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  • Nobel Prize Winner s Paper

    Nobel Prize Winner s Paper

    标签: Winner Nobel Prize Paper

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • A paper that I presented on Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) won the second Prize at

    A paper that I presented on Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) won the second Prize at the symposium conducted by the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department of the SRM University. Other topics on which I presented papers were Performance enhancement of wireless sensor networks using directional antennas, Smart card application and wireless communication. Also my research idea titled “Wavelet Based Image Compression Using SPIHT Algorithm “secured third Prize in a technical festival.

    标签: Supervisory Acquisition presented Control

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • Radio_Frequency_Modulation_Made_Easy

    By inventing the wireless transmitter or radio in 1897, the Italian physicist Tomaso Guglielmo Marconi added a new dimension to the world of communications. This enabled the transmission of the human voice through space without wires. For this epoch-making invention, this illustrious scientist was honored with the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909. Even today, students of wireless or radio technology remember this distinguished physicist with reverence. A new era began in Radio Communications.

    标签: Radio Frequency Modulation

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • (网盘)算法编程书籍大合集

    C算法(第一卷)-带目录.pdfC语言数值算法程序大全(第二版).pdfC语言经典算法大全.pdfff6f5d529e875d2bec2713adc98d25b477aa8a63.pdfIntroduction to Algorithms(3rd Edition).pdfMATLAB语言常用算法程序集.pdfNetflix Prize中的协同过滤算法.pdfp范数正则化支持向量机分类算法_刘建伟.pdf[数据结构与算法分析C.描述].(美国)Mark.Allen.Weiss.扫描版.pdf[程序语言的奥妙:算法解读(四色全彩)].(杉浦贤).李克秋.扫描版.pdf《算法导论(原书第3版)》.pdf【爱生活的程序员-气宗】算法导论(第三版).pdf【算法(第4版)迷你书】.pdf一种基于灰度变换的红外图像增强算法.pdf一种改进的支持向量机的文本分类算法.pdf一种静态图像压缩编码算法的改进.pdf个性化搜索引擎推荐算法研究.pdf分布式计算——原理、算法和系统.pdf十五个经典算法研究与总结、目录+索引by_July (1).pdf十五个经典算法研究与总结、目录+索引by_July.pdf十大滤波算法程序大全(Arduino精编无错版) - Powered by Discuz!.pdf图论及其算法.pdf基于模拟退火与遗传算法结合的神经网络图像分割.pdf大数据算法.PDF嵌入式系统软件设计中的常用算法 (周航慈 清晰.pdf支持向量机通俗导论(理解SVM的三层境界) - 结构之法 算法之道 - 博客频道 - CSDN.pdf支持向量机:理论、算法与拓展.pdf改进的基于DCT的自适应水印算法(重要).pdf数学建模MATLAB算法大全.pdf数学建模竞赛中应当掌握的十类算法.pdf数据挖掘十大算法(英).pdf数据结构与算法分析 C++描述(高清非扫描).pdf最优化理论与算法(第2版).pdf机器学习十大算法(9):朴素贝叶斯.pdf算法 英文版第4版  Robert Sedgewick .pdf.pdf算法(algorithm)手写代码必备手册(C++版).pdf算法导论(CLRS)笔记.p...

    标签: 算法

    上传时间: 2022-06-06
