer uses SMIL to add animations to web pages or a C++ programmer uses SOAP to exchange serialized objects with a remote database. This book also covers generic supporting technologies that have been layered on top of XML and are used across a wide range of XML applications.
标签: fundamental XML documents primarily
上传时间: 2014-01-14
This book is about using Python to get jobs done on Windows.This intended to be a practical book focused on tasks. It doesn t aim to teach Python programming, although we do provide a brief tutorial. Instead, it aims to cover:How Python works on Windows The key integration technologies supported by Python on Windows, such as the Win32 extensions, which let you call the Windows API, and the support for COM Examples in many topic areas showing what Python can do and how to put it to work.
标签: This book practical intended
上传时间: 2015-05-10
EJB is a very good book to sutdy JBuild
上传时间: 2014-11-30
how to use the sybase database ,this is the use of pdf
上传时间: 2015-05-11
Mysql short course 1. Introduction to MySQL 2. MySQL and PHP 3. Database Queries 4. The Contacts Database – HTML, PHP and MySQL code
标签: MySQL Introduction Database Contact
上传时间: 2015-05-11
This code ports the uC/OS operating system by Jean LaBrosse to the TI TMS320C2xx family of DSP s.
上传时间: 2014-11-27
this is a java api,can help JAVAProgramers to study well.
标签: JAVAProgramers study this help
上传时间: 2015-05-12
lex and yacc, trying to identify the different words
标签: different identify trying words
上传时间: 2013-12-23
ABAQUS is a general purpose finite element analysis program which is widely used to analyses mechanical, structure and civil engineering problems. Abaqus has some special feature for analysing fracture mechanics problems, and therefore it is a main tools for the FE-analysis in the Fracture Group at the Mechanical Engineering at Glasgow Universtity. The software which can transfer data from Abaqus into a Matlab readable environment has been developed as a part of a research program in Constraint Estimation in Fracture Mechanics. This research program was funded by a grant from the Defence Research Agency through Prof. J. Sumpter.
标签: analysis analyses general element
上传时间: 2015-05-13