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  • ProfessiOnal+Live+Communications+Server

    If you would like to follow along with some of the steps outlined in this book, we recommend that you deploy Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 on a physical or virtual server running Microsoft Windows Server 2003. To run Communicator 2005, you will need a physical or virtual PC running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. To fully test Microsoft Office integration with Communicator 2005, you need to be running Microsoft Office 2003 with Service Pack 2.

    标签: Communications ProfessiOnal Server Live

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Radio+Spectrum+Management

    An understanding of the policies, regulations, standards and techniques of radio spectrum management is useful to those who manage and administrate it, to operators, to equipment providers and to the users of wireless communication (i.e., all of us). For many years the author has been deeply involved in ruling the RF spectrum at the national, regional and global levels. The book is based on the ProfessiOnal experience of the author, his academic courses, presenta- tions and tutorials in five continents. The book reflects this legacy and will be of use to engineers, lawyers and economists, who serve the global industry of the wireless world; in it they may find solutions to the problems they frequently encounter.

    标签: Management Spectrum Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • The Complete Wireless Communications

    When thinking about mobile radio engineers there is a tendency to assume that the engineering function relates solely to the technical aspects of the network, such as the equipment design or the network design. That is certainly a key part of the role of a mobile radio engineer. However,increasinglyengineersarerequiredtointeractwithprofession- als from other divisions. The “complete wireless ProfessiOnal” should know about mobile networks; fixed networks; other types of mobile systems; regulatory and government policy; the requirements of the users; and financial, legal, and marketing issues.

    标签: Communications Complete Wireless The

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • The+Complete+Wireless+Communications+ProfessiOnal

    When thinking about mobile radio engineers there is a tendency to assume that the engineering function relates solely to the technical aspects of the network, such as the equipment design or the network design. That is certainly a key part of the role of a mobile radio engineer. However,increasinglyengineersarerequiredtointeractwithprofession- als from other divisions.

    标签: Communications ProfessiOnal Complete Wireless The

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Theory+and+Applications+of+OFDM+and+CDMA

    Wireless communication has become increasingly important not only for ProfessiOnal appli- cations but also for many fields in our daily routine and in consumer electronics. In 1990, a mobile telephone was still quite expensive, whereas today most teenagers have one, and they use it not only for calls but also for data transmission. More and more computers use wireless local area networks (WLANs), and audio and television broadcasting has become digital.

    标签: Applications and Theory OFDM CDMA of

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Pro Arduino

    Since its release, Arduino has become more than just a development platform; it has become a culture built around the idea of open source and open hardware, and one that is reimagining computer science and education. Arduino has opened hardware development by making the starting skills easy to obtain, but retaining the complexities of real-world application. This combination makes Arduino a perfect environment for school students, seasoned developers, and designers. This is the first Arduino book to hold the title of “Pro,” and demonstrates skills and concepts that are used by developers in a more advanced setting. Going beyond projects, this book provides examples that demonstrate concepts that can be easily integrated into many different projects and provide inspiration for future ones. The focus of this book is as a transition from the intermediate to the ProfessiOnal.

    标签: Arduino Pro

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Power Electronics And Motor Drives Advances

    I am presenting this novel book on advances and trends in power electronics and motor drives to the ProfessiOnal community with the expectation that it will be given the same wide and enthusiastic acceptance by practicing engineers, R&D ProfessiOnals, univer- sity professors, and even graduate students that my other books in this area have. Unlike the traditional books available in the area of power electronics, this book has a unique presentation format that makes it convenient for group presentations that use Microsoft’s PowerPoint software. In fact, a disk is included that has a PowerPoint file on it that is ready for presentation with the core figures. Presentations can also be organized using just selected portions of the book

    标签: Electronics Advances Drives Power Motor And

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 电梯仿真(Elevator Simulation) 实验指导书

    ees实验指导书本实验指导书主要针对电梯仿真设备(Elevator Simulation, EET),详细描述了基于西门子S7-1200对其进行控制的过程。 实验过程中,使用西门子博途(TIA Portal)软件中的STEP7 ProfessiOnal V13和WINCC ProfessiOnal V13完成控制程序的编写和监控画面的组态,指导书中给出了实验的具体操作步骤。若使用博途STEP7 Basic V13和WINCC Basic V13,此实验指导书同样适用。无论ProfessiOnal版,还是Advanced版,其与Basic版最大的区别在于,ProfessiOnal版(或Advanced版)除了含了Basic版的功能外,可扩充性比Basic版强。 本实验指导书的实验设计本着循序渐进的原则,由浅入深。认真完成指导书中所列实验,有助于帮助学员更好的掌握电梯的控制及日常运行管理的知识。 指导书中所提供的实验也具有良好的扩展性,学员可利用所具备的系统平台对所提供的实验进行合理创新,以达到更好地学习目的。

    标签: 电梯仿真

    上传时间: 2022-07-21


  • 开关电源PCB布局布线 教材

    开关电源PCB布局布线教材, 开关电源的PCB设计(布局、排版、走线)规范.pdf_电子/电路_工程科技_专业资料。比较详细的讲述了PCB布线的一些小技巧 。Specification for PCB design (layout, layout and routing) of | switch power supply. Pdf_ electronics/circuits _ engineering technology _ ProfessiOnal information. More detailed about the PCB wiring some tips

    标签: 开关电源 pcb

    上传时间: 2022-07-27


  • VIP专区-单片机源代码精选合集系列(21)

    eeworm.com VIP专区 单片机源码系列 21资源包含以下内容:1. 电子钟完整版.RAR2. 数码管实现ds18b20显示.zip3. 基于51单片机的无线遥控小车.doc4. CCP实现周期测量PIC单片机.zip5. Keil 软件公司 8051单片机软件开发工具介绍.pdf6. DS12C887电子时钟详细教程.doc7. c代码+proteus仿真报警与旋转灯.zip8. 点阵风扇程序.doc9. 交通灯c语言代码和proteus仿真电路图.zip10. LED点阵显示程序(带汉字移动).doc11. 单片机显卡——(VGA控制板).doc12. EL89C电路应用系列.pdf13. 32x32摇摆LED资料.rar14. 读IO用按钮控制点灯.pdf15. MSP430常用模块设置流程.pdf16. 24x24摇摆LED资料.rar17. 跑马灯试验.pdf18. 单片机STC89C51RC.pdf19. 51单片机基础教程.pdf20. 单片机控制一个LED灯的亮和灭.pdf21. 顺时针.逆时针时钟程序.doc22. 如何编写STC单片机的ISP协议.doc23. LED点阵的初步学习.pdf24. 16X16点阵翻页程序.doc25. 电子工艺实习原理图.pdf26. 16X16点阵上移程序.doc27. STC库文件+STC89头文件.rar28. 新唐2013年最新的MCU选型表.pdf29. 点阵时钟程序.doc30. 51单片机230个Proteus仿真实例.rar31. 单片机的计算器——汇编.doc32. Keil与proteus完美结合教程.pdf33. 51单片机C语言教程实例代码.doc34. STC单片机系列头文件.rar35. 51单片机驱动LCD1602程序设计(C语言).doc36. 完整版数字化语音存储与回放系统设计(附带程序).doc37. 两轮自平衡小车.ppt38. 51单片机教材.doc39. 单轴双轮自平衡车.doc40. Proteus与Keil快速集成.pdf41. 高级流水灯--水滴效果(渐变带拖尾效果)实现和讲解.pdf42. 带复位预置时钟.doc43. 51单片机C语言上手.pdf44. 2003智能小车(全国大学生电子设计竞赛).rar45. 项目驱动单片机应用设计基础.pdf46. Proteus中文入门教程.doc47. 51单片机C语言设计易学通.rar48. LCD5110汉字,图形显示.zip49. 单片机各种芯片原理.pdf50. STM32学前班教程之一.pdf51. 基于AT89C51单片机的LED彩灯控制器设计.doc52. 温度控制的PID算法的C语言程序.doc53. lcd12864串行方式显示“生日快乐”.doc54. 40秒倒计时.zip55. 自行车测速仿真.rar56. 10+0-99计数器proteus仿真.rar57. 电子密码锁仿真.zip58. GSM短信记录仪的设计及其预测功能的实现.pdf59. 电子密码锁程序.zip60. 52单片机定时器应用.doc61. SC52X开发板1.8寸SPI彩屏.zip62. 水滴实验(水滴变大下落,带拖尾效果).rar63. Freescale智能车入门手册(中文版).pdf64. MSP430_C语言例程注释详.pdf65. 定时器程序流程图.doc66. 基于PIC16F887单片机的数字钟课程设计报告.doc67. 单片机延时计算小程序.exe68. STM32自学笔记.doc69. 心型pcb_呼吸灯程序配合使用.rar70. 键盘识别程序设计.doc71. USBasp-win驱动及其他.rar72. 呼吸灯_心型led跳动效果.rar73. 简单计算器仿真.rar74. PIC单片机C语言教程.pdf75. c语言编译渐变流水灯.rar76. 4WD智能小车安装程序教程.rar77. AT89S52单片机开发板原理图.pdf78. Proteus 7 ProfessiOnal 51单片机入门教程.pdf79. 郭天祥_十天学通单片机_实验板所有课后作业+答案.doc80. 郭天祥源视频教程源程序.doc81. 单片机知识基础.ppt82. EPM240-570开发板原理图.pdf83. 高精度电子闹钟.pdf84. 共阳极流水灯仿真.rar85. AVR单片机仿真100例.rar86. 51单片机汇编语言教程 28讲 超级易接受.zip87. 共阳极流水灯程序.rar88. 51单片机通信协议.doc89. 基于8051单片机的嵌入式开发指南.pdf90. STC89C51RC-RD+_GUIDE-CHINESE.pdf91. 虾米I代51开发板原理图.rar92. k10ftm模块详解.doc93. zimo221单片机字模软件.exe94. 出租车计费系统----论文.doc95. 毕业设计之智能小车.zip96. 51单片机中断总结-马强.doc97. 用51单片机做手机重力感应遥控车.zip98. 温度监控完整代码.rar99. 用点阵图形液晶模块显示信号曲线.doc100. 防盗器资料(包含原理图、PCB、源程序).rar

    标签: 显示器技术

    上传时间: 2013-05-20
