symbian c++的HTTP联网,里面包括简单的get和Post请求
上传时间: 2014-06-29
Contents at a Glance Introduction 1 PART I INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION 5 Hour 1 Preparing to Install Linux 7 2 Installing Linux 23 3 Post-Installation Issues 41 PART II LEARNING LINUX BASICS 67 Hour 4 Reading and Navigation Commands 69 5 Manipulation and Searching Commands 93 6 Using the Shell 117 7 Using the X Window System 143 8 Exploring the K Desktop Environment 177 PART III CONNECTING TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD 197 Hour 9 Using Communications Programs 199 10 Connecting to the Internet 223 11 Configuring Internet Email 249 12 Configuring Internet News 269 13 Internet Downloading and Browsing 289
上传时间: 2013-12-27
HTTP客户端例子程序 用HTTP协议与WEB网站通信,实现基本的GET/Post消息交互。 主要功能: GET 网站上的页面、下载JPG文件等 Post 表单,包括上传文件。 分析部分常用的返回信息 主要用途: 实践GET/Post消息交互,根据网站的内容具体修改可以定制成专用的接口程序。 主要函数都没有用MFC,可以轻松移植到嵌入式系统。
上传时间: 2016-04-21
A .zip file contains a series of scripts that were used in the MathWorks webinar "Using MATLAB to Develop Portfolio Optimization Models." The scripts generate 3D efficient frontiers for a universe of 44 stocks with time as the third axis. Additional scripts perform various ex-ante and ex-Post analyses. Results are generated with and without market adjustments in the data. A readme.txt. file in the .zip folder describes each script and how to use it
标签: MathWorks contains scripts webinar
上传时间: 2014-01-04
This package provides a complete http client library. It currently implements most of the relevant parts of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols, including the request methods HEAD, GET, Post and PUT, and automatic handling of authorization, redirection requests, and cookies. Furthermore the included Codecs class contains coders and decoders for the base64, quoted-printable, URL-encoding, chunked and the multipart/form-data encodings. The whole thing is free, and licenced under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) (note that this is not the same as the GPL).
标签: implements currently complete provides
上传时间: 2014-01-16
利用网通的网关平台收(群)发手机短信,群发手机短信。 主要技术:Post HTTP 请求,MD5加密算法,XML文档解析,手机短信发送、接收,短信群发等。源代码已经封装好,并提供详细的测试代码,该程序也可以直接当作手机短信收发的小工具。
上传时间: 2016-05-27
This assessment creates an initial version of the auction project that allows user to register, login, and logout. Registered users can Post items (advertisements) for auction.
标签: assessment register creates auction
上传时间: 2013-12-22
一个自动投票的作弊工具。 近日单位服务明星投票,没办法,一个IP只能投两次。 本程序自动修改IP地址,并实现idhttp数据的Post自动提交,实现2次投票。1小时可以投200票左右。 大家可以修改一下,继续完善
上传时间: 2016-08-09
本程序运用access数据库,如要用sqlserver2000,需还原back下的数据库,数据库名为“图书馆管理系统“ 并在服务器端重建连接 1先运行接口程序scktsrvr.exe,用本程序提供广域网的连接 2运行server.exe 3最后运行客户端和管理的应用程序 为了数据不被册除,本程序只提供在数据集的Post方法,不提供Tclientdataset的appliupdate,若要此功能自己添加 说明,用户名为kai,登录密码为123
上传时间: 2014-01-23
上传时间: 2016-08-24