SMC takes a state machine stored in a .sm file and generates a State pattern in twelve programming languages. Includes: default transitions, transition args, transition guards, push/Pop transitions and Entry/Exit actions. See User Manual for more info.
标签: programming generates machine pattern
上传时间: 2013-12-25
上传时间: 2014-01-05
A user-space device driver can do many of the things that kernel drivers can t, such as perform a long-running computation, block while waiting for an event, or read files from the file system. Unlike kernel drivers, a user-space device driver can use other device drivers--that is, access the network, talk to a serial port, get interactive input from the user, Pop up GUI windows, or read from disks. User-space drivers implemented using FUSD can be much easier to debug it is impossible for them to crash the machine, are easily traceable using tools such as gdb, and can be killed and restarted without rebooting even if they become corrupted. FUSD drivers don t have to be in C--Perl, Python, or any other language that knows how to read from and write to a file descriptor can work with FUSD. User-space drivers can be swapped out, whereas kernel drivers lock physical memory.
标签: user-space can drivers perform
上传时间: 2014-01-01
用C实现栈的InitStack, empty, full, push, Pop, clear, getPop。的功能。
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Normally a list view is updated by a user directly by selecting a list view item and then editing or deleting it. New items are usually added at the bottom of the list. This works fine since the user knows which items have been changed or deleted and where the new items will Pop up. A drawback of it is that, if the list is sorted, then new items will not be displayed in a sorted way, instead they will be listed in the order of being created.
标签: list view selecting Normally
上传时间: 2017-07-02
GSM (Global System for Mobile communications: originally from Groupe Spécial Mobile) is the most Popular standard for mobile phones in the world. Its promoter, the GSM Association, estimates that 80 of the global mobile market uses the standard.[1] GSM is used by over 3 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories.[2][3] Its ubiquity makes international roaming very common between mobile phone operators, enabling subscribers to use their phones in many parts of the world
标签: Mobile communications originally Global
上传时间: 2017-07-15
按return键到后台,调用Popallform的时候,首先执行deactive form,这样在Pop栈顶form的时候,下一个form将不会收到active事件,缩短响应return key事件的时间
上传时间: 2017-07-19
上传时间: 2017-08-29
DATAS SEGMENT w dw 0 keybuf db 255 db 0 db 255 dup(0) ;定义键盘输入需要的缓冲区 DATAS ENDS STACKS SEGMENT db 200 dup(?) STACKS ENDS CODES SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODES,DS:DATAS,SS:STACKS START: MOV AX,DATAS MOV DS,AX mov dx,offset keybuf ;用0a号功能,输入一个字符串 mov ah,0ah ;用回车结束 int 21h mov dl,0ah ;再进行换行,以便在下一行显示转换后的字符串 mov ah,2 int 21h ; push ax ; push dx ; mov dl,cl ; mov ah,02 ; int 21h ; Pop dx ; Pop ax mov bx,offset keybuf+1 ;取出字符串的字符个数,作为循环的次数 mov cl,[bx] mov ch,0 mov ax,0 again: inc bx mov ax,[w] push bx mov bx,16 mul bx Pop bx ;是小写字母,则转换为大写字母 mov [w],ax mov dl,[bx] ;取出一个字符, cmp dl,'9' jbe lab1 cmp dl,'F' jbe lab2 sub dl,32 lab2: sub dl ,07h lab1: sub dl,30h add [w],dx loop again mov ax,[w] mov bx,-1 push bx mov bx,10 lab3 :mov dx,0 div bx push dx cmp ax,0 jnz lab3 lab5: Pop dx cmp dx,-1 jz lab4 add dl,30h mov ah,02 int 21h jmp lab5 ;循环,处理完整个字符串 lab4: MOV AH,4CH INT 21H CODES ENDS END START
标签: 汇编
上传时间: 2015-04-02
运行在Windows NT/2000/XP 下多线程方式对指定IP段(指定主机),或主机列表,进行漏洞、弱口令账号、匿名用户检测的工具,扫描项目包括name、port、ftp、ssh、telnet、smtp、finger、iis、cgi、Pop、rpc、ipc、imap、mssql、mysql、cisco、plugin...
上传时间: 2016-06-30