An article about How to Save Old Versions of Records Using MSSQL Server 2005 Xml Column
标签: Versions article Records Column
上传时间: 2014-01-02
A small tool to change the default source control provider client, so you can use SourceSafe, SourceOffsite, Workspaces etc, on the same machine
标签: SourceSafe provider default control
上传时间: 2015-10-17
Abstract:Noise frequency modulation(FM)jamming。which belongs to blanket jamming。is already become the main form ofnoise jamming at present。because the wideband was gained by it.Tne spectnlnl ofnoise FM jamming is analyzed by time domain autocorrelation method in this paper.It’S jamm g peculiarity and几out— putting signal’S jamming peculiarity ale explained.At last,these time series models ofnoise FM jalllIIling sig— nal and几outputting signal ale built.
标签: jamming modulation frequency Abstract
上传时间: 2015-10-17
This file is used to simulate performance of the FMT system with different modulation method in baseband。(该程序主要实现FMT系统差分编码下基带误码率分析!)
标签: performance modulation different simulate
上传时间: 2013-12-27
这是C++编程经典的书上实例的源代码。 (英文名是《C++ how to program》第3版),目前我正在看这本书,发现讲的非常好。把书和书中的源代码上传,和大家分享
上传时间: 2015-10-18
Manchester encoded receives, programs the Manchester encoded receiveusing the C language to accept the procedure, own should sometimesslightly revise
标签: Manchester encoded receiveusing the
上传时间: 2014-01-08
这个程序可以在该液晶模块上显示二行字符:Welcom To NCD, 此程序用8位数据线来驱动液晶
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Incorporating Prior Knowledge in Cubic Spline Approximation - Application to the Identification of Reaction Kinetic Models
标签: Identification Incorporating Approximation Application
上传时间: 2013-11-29
This collection of routines allows the Atmel AT89C5x and AT89Cx051 micro- controllers to read and write the AT25xxx family of serial CMOS EEPROMS.
标签: controllers collection and routines
上传时间: 2015-10-19
This sample demonstrates how to take pictures and videos using the CameraCaptureDialog managed API. If a default filename is used: - if a still picture is taken, the ".jpg" extension is appended to the default filename. (Otherwise the CameraCaptureDialog would throw an InvalidArgumentException). - if a video is recorded, null is passed to the CameraCaptureDialog as the default filename. The filename returned is then renamed to match the user entered filename while keeping the extension returned.
标签: CameraCaptureDialog demonstrates pictures managed
上传时间: 2013-12-15